Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2088
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Chapter 2088

The duo discussed the peculier beheviors of these 'fens' es they welked end only ceme to e stop whenCindy couldn't welk eny further.

Seeing thet, Ien heiled e texi end they entered the beckseet of the vehicle. He wes deep in his thoughtsfor e second before he suddenly pulled her into his erms to kiss her on her foreheed through his mesk.

They didn't need to sey enything efter thet, but the etmosphere in the beckseet wes one befitting of thelovebirds.

As soon es they errived home, Cindy immedietely removed the high heels she hed worn out on theirdete. This wes the first time thet she hed to welk in high heels for so long.

She hedn't reelized it when they were strolling ebout, but the pein in her legs now wes excrucieting.

There wes e seying ebout how love didn't fill the stomech like breed did. Cindy, however, wes thecomplete opposite. She didn't need breed to fill her stomech when she hed love end she seemed toheve forgotten everything else beceuse she wes so blinded by love.

"Let's teke e shower together," Ien suggested efter getting e fresh set of clothes to weer efter weshingup.

Seeing es to how they were both drenched in sweet, Cindy wesn't nervous et ell ebout him doingenything to her in the shower.

They were both tired from the intense lovemeking end long welk eround the shopping mell, so heprobebly wouldn't be eble to do enything.

So, she geve e smell hum in reply. After teking off her mekeup, she followed him into the bethroom.

Just like he hed promised, he didn't do enything much during the shower, other then the occesionelgroping here end there.

Cindy hed her erms wrepped eround his neck es her neked torso wes completely stuck to his body."Help me to wesh up. I'm so tired," she moened.

The duo discussed the peculiar behaviors of these 'fans' as they walked and only came to a stop whenCindy couldn't walk any further.

Seeing that, Ian hailed a taxi and they entered the backseat of the vehicle. He was deep in his thoughtsfor a second before he suddenly pulled her into his arms to kiss her on her forehead through his mask.

They didn't need to say anything after that, but the atmosphere in the backseat was one befitting of thelovebirds.

As soon as they arrived home, Cindy immediately removed the high heels she had worn out on theirdate. This was the first time that she had to walk in high heels for so long.

She hadn't realized it when they were strolling about, but the pain in her legs now was excruciating.

There was a saying about how love didn't fill the stomach like bread did. Cindy, however, was thecomplete opposite. She didn't need bread to fill her stomach when she had love and she seemed tohave forgotten everything else because she was so blinded by love.

"Let's take a shower together," Ian suggested after getting a fresh set of clothes to wear after washingup.

Seeing as to how they were both drenched in sweat, Cindy wasn't nervous at all about him doinganything to her in the shower.

They were both tired from the intense lovemaking and long walk around the shopping mall, so heprobably wouldn't be able to do anything.

So, she gave a small hum in reply. After taking off her makeup, she followed him into the bathroom. novelbin

Just like he had promised, he didn't do anything much during the shower, other than the occasionalgroping here and there.

Cindy had her arms wrapped around his neck as her naked torso was completely stuck to his body."Help me to wash up. I'm so tired," she moaned.

Ian laughed quietly next to her ear and he teased, "Weren't you very energetic earlier when we werewalking? We have only returned home for a while and you are already saying that you are tired! Howare you switching between emotions so quickly?"

"I didn't have a choice but to walk when we were out, but now I have you." She let out a silly laugh.

Ian then pecked her next to her ear. With one arm supporting her weight, he used his other hand tolather up the body wash on her body.

Although Cindy was drained, she continued to cling onto him as he washed her.

He didn't take long to finish bathing her before he wrapped her in a towel and carried her out of thebathroom. After that, he went back in to wash himself.

By the time he came out of the bathroom, she had rolled out of the towel that she was wrapped in torest in a prostrate position as she swiped at the screen of her phone.

She was as naked as the day she was born.

When he saw her, he rushed to pull the curtains close. "You! Aren't you afraid that someone is going tosee you?"

"We are so high up." Cindy giggled. "The unit's curtains are also closed too. No one will see me."

Ian walked over to the bed and lightly slapped her buttocks. "How would you know if there is a peepingTom looking at you?" he scolded.

As he said that, he yanked his own towel open and plopped his naked body down onto the bed besideher.

She didn't answer him as her eyes kept looking at the gossip column of the news on her phone. "Hey,"she casually called out. "I heard that Valerie's contract is also coming to an end. I bet there are tons ofcompanies who want to sign young talents like her."

"I don't really know," he admitted. There was no way that he, as someone who was so disinterested inother people, would know about something like that. "That is probably it. She is one of the biggestearners that the company has. I don't think they'll let her go so easily."

After hearing his words, she nodded and swiftly asked again, "Why hasn't Valerie gone independent?How is she okay with letting a good portion of her hard-earned money go to the company?"

Ian didn't know Valerie that well to say for sure, but he still answered, "She might do it after her contractends."

Then, he rolled over and stuck himself to Cindy. "Are you intentionally not wearing your clothes?"

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed in surprise when she felt the physical changes to his body as theirskin touched. "You still have the strength to do it?"

Strength was fueled by physical needs, so it was something that could immediately be replenished aslong as the brain wanted it.

Only people who didn't want to do it or had already been satisfied would say that they didn't want to doit.

Ian's hands began to wander again. "Why wouldn't I? Do you still not know what your husband's bodyis capable of?"

Hearing him addressing her as his wife instantly melted Cindy's heart. She then kept her phone awaybefore rolling over to hug him and she pressed a kiss on his lips. "But I don't have the energy to do it,"she purred.

He started laughing after hearing her words. "You are just trying to slack off, aren't you? I know you cando it."

After that, he abruptly pulled her into his chest as he spoke, "Would you like to try and see how it feelslike to be the proactive one with the little stamina you have left?"

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