Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2095
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Chapter 2095

Cindy didn't want to hear or talk about anything that had to do with Leah. She couldn't care less aboutthat woman, and she would be unfeeling as well if Leah simply dropped dead.

As such, Cindy went on to straighten up the bedroom before going over to the couch with Ian.

She had already taken out the ingredients for dinner that evening, and after a moment of thought, shedecided to give Aurora a call and invite her over.

However, she was a little taken aback to find that Aurora had turned her phone off. She set the phoneaside and mumbled pensively, "Why did she turn off her phone? She should be at home, right?"

Ian had been about to play a round of video games when he heard this. He turned around and asked,"Did my mom not pick up the call?"

Cindy hummed in response. "No, her phone has been turned off."

He frowned at this. It didn't make sense that Aurora would turn her phone off when she had auditionsand sound-checks lined up for her, and if anything, the company would want to be able to reach her atall times so that they could give her updates on her schedule at first instance.

With that in mind, Ian rose from the couch and said to Cindy, "Stay here and wait for me. I'll go over toher place and see if she's home."

Cindy thought about this and did not follow him out. Instead, she went to the kitchen to slice up theingredients and put them into plates. When she was done with such menial tasks, Ian had yet to return. novelbin

She went back to the sofa and turned on the television, but she still did not hear back from Ian evenafter she had watched a few trashy programs. He should've been back with Aurora in tow by now, andthe fact that he wasn't prompted her to grab her phone so she could give him a call.

It took him a while before he answered, but she could hear that noises were going on in thebackground.

He sounded somber as he said, "I'm handling something right now. I'll talk to you later."

Ian proceeded to end the call, but before he did so, she could still pick up Aurora's voice. The womansounded as if she was arguing with someone loudly, though her words came out as incoherent andfrazzled on Cindy's end.

Cindy froze. Then, she quickly got to her feet and rushed over to the threshold with her phone in hand.She slipped into her shoes and decided to head out to look for Ian.

While she had no idea what was going on, she knew that Aurora was a calm person. If neither she norIan could stay composed, something serious must have happened.

Cindy jogged down the street and ran over from her apartment building to where Aurora lived. Theelevator was still on the upper floors when she arrived, and after pressing the button, she pulled out herphone once more to give Ian a call.

When he didn't pick up, she waited for the elevator doors to open before going in and heading up to thedesignated floor.

She had only just stepped out into the hallway when she heard a ruckus coming from Aurora'sapartment.

The door was open, and there appeared to be a few people in the unit as well. Cindy ran over, but shefroze in shock when she walked through the door. She saw Ian, Aurora, and a familiar face—it was theman who had dropped by the other day to see Aurora.

The man seemed somewhat despondent as he sat on the couch with his head low, and anyone couldtell that he was reluctant to leave. Cindy glanced over at Ian, who seemed fine. The security had shownup as well, and for a moment, Aurora's apartment seemed jam-packed with people.

Cindy pondered on this scene for a moment before she went to shut the door.

Thankfully, they were all living in a city where everyone kept to their own business. There were hardlyany nosy neighbors who would poke their heads around doorways just to monger gossip amongthemselves.

Had this been the village Cindy grew up in, nothing would stay secret for too long. In fact, it would onlytake minutes before everyone found out about what happened.

After closing the door, she walked over to Aurora. The latter looked furious as she glowered at the man."What's wrong? Why is he here?" Cindy asked.

Aurora's voice was raised as she said, "I don't know why he's here! He's like a lunatic. I already endedthings with him ages ago, and he's even started a new life with somebody else. I don't know what he'sthinking, and I have no idea why he's spewing nonsense to me right now."

Upon hearing this, the man turned to look at her and pointed out matter-of-factly, "I can't let you go, soI've come to ask that you give me another chance."

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