Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2134
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Chapter 2134

Serena went back to her office after that, whereas Cindy peered around the doorway hesitantly beforeshe returned to her desk to work on her design.

If she were to be introspective about this, she would realize that she was the only one in the entireoffice who had yet to pick up sewing and stitching, but there was nothing much she could do about that.After all, she was the slowest learner of the bunch, and her qualifications were sub-par compared to theothers'.

She sighed and wondered briefly if she should put a sewing machine or something in the apartment sothat she could practice the craft in private.

All the hard work she did was only confined within the walls of this office, and she did whatever sheliked during after-work hours. She had overheard her colleagues talking about their plans when theygot home, and it seemed as if they enjoyed dabbling in sewing and making artistic pieces out of scrapsof cloth.

As it turned out, she had convinced herself that she was a hard worker, only to discover that she wasfalling behind because of that delusion. The thought of this seemed to have become her drive to workeven harder and put in more effort, for inspiration no longer evaded her after she had learned to focuson her tasks. Eventually, her sketches started to become better as well.

She wanted to prove herself as an asset to the company, and if she wanted that to happen soonerrather than later, Cindy was going to have to double down on her efforts.

When it was nearly time for lunch, she saw Mary walking in her direction; she was clearly the woman'starget. She looked up at Mary and waited until she drew near before asking, "Are you looking for me?"

Serena went back to her office after that, whereas Cindy peered around the doorway hesitantly beforeshe returned to her desk to work on her design.

Mary smiled and nodded. "Yes, that much is obvious because I'm already here. As usual, Mr.Kaufmann wants to see you."

Cindy frowned at this. She didn't like how Otis would ask to meet her in his office so frequently, and hewould always regale her with empty conversations that were not the least bit interesting.

This time, however, Mary seemed to know why he wanted to see Cindy. She smiled and added, "Youdon't have to go up; he said he'd like for you to wait in the lobby and that you'll be joining him for lunchoutside."

Cindy parted her lips to say something, but words deserted her. She waited until lunchtime finally rolledaround and headed down to the lobby to wait for Otis.

She couldn't quite understand why Otis was always asking her to have lunch with him. She was anobody in the company, and she had done nothing to deserve such attention from him. She began towonder if he was entirely oblivious to the fact that she did not want to get too close to him or the otherexecutives at all.

She frowned as she stood in the lobby and watched as her peers brushed past her. Some of themlooked as if they knew why she was waiting there, and those who weren't under Serena'sapprenticeship shot her envious looks. If only you guys know just how much I wish this was happeningto someone else, Cindy thought bitterly. novelbin

She hung around the lobby, and when most of the employees had gone out for lunch, the executive

elevator arrived with a ding. However, two figures walked out instead of one, and she knew both ofthem. She had even seen them walking through the lobby while conversing the other day.

Regret filled her; she should have known that Otis wouldn't invite her to lunch unless Gary was around.

She tried to make herself appear as nonchalant as possible, and she even smiled at Otis and Garywhen they drew close. "Mr, Kaufmann, Mr. Frye," she greeted courteously.

Gary hummed in response and asked aloud, "Right, where shall we go for lunch?"

She exchanged a look with Otis and realized that he was expecting an answer from her.

They were being so pleasant to her that she had no choice but to say lamely, "I have no preferenceswhatsoever."

Gary nodded and said, "In that case, we can go over to this restaurant that I think you'll like. I've alwayswanted to bring you there, so I guess today's the day."

He made it sound as if it was a friendly gesture, and she would like to think it was his way of protectingher image in front of Otis.

However, Cindy couldn't help feeling conflicted about this. She was a married woman, and she ought tomaintain a polite distance from other men. She wasn't sure if going out for lunch with them would crossthe line or break some unspoken rule, but either way, she felt uneasy.

The three of them left the company together. Otis planned on driving his own car, and at that moment,Cindy was in a dilemma. She paused hesitantly before she slinked into Gary's car.

In stark contrast to her stiff demeanor, he seemed perfectly at ease.

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