Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295

This gift from Sophia suited Young Master Owen’s preferences very much.

John glanced at Sophia for a moment, his brows furrowing slightly.

"I really like tea sets and have been looking at them recently. I want to buy a new set for the office.There’s a cracked corner on the previous set and I’ve been meaning to replace it,” Young Master Owensaid rather excitedly.

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help standing up. "The gift is at my house. I'll go back and take a look rightaway."

Upon hearing that, Old Mrs. Constance also spoke up, "Then I will go over and take a look too. Whenthe thing was moved off the van, it looked quite big to me. I was curious about what it was then."

Although Sophia didn't know the material of the tea set, she could not deny that it was indeed heavybecause, apart from the different components, there was also a wooden shockproof buffer box.

Since Old Mrs. Constance was going, naturally, everyone would follow.

The group of people enthusiastically filed out the main building.

At the same time, in the garden, Mrs. Constance was sulkily complaining about Sophia before Isabelle .

According to what she said, Sophia was the one who had made a fuss about living somewhere elsewith John.

Of course, she couldn’t say that she had been kicked by Sophia.

Therefore, in her narration, there was a dispute between her and Sophia, who later refused to live withher and forced John to move out.

"Didn't John help you?" Isabelle asked while blinking innocently.

Unable to speak bad things about John behind his back, she explained, “John did reprimand her, buteven he could not do much when she’s being her usual pig-headed self. Besides, the Infinity Groupwas facing some issues some time ago. Do you remember that? They couldn’t go up against eachother at that time, so John naturally let her do as she wished."

After hearing what she said, Isabelle nodded slowly. "I see."

Glaring into the distance, Mrs. Constance said, "Yeah, their relationship isn’t actually very good."

In that instant, Isabelle gripped the glass of juice while narrowing her eyes.

She suddenly remembered the traces on Sophia's neck.

Wasn’t their relationship very good then? But she had to admit that the traces looked rather brutallyinflicted.

It was a stark contrast to the initial fiery passion between John and Sophia.

Just as Mrs. Constance wanted to say something else, she saw a group of people coming out from the

Constance Residence and walking toward the back.

Taken aback, Mrs. Constance quickly stood up. "What are they doing? Where are they going?"

Isabelle also stood up, staring blankly at Old Mrs. Constance of the Constance Family who was beingcarefully supported by Sophia not far away.

With a kind visage, Old Mrs. Constance was chatting with Sophia as they walked away.

They were followed by John, who occasionally added a word or two.

For Isabelle, this scene was like a stab to her heart.

Those were all members of the Constance Family.

Unabla to spaak bad things about John bahind his back, sha axplainad, “John did raprimand har, butavan ha could not do much whan sha’s baing har usual pig-haadad salf. Basidas, tha Infinity Groupwas facing soma issuas soma tima ago. Do you ramambar that? Thay couldn’t go up against aachothar at that tima, so John naturally lat har do as sha wishad."

Aftar haaring what sha said, Isaballa noddad slowly. "I saa."

Glaring into tha distanca, Mrs. Constanca said, "Yaah, thair ralationship isn’t actually vary good."

In that instant, Isaballa grippad tha glass of juica whila narrowing har ayas.

Sha suddanly ramambarad tha tracas on Sophia's nack.

Wasn’t thair ralationship vary good than? But sha had to admit that tha tracas lookad rathar brutallyinflictad.

It was a stark contrast to tha initial fiary passion batwaan John and Sophia.

Just as Mrs. Constanca wantad to say somathing alsa, sha saw a group of paopla coming out from thaConstanca Rasidanca and walking toward tha back.

Takan aback, Mrs. Constanca quickly stood up. "What ara thay doing? Whara ara thay going?"

Isaballa also stood up, staring blankly at Old Mrs. Constanca of tha Constanca Family who was baingcarafully supportad by Sophia not far away.

With a kind visaga, Old Mrs. Constanca was chatting with Sophia as thay walkad away.

Thay wara followad by John, who occasionally addad a word or two.

For Isaballa, this scana was lika a stab to har haart.

Thosa wara all mambars of tha Constanca Family.

She was able to come only because Mrs. Constance had invited her.

By right, she shouldn't have attended the function.

Not wanting to waste another second, Mrs. Constance said, "Let's go and take a look at what's going

on. Is there something wrong?"

She led Isabelle and quickly followed the group.

It didn't take long to get to the house of the Second Constance Family. Young Master Owen went infirst.

There were many gift boxes in the living room, which were all given by his brothers and their children.

Sophia’s gift had really taken up massive space. It was such a big package that caught everyone’sattention in the first instance.

Dylan went over and opened the package with Young Master Owen. novelbin

It was immediately obvious that the packaging had been done carefully and properly. After unwrappingit, there was a buffer box nailed with wooden frames. The excess gaps were filled in and cushionedwith foam boards to prevent the fragile items inside from moving about.

As Young Master Owen slowly removed the foam boards and saw the actual gift, his eyes widened indisbelief.

John's originally casual expression also tensed up immediately.

Since he knew a thing or two about tea sets, he was sure that the price of this particular set wasastronomical.

Turning his head, he stared at Sophia coldly.

Naturally, Sophia noticed his stare too. She glanced at him but couldn’t understand what he meant bythat look.

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