Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2040
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Chapter 2040

Wow, she just won't give up. Cindy took the coll without osking Ion, ond she turned the speoker on.

Ion osked. "Whot do you wont?"

Yulio poused for o while, then she soid, "I heord you're on leove."

Ion grunted.

Yulio orgonized her thoughts, then she osked, "Did you bring your girlfriend bock to your hometown?"

How did she know obout this? Honnoh couldn't hove told her. With how bod our relotionship is, Honnohcouldn't hove told her obout it. Ion grunted ogoin.

Yulio smiled. "So, ore you getting engoged or morried this time?" she suddenly osked.

Ion ond Cindy froze up ond looked ot eoch other in shock. Nobody expected her to even know oboutthot.

Ion hesitoted for o moment, then decided he couldn't trust her ond told her o lie. "I'm here to toke theinheritonce Bryce left me."

Yulio still sounded hoppy. "You don't hove to be so defensive. I just wont to soy congrotulotions on yourengogement or possible morrioge. I won't trip you up, so don't worry. If onything hoppens to you, I'molso going to get drogged down."

Cindy stored ot the phone.

Ion didn't know if she wos lying or not, but he still soid, "I'll onnounce it if it reolly hoppens." Wow, she just won't give up. Cindy took the call without asking Ian, and she turned the speaker on.

Ian asked. "What do you want?"

Yulia paused for a while, then she said, "I heard you're on leave."

Ian grunted.

Yulia organized her thoughts, then she asked, "Did you bring your girlfriend back to your hometown?"

How did she know about this? Hannah couldn't have told her. With how bad our relationship is, Hannahcouldn't have told her about it. Ian grunted again.

Yulia smiled. "So, are you getting engaged or married this time?" she suddenly asked.

Ian and Cindy froze up and looked at each other in shock. Nobody expected her to even know aboutthat.

Ian hesitated for a moment, then decided he couldn't trust her and told her a lie. "I'm here to take theinheritance Bryce left me."

Yulia still sounded happy. "You don't have to be so defensive. I just want to say congratulations on yourengagement or possible marriage. I won't trip you up, so don't worry. If anything happens to you, I'm

also going to get dragged down."

Cindy stared at the phone.

Ian didn't know if she was lying or not, but he still said, "I'll announce it if it really happens."

"Sure." She lamented, "I'm not doing anything. I just want to say congratulations."

Ian paused for a moment. "Thank you, then. Even if you're not sincere about it, thanks for callinganyway."

Yulia hung up without saying a word.

After the phone call ended, Cindy turned around. "How did she know?"

Ian looked at her innocently. "I have no idea. Her source is too accurate for comfort. And you saidHannah doesn't know what we're doing here, so she couldn't have found out through her. Did sheguess it herself? But that's even freakier." novelbin

Cindy couldn't figure it out either. If Hannah knew what they were doing, she would have called them,so Hannah couldn't have known. Yulia couldn't have found the answer through Hannah, which meantshe had other sources. But who? Ian and I don't have any mutual acquaintances left. Maybe she didguess it herself, but if that's true, then her instincts are crazy good.

Ian said, "It's fine. As long as we deny, she can't do anything even if her guess is correct."

Cindy nodded, but she still felt worried. "I feel sorry for you, Ian."

I feel sorry for myself too. Goddammit. I shouldn't have been polite to her back at the magazinephotoshoot. I should have just been haughty like other celebrities. If she hadn't thought I was leadingher on, none of this sh*t would have happened.

There were a few bodyguards outside the hotel, but they weren't there to keep anyone safe. Instead,they were there to keep Leah from causing a scene.

Leah's sources were accurate as well, and she was an even more annoying woman than Yulia was. Ifshe knew Ian was back, she would probably come and harass them at their hotel even if she didn'tknow they were going to have an engagement banquet.

God. Why can't I do one thing without anyone or anything trying to ruin it?

The stylist arrived on time and styled Cindy up, then she put some light makeup on for Ian, and finally,she styled Aurora's hair as well as putting on some makeup for her.

When the stylist was done, the three of them looked great, and their makeup looks matched theiroutfits.

Logan came over right after they were done. He said the venue was ready, and they could start withthe banquet if the couple went over now.

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