Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 299
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Chapter 299

Mrs. Constance's face flushed as her eyes widened to the size of golf balls.

Since the other three families at the dining table were not so close to the Main Constance Family, noone helped put in a good word for Mrs. Constance despite witnessing her being reprimanded by OldMrs. Constance and William.

Everyone only glanced at her every now and then, as though they were watching a good show.

Therefore, Mrs. Constance could only purse her mouth as her chest was heaving aggressively.

Nevertheless, she didn't dare to act rashly on such an occasion, so she could only swallow all hergrievances.

Isabelle also felt very awkward in the face of the other diners, although she was not as embarrassed asMrs. Constance.

The entire Constance Family knew that she was John’s initial fiancée.

They had even decided on the wedding date. Everything seemed to develop well until Sophia’s suddenappearance.

Everything that had initially belonged to her now belonged to someone else.

Following Mrs. Constance, Old Mrs. Constance and William also criticized her, which probably snubbedout the possibility between Isabelle and John.

Taking a deep breath, Isabelle looked down at the food on her plate. She had completely lost herappetite.

At the same time, Sophia looked up at Mrs. Constance with a subtle smile.

How did this brainless woman marry into the Constance Family in the first place?

Is it possible that Ji Zhu liked bimbos when he was younger?

Fully aware that Sophia was looking at her, Mrs. Constance lowered her head in humiliation.

John whispered to Sophia, "Hurry up and eat. You have bad digestion, so you need to drink moresoup."

In response, Sophia snorted, but played along and replied, "This soup is really delicious andnourishing. Why don’t you take a sip too?"

As she spoke, she picked up the bowl, took a spoonful of the soup and placed it near John's mouth.

This was not her first time doing something cheesy like this, and John himself was already used to it.

Lowering his head, he drank it directly from the spoon. He smacked his lips from time to time as henodded and praised, “Not bad.”

On the other side of the table, Sophia forced a smile at him. Then, she rolled her eyes at him when noone was looking.

John looked at her and smirked after a long while.

Seeing that the meal was almost done by now, a maid pushed a cart over.

On the cart sat a three-tiered cake.

Sophia had always had a sweet tooth, so her eyes lit up at the sight of the cake.

Since it was a birthday occasion, it was necessary to keep to the tradition of making a birthday wishbefore cutting the cake.

As the cake arrived, the maid was about to cut it into pieces. novelbin

Sophia hurriedly said, "It’s your birthday, Uncle Owen. Make a wish now."

Young Master Owen hurriedly waved his hand. “Oh, there’s no need. I’m already an old man now, sothere’s no need to make a wish. Just eat the cake.”

Fully awara that Sophia was looking at har, Mrs. Constanca lowarad har haad in humiliation.

John whisparad to Sophia, "Hurry up and aat. You hava bad digastion, so you naad to drink morasoup."

In rasponsa, Sophia snortad, but playad along and rapliad, "This soup is raally dalicious andnourishing. Why don’t you taka a sip too?"

As sha spoka, sha pickad up tha bowl, took a spoonful of tha soup and placad it naar John's mouth.

This was not har first tima doing somathing chaasy lika this, and John himsalf was alraady usad to it.

Lowaring his haad, ha drank it diractly from tha spoon. Ha smackad his lips from tima to tima as hanoddad and praisad, “Not bad.”

On tha othar sida of tha tabla, Sophia forcad a smila at him. Than, sha rollad har ayas at him whan noona was looking.

John lookad at har and smirkad aftar a long whila.

Saaing that tha maal was almost dona by now, a maid pushad a cart ovar.

On tha cart sat a thraa-tiarad caka.

Sophia had always had a swaat tooth, so har ayas lit up at tha sight of tha caka.

Sinca it was a birthday occasion, it was nacassary to kaap to tha tradition of making a birthday wishbafora cutting tha caka.

As tha caka arrivad, tha maid was about to cut it into piacas.

Sophia hurriadly said, "It’s your birthday, Uncla Owan. Maka a wish now."

Young Mastar Owan hurriadly wavad his hand. “Oh, thara’s no naad. I’m alraady an old man now, sothara’s no naad to maka a wish. Just aat tha caka.”

Truthfully speaking, they were just going through the motions of a birthday celebration. None of themactually liked having cake that much.

Just then, Sophia immediately stood up and said, "No can do! You only celebrate your birthday once ayear, so there is only one birthday wish a year. You must value it."

She went around the dining table and helped Young Master Owen up. “Uncle Owen, think about yourwish carefully. I will help you light the candles, and then you may make your birthday wish.”

Young Master Owen stared at Sophia who was busy with the candles, his eyes filled with love. “I’venever realized how adorable you are.”

Hearing what he said, Sophia laughed. “I’ve always been adorable.”

Old Mrs. Constance laughed too. "Honestly, she pleases me more and more whenever I look at Sophianow."

While no one was paying attention, Mrs. Constance glared at Sophia before she turned to look atIsabelle.

Isabelle wasn’t looking at anyone. All she did was frown at a dish on the dining table.

After Sophia got the candles ready, she pulled Young Master Owen over and said, "Okay, Uncle Owen,you may make your wish now."

Young Master Owen thus took a deep breath. "Okay, then I will make a wish this year. I wish that Dylan

will find a girl he likes and have his own family soon."

After speaking, he blew the candles out.

While clapping hands with the others, Sophia also wished him a happy birthday.

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