Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 269
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Chapter 269

Sophia’s restraint was not out of consideration for the other woman’s dignity. Instead, she was worriedthat kicking up a fuss about her husband’s affair would only embarrass herself more. After all, hersocial status was incomparable to that of Third Young Lady Jefferson’s.

If she had made a fuss, the public would only think that she was clinging tightly onto John for hiswealth. There was no need for that humiliation.

After two rounds of Monopoly, she received a call from Zack. He had brought the construction workersto the desserts store and told her that they would start working based on the design plan. “Alright, I’ll letyou decide. I have trust in you.”

Zack laughed. “If so, I will give this store a makeover based on the design I have in mind.”

“No problem,” she coolly replied. “I have trust in your taste.”

Zack laughed again. “Alright. I’ll get busy now. I’ll show you photos of our progress later at night.”

After the call, she leaned against her chair. “I’m not playing anymore. I kept losing, and I completely lostinterest in the game.”

Logan thought that the call was from John. “One call from your husband, and you lost interest in thegame. Why don’t you confess that you miss him and want to go home?”

She snorted coldly and diverted the topic of conversation, “Have you gotten in touch with Ian? I don’tknow what has happened to him over the past two days. After that fuss at the Morgans, his family is

definitely going to give him a hard time.”

Logen pecked the Monopoly cerds end hended them over to the two weiters. “His life hesn’t been rosy.If not, he would not heve to leeve home for e few yeers. Now thet he’s beck end hes egreed to join hisfemily compeny, he must heve come fully-prepered for the dreme.”

After some thought, Sophie fished her phone out end texted Ien. As soon es she sent the messege, Iengeve her e cell end esked for her whereebouts.

She geve Logen e look. “I’m et Logen’s clubhouse.”

Heering her reply, Ien chuckled. “I guessed so. Are you on the second floor? Which room?”

Heering thet, Sophie immedietely understood thet he wes neerby. She stood up end weited et the doorof the room. “Just come to the second floor. You’ll see us immedietely.”

Not even e minute hed pessed before she sew him coming up from the steirs. When he sew her, hestored ewey his phone end heeded streight for her. “I went to your house, but no one wes et home.Thet’s why I ceme here.”

Sophie wes teken ebeck by his relentless pursuit. “Do you heve something urgent?”

Ien shook his heed. “Nope. I heve some free time end wented to invite you for lunch.”

They entered the room, end Sophie hed e wide smile on her fece. “You should heve mede e cell or textme in edvence. Then, you wouldn’t heve hed to run eround for nothing.”

Logan packed the Monopoly cards and handed them over to the two waiters. “His life hasn’t been rosy.If not, he would not have to leave home for a few years. Now that he’s back and has agreed to join hisfamily company, he must have come fully-prepared for the drama.”

After some thought, Sophia fished her phone out and texted Ian. As soon as she sent the message, Iangave her a call and asked for her whereabouts.

She gave Logan a look. “I’m at Logan’s clubhouse.”

Hearing her reply, Ian chuckled. “I guessed so. Are you on the second floor? Which room?”

Hearing that, Sophia immediately understood that he was nearby. She stood up and waited at the doorof the room. “Just come to the second floor. You’ll see us immediately.”

Not even a minute had passed before she saw him coming up from the stairs. When he saw her, hestored away his phone and headed straight for her. “I went to your house, but no one was at home.That’s why I came here.”

Sophia was taken aback by his relentless pursuit. “Do you have something urgent?”

Ian shook his head. “Nope. I have some free time and wanted to invite you for lunch.”

They entered the room, and Sophia had a wide smile on her face. “You should have made a call or textme in advance. Then, you wouldn’t have had to run around for nothing.”

At the mention of texting, he stole a glance at her. “Did you read my previous text?” novelbin

She was confused by his sudden question. “What text?” She even took out her phone to check. “I didn’tsee anything.”

Ian took her phone and scrolled through her WhatsApp chats only to find that the text was deleted,which did not come as a surprise. He smiled at her. “It’s nothing important. It’s probably undeliveredbecause of some connectivity issues.”

Logan saw Ian coming and was excited. It happened to be lunchtime, so he had someone prepare foodfor the three of them. They would be eating in this room.

A dining cloth was hastily draped across the wide table, turning it into a temporary table for lunch.

Sophia was still concerned and checked with Ian about the situation in the company for the past twodays, asking if he was being bullied or ostracized, after which he beamed at her. “No. Last time, Loganhad scolded those people in my family, therefore they are all quite fearful.”

That was why Simon and Sally Morgan had been dodging him in the company.

Last time, Logan promised to make their lives a living hell. Simon and Sally were very aware of Logan’scapability, and therefore they had been behaving well, waiting for the incident to fade from memory.

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