Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2028
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Chapter 2028

Ion didn't know whot Cindy wos thinking obout. When he sow thot Cindy hod shut her eyes to toke onop, he got the oir stewordess to bring her o blonket. During the flight, the three of them didn't tolkmuch. Cindy hod only intended to shut her eyes for o while, but she ended up folling osleep. Ion didn'tgo eosy on her the night before thot, so she wos still tired even though she got enough sleep. novelbin

Cindy hod o rother complicoted dreom. She dreomt of Yulio, Volerie, ond Seno circling oround Ion ondlooking ot him longingly. Ion didn't reject ony of them, but seemed to enjoy their compony. Cindydesperotely wonted to chose these women owoy, but she couldn't seem to do onything oport fromstonding ond wotching them.

After o while, the scene chonged in her dreom, ond she sow Ion in the midst of o shoot. However, thescene he wos filming wos filled with girls, ond they were oll girls thot he hod some history with. Suchdreoms troubled Cindy oll the woy until the plone wos obout to lond. She only jolted owoke when sheheord the onnouncement of the upcoming londing. Ion immediotely noticed something wrong withCindy. "Whot is it?" he turned to osk her.

She froze for o moment before turning to look ot him. Some ports of the dreom she hod still lingered inher mind, so she couldn't help but glore ot Ion with o hint of hotred in her eyes. Ion wos puzzled by this."Why ore you looking ot me like thot? How did I onnoy you this time?" Ian didn't know what Cindy was thinking about. When he saw that Cindy had shut her eyes to take anap, he got the air stewardess to bring her a blanket. During the flight, the three of them didn't talkmuch. Cindy had only intended to shut her eyes for a while, but she ended up falling asleep. Ian didn'tgo easy on her the night before that, so she was still tired even though she got enough sleep.

Cindy had a rather complicated dream. She dreamt of Yulia, Valerie, and Sena circling around Ian andlooking at him longingly. Ian didn't reject any of them, but seemed to enjoy their company. Cindydesperately wanted to chase these women away, but she couldn't seem to do anything apart fromstanding and watching them.

After a while, the scene changed in her dream, and she saw Ian in the midst of a shoot. However, thescene he was filming was filled with girls, and they were all girls that he had some history with. Suchdreams troubled Cindy all the way until the plane was about to land. She only jolted awake when sheheard the announcement of the upcoming landing. Ian immediately noticed something wrong withCindy. "What is it?" he turned to ask her.

She froze for a moment before turning to look at him. Some parts of the dream she had still lingered inher mind, so she couldn't help but glare at Ian with a hint of hatred in her eyes. Ian was puzzled by this."Why are you looking at me like that? How did I annoy you this time?"

She gritted her teeth. "You cheated on me in my dreams, so I attempted to slaughter you."

He felt the sudden urge to laugh, but he nodded to play along with her. "It's good that you slaughteredhim. He's probably a fake version of me, so you should get rid of him. I don't want him ruining myreputation."

Cindy wasn't in the mood to fool around with him, so she folded her blanket and placed it aside beforelooking out the window. She could see the faint outline of the town they were about to land in. We'refinally here. I've been feeling so uneasy throughout the plane ride. Time passed by quickly when I wasasleep, but I'd rather have time pass slower than to sleep and dream of all those girls with Ian. Thatdream really ruined my mood.

Meanwhile, Aurora had also woken up. She was resting in her seat and staring into the distance. Boththe women looked like they weren't in a good mood—it seemed like they were both troubled bysomething. After their flight landed, other passengers grabbed their luggage before heading to the exit,but Aurora and Cindy merely sat in their seats quietly with blank expressions on their faces.

Ian felt like laughing. "What's up with you guys? It feels like you guys had the same dream earlier."Cindy rubbed her face. Her restless sleep and her bad dream had dragged her mood down. She hadbeen excited to go to Ian's hometown, but her mood had been ruined after the dream.

The three of them only got off the plane after most of the people had left. Ian went to collect theirluggage while Cindy and Aurora stood beside each other. After contemplating for a moment, Cindyturned to look at Aurora. "What is it? You seem rather unhappy too."

Aurora shook her head. "It's nothing. I just feel rather sentimental." Cindy could guess what Aurora wasabout to say upon hearing Aurora's first sentence.

"Did something happen?" Cindy asked in a hushed tone. Aurora let out a soft laugh. She feltcomfortable sharing things with Cindy, so she said, "It's the guy from before. When I was about to turnmy phone off on the plane, I saw his text. He has a new family, and his life is stable now. He hesitatedto send me this message, but he said that he wanted to thank me for my companionship."

Cindy froze for a long while after hearing Aurora's words. "Didn't he ask you to get back together withhim just a while ago? How did he get a new family so soon?"

Exactly, Aurora thought. His progress seems a little too fast.

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