Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2104
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Chapter 2104

Ian nodded and said, "Okay, off you go. There's nothing here you need to worry about."

Perhaps the past had given her ample training, for Cindy was finding it easy to be indifferent towardany scandal that remotely involved Ian. She liked to think that she was more open-minded than whenshe had first started out. Even if he couldn't get over this hurdle, there was always the option to quit theindustry. I wish that would happen sooner than later. That way, we can both go back to living quiet,normal, and peaceful lives.

Cindy got out of the house and hailed a taxi to take her to the company. It had been days since she laststepped into work, and when she came into the office, she suddenly felt a little out of place.

The other employees had already shown up for work. Serena might have already told them off andgiven them a stern warning or two because when Cindy made her way over to her desk, she could tellat first sight that everyone here no longer picked on her. They didn't glance in her direction either, andtheir eyes were glued to whatever work they were doing.

This was unprecedented. They would pretend not to notice Cindy before this, but they would appraiseher behind her back and chatter among themselves about the woman.

Cindy wasn't a particularly good judge of character, but even she could tell that the people here trulydid not show as much interest in her as they had in the past.

She pursed her lips and thought grimly, Guess all I needed was for a superior to speak up on my behalfto get these people off my back.

She drew out the documents from her tote bag after she came to a stop next to her work desk. She hadfallen behind after a couple of days' break, not to mention grown incredibly lazy—she hadn't done anywork at all.

Presently, she had only just taken her seat when Serena came walking into the office.

She was a little startled upon seeing Cindy at her station, but she hurried over to the latter's desk. novelbin

Cindy stood up respectfully and greeted, "Miss Warhol."

Serene nodded in acknowledgment. "Is everything okay at home now?"

Cindy hesitated and thought about how she had taken a break to sort out her engagement with Ian,and that had indeed been checked off the list.

However, things were still unsettled at home. The incident between Aurora and her ex-boyfriend wasstill breaking out into something bigger, and there was no telling when it would quiet down.

Nevertheless, Cindy still nodded and said, "Yeah, everything's fine now."

Serena would have paid attention to whatever happened in the entertainment industry too, and sheought to know about the recent situation with Ian. As such, she hummed in response and pointed out,"Don't let anything drag you down. You're a designer, and inspiration is what matters to you most. Keepyour spirits up."

Cindy made a noise of agreement and said, "I know. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After that, Serena told her to drop by her office to retrieve yet another design project which wouldundergo company appraisal and count as a performance review.

Cindy did not falter. Instead, she seemed happy that she was finally going to get a project that gave herpurpose. After all, she was growing tired of designing things that did not fulfill her in the slightest bit.

Serena did not stay for a chat. She had only dropped by to see how the apprentices were doing in theoffice, and she walked away after doing so.

Following this, Cindy sat down and took a deep breath. She was still annoyed about what hadhappened yesterday, but now that she was back to work and catching up with the rest of her team, shefelt a sense of accomplishment that translated into a boost in morale.

She was glancing through documents when she heard the sound of a chair rolling up next to her. Shedidn't have to turn to know who it was, for the girl preferred wheeling herself over to Cindy's desk in heroffice chair rather than walking over.

The girl leaned close to her, but instead of gossiping about Cindy's work today, she was moreinterested in discussing the recent development in Ian's life as a celebrity. It was obvious that she hadread the news from yesterday. She lowered her voice and asked with a twinkle of curiosity in her eyes,"Did your precious Ian get into trouble again? What's he being targeted for this time?"

Cindy frowned and turned to look at the girl. "No."

The girl chortled. "I saw the news, as well as the passage from this morning. I don't think the person'sgoing after Ian's mom, but Ian himself."

If she could tell from just reading the unstructured passage, Cindy had to admit that the girl had a keeneye. The man had not mentioned Ian's name anywhere in his passage and merely talked about hispast with Aurora, so she wasn't sure why this girl was able to pick up on his intentions.

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