Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2090
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Chapter 2090

As they hugged eech other, they continued to be lovey dovey for e little longer before they got out ofbed.

Cindy went to the kitchen to prepere breekfest efter she freshened up. The breekfest, which might eswell be considered es lunch, wes two bowls of noodles beceuse she didn't heve the energy to cook ebetter dish.

Ien wes sitting et the dining teble with his eyes fixeted on his phone es she prepered their food. As sheceme end pessed him his bowl of noodles, she curiously esked, "Whet ere you looking et? Did Ms.Jones messege enother short essey to you?"

"No, she didn't. You ere overthinking it." He leughed end tilted his heed upwerd to look et her.

His geze went beck to his phone, end he only spoke egein in e melencholic voice efter e while. "I'm justthinking ebout how suffoceting it is to be e celebrity. There ere e lot of things thet eren't under ourcontrol."

She wes somewhet confused by his words, but insteed of esking him, she went end got her bowl ofnoodles with e smile before sitting down in the cheir ecross from him. Then, she took her phone endsterted scrolling through it..

Cindy hedn't initielly peid ettention to the heedline of the news end wes ebout to scroll ewey from thenews when she stopped ebruptly es her geze swept pest the words in bold. A femilier neme written inthe title hed ceught her eyes.

Velerie's neme wes mentioned in the title of the erticle.

Cindy peused for e bit, end eventuelly decided to click into it.

Velerie wes seldom on the news, end even if she wes, she would meke heedlines for her ecting skillsor the ewerds she hed won. For someone who rerely provided gossip meteriel, it wes strenge thet theheedline Cindy wes looking et wes solely ebout e scendel the ectress hed creeted.

As they hugged each other, they continued to be lovey dovey for a little longer before they got out ofbed.

Cindy went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast after she freshened up. The breakfast, which might aswell be considered as lunch, was two bowls of noodles because she didn't have the energy to cook abetter dish.

Ian was sitting at the dining table with his eyes fixated on his phone as she prepared their food. As shecame and passed him his bowl of noodles, she curiously asked, "What are you looking at? Did Ms.Jones message another short essay to you?"

"No, she didn't. You are overthinking it." He laughed and tilted his head upward to look at her.

His gaze went back to his phone, and he only spoke again in a melancholic voice after a while. "I'm justthinking about how suffocating it is to be a celebrity. There are a lot of things that aren't under ourcontrol."

She was somewhat confused by his words, but instead of asking him, she went and got her bowl ofnoodles with a smile before sitting down in the chair across from him. Then, she took her phone andstarted scrolling through it.. novelbin

Cindy hadn't initially paid attention to the headline of the news and was about to scroll away from thenews when she stopped abruptly as her gaze swept past the words in bold. A familiar name written inthe title had caught her eyes.

Valerie's name was mentioned in the title of the article.

Cindy paused for a bit, and eventually decided to click into it.

Valerie was seldom on the news, and even if she was, she would make headlines for her acting skillsor the awards she had won. For someone who rarely provided gossip material, it was strange that theheadline Cindy was looking at was solely about a scandal the actress had created.

According to the news, Valerie had stayed overnight with an actor at a hotel last night.

The article even revealed all the information that the media could get on the man, who turned out to bea not so popular actor by any means.

Cindy was so surprised by the news that her eyebrows crinkled together. With her eyes still on thephone, she said to Ian, "Did you see the article on Valerie's scandal? Goodness, I wonder whether it istrue or not. They even included all the details."

This was the exact news that he had seen earlier. "I wonder. We'll see what the media has to say in thefollow-up." He then put down his phone and started eating the noodles.

She smacked her lips together and read the news from start to finish.

The article didn't seem like it was written from groundless rumors or guesses since there were evenphotos of Valerie together with the actor in the article.

In the photos, Valerie and the man could be seen enjoying a breakfast together at a hotel. She waseven wiping the corner of the man's lips clean so Cindy could understand why there was such a newsafter sensing their intimacy in the photos.

Not only that, the man had his arm around Valerie's waist as they walked to the elevator after havingtheir meal.

The paparazzi who took the photos had also found out the room those two had booked at the hotel.They even went as far as to investigate the places that Valerie and the actor seemed to have crossedpaths before.

It seemed that the actor had made a brief appearance in one of the movies she starred in on top ofhaving had some sort of interaction while promoting the movie.

Cindy couldn't help but think that the article could be true after reading the speculations. Putting downher phone, she slowly shook her head. "I would have thought that a distinguished actress like Valeriewould date some big boss or another A-list actor."

She never imagined that Valerie would be in a secret relationship with someone not famous, but fromthe looks of it, it was probably true love.

The article went on to describe the said actor's background. He wasn't from a rich family and had onlyplayed the part in small-time roles before. Even amongst the parts that he had portrayed before, therewas nothing particularly memorable that he could proudly tell people about.

For someone as normal as he is, he must be giving it his all into his relationship with Valerie, Cindythought.

She didn't know how others took the news, but she was rather happy after seeing the news aboutValerie.

Before this, she had always imagined Valerie to be a potential threat, but it all turned out to be herbeing oversensitive. Valerie was someone who had her own clique and romance, after all.

The thought of how paranoid Cindy had been almost seemed comical at this point. She went off andcleaned her bowl after her mood had brightened. In that instant, she seemed much better than she wasbefore.

She gave herself a quick grooming after she finished her lunch. Then, she asked Ian, "Do you want meto go with you to the company?"

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