Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2147
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Chapter 2147

Back when Cindy was in school, her teacher often gave good comments on all of her drafts, perhapsbecause her teacher was just being nice. She hadn't received any distinct negative commentsthroughout that period. Things were the same with Naomi's designer, who also praised her work mostof the time. However, Cindy finally noticed her issues after she started practicing under Serena.

As Serena explained some details to Cindy, Cindy noticed a chop at the bottom of the draft paper.Cindy had been graded a C—in other words; she ranked third in all four of the grades. This wasn't anexceptionally high grade, but this wasn't considered low in her eyes, either. Cindy had expected herselfto get a D at first.

With the results Cindy received, she felt a little more at ease, for she now knew where her standardswere, and her grades this time had exceeded her own expectations. Serena continued to talk to Cindyuntil it was time for lunch. Cindy felt bad for taking up too much of Serena's time, so she offered to doher own research and get back to Serena if she needed help.

Serena knew that Cindy was being considerate, so she beamed at the girl. "Let's have lunch together. Ican tell you more about the details that I missed out on over lunch." Cindy thought about her offer for awhile before agreeing to it. She figured that it wouldn't be nice to reject Serena's offer.

After that, Cindy returned to her desk to tidy up a little. She took this time to send Aurora a text. Shewasn't sure if Aurora was home, but she decided to just inform Aurora that she wouldn't be back forlunch. Soon enough, Aurora responded with a text. 'Got it. You take care of yourself!' Once Cindy wasdone tidying her desk, she went back to Serena's office to wait for her.

Serena had a really busy morning, and she looked pretty drained. She looked as if she no longerwanted to speak for the rest of the day. They didn't bother traveling too far—they simply went for a

meal in the office's canteen. Cindy was pleased with this idea. If they had gone out for a meal, othersmight have thought that Cindy was receiving preferential treatment. Since they were eating in thecanteen, other colleagues could watch and listen to their conversations, so Cindy wouldn't have to feelbad about anything.

They made their way to the canteen, which was rather packed during lunch. A few staff members knewSerena even though they weren't her students, and they walked over to greet her. Serena noddedpolitely at these people, and Cindy was reminded of her schooling days once more. It felt as if thesestaff members were students from another class who had bumped into their teacher. I've been awayfrom school for so long, but it feels like I'm in school all over again. How amusing, Cindy thought. novelbin

After ordering their food, Cindy and Serena found a spot in a corner. Even though they were sitting inthe corner, Cindy could sense a lot of people sending glances in their direction. Serena seemed to beused to this, and she didn't seem too bothered by it. She chatted with Cindy for a while before returningto some of the topics related to Cindy's draft. Cindy had quite a number of questions as she felt like shehad a lot more to learn, and Serena patiently answered all of Cindy's queries.

Cindy was attentive throughout the conversation, as it was rare for her to have such a patient teacher.She was reminded of Naomi's teacher for a moment, and she realized how lucky she was to get thisopportunity to learn from Serena. After they chatted for a while more, someone walked over with herfood and sat down beside them.

Cindy didn't know the person, but the person was clearly affiliated with Serena as she greeted Serenaupon sitting down. "How have things been for you?" Serena asked with a smile.

"I'm good. I'm starting to get the hang of things," the woman replied. Then, she turned to glance atCindy. It was obvious that she knew who Cindy was. "I saw you from a distance previously, but now

that I'm looking at you up close, you sure are a beauty. No wonder you managed to win Ian's heartover."

The woman was obviously trying to build a connection with Cindy. "She isn't just a pretty face—she'salso really skilled," Serena added. Cindy wasn't sure if Serena was just being nice. After all, Cindydidn't think too highly of her skills, and she even felt rather self-conscious whenever she was beingcompared to her other colleagues.

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