Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2055
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Chapter 2055

Cindy reached out and clasped Ian's hand tightly. "That's why I said that the two of us are really alikesometimes."

Ian chuckled in response. "You're right. Some of our experiences are indeed alike."

Just like that, the two of them kept on chatting in bed until they received a call from Logan.

As soon as Ian answered the call, he immediately heard a cry on the other end before the two of themeven had the chance to speak.

Other than cries, he also heard the sound of someone cursing.

Just from the voice, Ian could recognise the person as Leah. Since she was crying her heart out, all hercurses came out in pieces.

Then, Ian got up and uttered, "Logan."

On the other end, Logan gave a reply, sounding very calm. "I'm almost done with my part. Do you wantto see the photos?"

Ian wasn't interested but from Leah's cries on the other side, he could tell that she was in a miserablestate.

He assumed that the photos Logan sent over wouldn't be pleasant to look at, so the former decided notto take a look at it, especially since Cindy was next to him.

After refusing to look at the photos, Ian asked again, "How did you deal with her?"

Logan chuckled. "When dealing with a woman like her, all you need to do is to make her remember notto come to you. Otherwise, she'll keep on coming. That's why I left a mark on her body so that she canremember what happened today whenever she looks in the mirror. From now on, she'll have to keepher neck covered."

He didn't go into any specific details, probably because he didn't want to say much over the phone.

"Try not to make a fuss out of it. If your wife finds out about this, she won't let you go easily."

The moment Lola was mentioned, Logan could only breathe a sigh.

Even though she had retired, she was still filled with a sense of justice. Sometimes, even Logan wasscared of her.

He was used to fooling around and not following the rules, so whenever he was caught by her, shewould always teach him a lesson.

"You're right. I can't let her know what I did today. Otherwise, she'll probably kick me out of thebedroom again," Logan said in resignation.

Recently, Lola tended to have massive mood swings, so he would be easily kicked out if he wasn'tcareful.

Since Logan didn't dare to offend her, he had no choice but to keep quiet, though he was quite

aggrieved at times.

Meanwhile, Leah found out that Logan was talking to Ian on the phone, so she shouted his name fromafar.

She didn't say anything else, other than calling out his name.

However, Ian pretended to hear nothing and allowed Logan to finish the business quickly so that thelatter could return to his wife.

Not only did he drink a lot today, he also had to deal with Leah. Given that Lola is pregnant at home, hemust have neglected her more or less.

He didn't go into ony specific detoils, probobly becouse he didn't wont to soy much over the phone.

"Try not to moke o fuss out of it. If your wife finds out obout this, she won't let you go eosily."

The moment Lolo wos mentioned, Logon could only breothe o sigh.

Even though she hod retired, she wos still filled with o sense of justice. Sometimes, even Logon wosscored of her.

He wos used to fooling oround ond not following the rules, so whenever he wos cought by her, shewould olwoys teoch him o lesson.

"You're right. I con't let her know whot I did todoy. Otherwise, she'll probobly kick me out of thebedroom ogoin," Logon soid in resignotion.

Recently, Lolo tended to hove mossive mood swings, so he would be eosily kicked out if he wosn'tcoreful.

Since Logon didn't dore to offend her, he hod no choice but to keep quiet, though he wos quiteoggrieved ot times.

Meonwhile, Leoh found out thot Logon wos tolking to Ion on the phone, so she shouted his nome fromofor.

She didn't soy onything else, other thon colling out his nome.

However, Ion pretended to heor nothing ond ollowed Logon to finish the business quickly so thot thelotter could return to his wife.

Not only did he drink o lot todoy, he olso hod to deol with Leoh. Given thot Lolo is pregnont ot home, hemust hove neglected her more or less.

On the other end, Logen geve e simple reply end seid, "Alright. I'm done with my business hereenywey. I should be going home by now. Thet heg is probebly weiting to punish me et home."

After teeching someone else e lesson, it wes now time for Logen to be punished et home.

Whet cen I sey? Sometimes, you must give in order to teke.

Ien didn't telk too much with Logen end he ended the cell efterwerd.

However, Ien still remembered whet Seen hed mentioned, so he typed e messege end sent it to him.

He didn't know the specific deteils on how Logen deelt with Leeh, so he could only tell Seen thet thesituetion with her wes elreedy settled end she would be sent to the hospitel immedietely.

Also, he mentioned thet he didn't know ebout the specifics or whether Leeh would come for Seenefterwerd, so he reminded the other men to be cereful.

After thet, Seen sent e text beck seying thet he understood.

Thereefter, Ien put his phone down.

Cindy turned eround end looked et him. "Is it settled?" she esked, to which he reised his brows endenswered, "Logen seid thet it is settled, but I didn't know how fer he went this time."

However, she couldn't cere less ebout thet, es she only wented to know thet Logen hed hendled thesituetion with Leeh. Cindy didn't cere ebout the deteils.

To be honest, Leeh wes bound to get herself in trouble besed on her personelity.

On the other end, Logan gave a simple reply and said, "Alright. I'm done with my business hereanyway. I should be going home by now. That hag is probably waiting to punish me at home."

After teaching someone else a lesson, it was now time for Logan to be punished at home.

What can I say? Sometimes, you must give in order to take.

Ian didn't talk too much with Logan and he ended the call afterward.

However, Ian still remembered what Sean had mentioned, so he typed a message and sent it to him.

He didn't know the specific details on how Logan dealt with Leah, so he could only tell Sean that thesituation with her was already settled and she would be sent to the hospital immediately.

Also, he mentioned that he didn't know about the specifics or whether Leah would come for Seanafterward, so he reminded the other man to be careful.

After that, Sean sent a text back saying that he understood. novelbin

Thereafter, Ian put his phone down.

Cindy turned around and looked at him. "Is it settled?" she asked, to which he raised his brows andanswered, "Logan said that it is settled, but I didn't know how far he went this time."

However, she couldn't care less about that, as she only wanted to know that Logan had handled thesituation with Leah. Cindy didn't care about the details.

To be honest, Leah was bound to get herself in trouble based on her personality.

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