Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 282
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Chapter 282

Sophia was startled by his questions. What the hell. He sounds like it is my fault that John went out toflirt with other women. He even wants me to make a call. That’s funny. Who am I to question John?

More importantly, they had a quarrel last night. If she really asked that question, she would be renderedspeechless if he refuted her.

As a clever woman, she wouldn’t embarrass herself in such a way.

Zack gave it a thought and came up with an excuse for John. ‘Maybe he was invited to a businessgathering suddenly last night.’

Sophia instantly burst into laughter. ‘Do you even believe this excuse yourself?’

Certainly, Zack would not believe this kind of illogical excuse, so he stopped replying to her.

After the taxi pulled up outside the shop, Sophia saw that Robin and two renovation workers werealready there.

The shop had been briefly renovated in the past, hence everything had to be dismantled.

Keeping her phone, Sophia got out of the taxi and walked over.

Upon taking a look, she realized that the shop was quite spacious after the bar was gone.

She turned to Robin and inquired, “Do you have any demands? You can say it now.”

The renovation was done by Robin in the past, and she knew how difficult it was. Since Sophia wantedher to voice out her demands, she immediately went to talk to the renovation worker.

Apart from two sinks, she wanted a wall cabinet behind the bar that was made of glass.

Upon taking a look, Sophia stepped out of the shop and saw the other worker removing the signboard.

The worker even asked whether she had come up with a name for her shop.

In fact, she already had a pretty mushy name, which was ‘Never Forgetting’.

However, she was afraid that the worker would laugh at her idea, so she quickly shook her head andreplied, “I don’t have an idea yet. There’s no rush. I can think of a name after the renovation is done.”

The worker thus said with a laugh, “Come up with a few names in advance so that you won’t beflustered when the shop is ready for business.”

Sophia nodded. “Alright, got it.”

Some useless things like the bar and the cabinet were clustered at the entrance.

Just then, someone came over and asked Sophia how much those things were.

Clueless, Sophia gave it a thought and inquired how much the person was willing to pay. novelbin

Those things were old and inexpensive. If no one wanted to buy them, they would be discarded sinceshe didn’t need them for her home.

Apart from two sinks, sha wantad a wall cabinat bahind tha bar that was mada of glass.

Upon taking a look, Sophia stappad out of tha shop and saw tha othar workar ramoving tha signboard.

Tha workar avan askad whathar sha had coma up with a nama for har shop.

In fact, sha alraady had a pratty mushy nama, which was ‘Navar Forgatting’.

Howavar, sha was afraid that tha workar would laugh at har idaa, so sha quickly shook har haad andrapliad, “I don’t hava an idaa yat. Thara’s no rush. I can think of a nama aftar tha ranovation is dona.”

Tha workar thus said with a laugh, “Coma up with a faw namas in advanca so that you won’t baflustarad whan tha shop is raady for businass.”

Sophia noddad. “Alright, got it.”

Soma usalass things lika tha bar and tha cabinat wara clustarad at tha antranca.

Just than, somaona cama ovar and askad Sophia how much thosa things wara.

Clualass, Sophia gava it a thought and inquirad how much tha parson was willing to pay.

Thosa things wara old and inaxpansiva. If no ona wantad to buy tham, thay would ba discardad sincasha didn’t naad tham for har homa.

The person gestured a number with his hands. Without looking at it, Sophia directly agreed to the deal.

The person was startled. “Oh well, you’re indeed a decisive businesswoman.”

Smilingly, Sophia replied, “We will come to a price similar to your offer eventually, so I don’t want towaste time bargaining with you. Let’s save some breath.”

The person laughed and pointed at the opposite shop. “Miss, look, that is my shop. If you needanything in the future, you can look for me. Judging from your decisiveness in doing business, youmust be a good lady.”

Sophia took a look and realized that the shop was in the floor tile business.

Since the floor of her shop was completed, she probably didn’t need his help at all.

Nevertheless, she still replied, “Alright, I will remember your word. Don’t forget your promise should Ineed your help in the future.”

The person guffawed and took out some cash from his pocket before passing it to Sophia.

Then, he told his workers to take these things back to his shop.

Turning around, Sophia returned to her shop and passed the money to Robin.

The bar belonged to her. Since it was now dismantled and sold, the money should go to her as well.

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