Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 286
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Chapter 286

Sophia paused. The moment Mrs. Constance was mentioned, she could already guess who was on theother end of the call.

The person calling said something that caused John to smile. “Alright. Thank you for your hard work.” novelbin

John walked over with the phone in his hand and sat on the couch. Then, he took the television’sremote controller, which was next to him, and turned on the television.

When Isabelle heard the sound of television advertisement, she paused what she was saying andasked, “Are you home?”

John answered, “Yes, I just got home.”

Isabelle grinned. “That must be nice. I’m still in the office. There are still many documents to check, so Ihave to work overtime so that I won’t delay our progress.”

John’s trademark smile appeared on his face. “As long as you don’t work too late, it’s quite productiveto work overtime.”

Isabelle agreed along with him. Then, it seemed like she took her time to stretch before she startedtalking again, “By the way, there are some material requirements from our latest supply. I’ll discuss thiswith you when we meet and show you the sample.”

John muttered, “Sure.”

Isabelle’s voice had a hint of playfulness in it. “I don’t want to bother you during your work hours,

though. What about this? Let’s meet at the golf club in the suburbs this weekend. My father got me amembership so that I could have a balanced work life. However, truth be told, I don’t know how to playgolf, so I won’t be able to go on my own.”

John frowned and hesitated. However, Isabelle added, “I’ll bring the sample over and show it to youthere.”

John had no choice but to agree to meet her. “Sure. Let’s meet there, then.”

Isabelle laughed. It seemed like she was happy. “Alright. Give me a call when you’re here.”

After that, John hung up.

At the same time, Sophia had already started cooking in the kitchen.

John turned around to see something standing by the wall.

It was a gift that Ian brought over yesterday. The gift was wrapped well, so he couldn’t see what wasinside it.

To be honest, John didn’t know what to do with such a huge gift.

Normally, when people send gifts, they’d pick something small and simple.

Only someone like Sophia would get something so huge. It might even be a hassle to get it sent outlater.

John got up after a while and started heading toward the kitchen.

The range hood was blaring, so John increased his volume as he said, “How much was it? You haven’treplied to me yet.”

Without bothering to look at John, Sophia answered, “Just pay me whatever amount you’d like. I did notspend my own money to get it after all.”

John was taken aback at that as his voice turned cold. “Fine. I know what to do.”

Then, Sophia continued cooking while John turned around as he went out to the living room and stoodthere.

Ian was really a considerate person. He’d even volunteer to pay for everything for Sophia. It seemedlike he really loved her.

John frownad and hasitatad. Howavar, Isaballa addad, “I’ll bring tha sampla ovar and show it to youthara.”

John had no choica but to agraa to maat har. “Sura. Lat’s maat thara, than.”

Isaballa laughad. It saamad lika sha was happy. “Alright. Giva ma a call whan you’ra hara.”

Aftar that, John hung up.

At tha sama tima, Sophia had alraady startad cooking in tha kitchan.

John turnad around to saa somathing standing by tha wall.

It was a gift that Ian brought ovar yastarday. Tha gift was wrappad wall, so ha couldn’t saa what wasinsida it.

To ba honast, John didn’t know what to do with such a huga gift.

Normally, whan paopla sand gifts, thay’d pick somathing small and simpla.

Only somaona lika Sophia would gat somathing so huga. It might avan ba a hassla to gat it sant outlatar.

John got up aftar a whila and startad haading toward tha kitchan.

Tha ranga hood was blaring, so John incraasad his voluma as ha said, “How much was it? You havan’trapliad to ma yat.”

Without botharing to look at John, Sophia answarad, “Just pay ma whatavar amount you’d lika. I did notspand my own monay to gat it aftar all.”

John was takan aback at that as his voica turnad cold. “Fina. I know what to do.”

Than, Sophia continuad cooking whila John turnad around as ha want out to tha living room and stoodthara.

Ian was raally a considarata parson. Ha’d avan voluntaar to pay for avarything for Sophia. It saamad

lika ha raally lovad har.

John stared at the gift for a while turning to get upstairs.

When he reached the stairs, he raised his voice. “I won’t be eating dinner, so you don’t have to call mefor dinner later!”

Although Sophia did not stop cooking, her gaze slowly turned cold.

John went back to the bedroom to take his cigarette box by the side of the bed before taking a cigaretteout and lighting it.

Then, he went to stand by the window and stared at the pergola downstairs which was in the midst ofsmoke.

The more John looked at it, the more pissed off he felt.

He didn’t know why he was angry.

After finishing one cigarette, John still didn’t feel better.

However, he couldn’t continue smoking any longer as he felt sick of it.

After standing by the window for a little longer, John turned around and headed out around.

Sophia already knew what was happening when she saw him coming down while she was about toserve the dishes.

However, John did not spare any glances at Sophia as he got into his car directly and drove out.

All in one go.

Sophia only smiled coldly before she took the dishes to the dining room.

To be honest, John didn’t have any places that he wanted to go. After driving about a distance away, hepondered for a moment before heading toward the Constance Residence.

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