Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2108
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Chapter 2108

When they were done with the meal, it was almost time for Cindy to get to work. She cleared thecontainers and tied up the trash bag before making her way downstairs.

She had only just walked over to the communal dumpster when she saw the figure hidden among thedecorative greenery. As it turned out, the security guards did not manage to get rid of him at all, nor didthey prevent him from trespassing the neighborhood.

The man seemed to recognize Cindy, for he rushed out immediately and demanded, "You left on yourown? Where are the both of them? Why are they hiding up in the apartment like cowards? Do they nothave the guts to come out of hiding?"

Cindy was not the least bit frightened of him. It was broad daylight, and the man wasn't the sharpesttool in the shed, so she didn't think he was capable of causing any real trouble.

She frowned as she stood in place. "What do you want? I'm warning you—if you keep bothering us likethis, we'll have to call the police on you. Things will be much harder for you once the police take youaway."

The man must either be really stupid or really angry because her warning fell upon deaf ears. Heglowered at her with wide eyes and snapped, "Ask them to come down here at once! What's the dealwith them hiding up there? I'm just asking for fifty million, but that is negotiable. How much are theywilling to give?"

She was rendered speechless at this point. He must be a single-cell organism, and I don't thinkevolution has hit him yet. He was completely oblivious to his own predicament, but she didn't have the

time or the patience to spell it out for him. As things were, she was going to be late for work.

She turned and headed for the shortcut as she said, "You'd better leave now if you know what's goodfor you. Your ruckus earlier is making headlines as we speak, and if somebody in the neighborhoodsees you, they'll call security for sure."

It went without saying that the man refused to let her leave. He strode up to her and grabbed her by thearm while seething, "Get both mother and son to come down and talk to me face to face! He's a grownman, but he's hiding up there with his mommy to avoid responsibilities! What the hell is that about?"

Cindy sighed in exasperation, and a somber look passed over her face. She raised her voice as shedemanded, "What are you doing? Let me go! If you carry on like this, I'll certainly cry for help. Let go ofme!"

However, the man was completely beside himself with rage and he did not pay attention to what shewas saying. He tightened his grip on her and barked, "Give them a call right now and ask them to comedown here!"

She didn't waste time and hollered, "Help! Somebody, help! A pervert is attacking me in broaddaylight!"

While there weren't a lot of residents in the neighborhood during the day, there were still a couple ofmiddle-aged and senior citizens walking around. Upon hearing her screams, some of them werebeginning to make their way over to her.

The man who lived in the unit next to them happened to walk out at that moment. He wasn't particularlyyoung, but he wasn't old either. When he saw Cindy struggling and crying out for help, he hurried over.novelbin

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing? Let the lady go! What are you holding ontoher for?"

The man who was holding Cindy captive swatted an arm at the younger man irritably. "This doesn'tconcern you at all! Go back to where you came from and stop butting into my business, you nosyprick!"

This did not sit right with the younger man, so he walked up to confront him as he said, "You're a grownman picking on a young lady! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Both of them began to gesture at one another, and it looked like a brawl was about to break out.

Cindy seized the opportunity to pull away from the man. Then, she lifted her leg and kicked him in theshin with all the force she could summon. She had initially been aiming for his crotch, but she wasworried that she might cripple him by accident and become liable to some grievous crime. If that wereto happen, she would have a hard time clearing her own name.

More importantly, the man had proven himself to be shameless. If she hurt him badly or crippled him,he might demand an even more outrageous compensation.

Presently, the man cried out in pain as he doubled over and clapped his hands over his knee.

Cindy backed away quickly, but before she could say anything, the main door to the other unit swungopen while Ian came running out.

He had a grave look on his face, and without even taking in his surroundings, he barreled toward theman and grabbed him by the collar as he snapped, "What the hell did you do, huh? What did you do to


Since she was afraid that Ian would make a scene, Cindy quickly tugged on his arm and said, "Hey,nothing happened. Everything's fine now. This gentleman over here helped me out of a tight spot."

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