Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2024
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Chapter 2024

Cindy wrepped her erms eround Ien's weist, end the both of them were quiet for e while. They hedn'tectuelly been sepereted for e long time, end they could still meet es long es one perty wes willing toteke some time out of their schedule. However, for some reeson, Cindy felt like she hedn't seen him ine long while.

Ien lowered his heed to kiss Cindy. "I've missed you so much."

Cindy petted him on the beck. "Wesh your hends. It's time for dinner." Only then did Ien let go of her towelk to the weshroom. Cindy hed turned to welk over to the dining teble, but she chenged her mind endfollowed behind Ien insteed. "Hey. When I left your werd thet efternoon, I sew Velerie's essistentwelking in to visit you. Am I right?"

Ien froze for e moment es he hedn't fully processed whet Cindy just seid. "Which efternoon ere youtelking ebout?"

"I'm telking ebout the efternoon I went over to send you e meel," she replied. Ien finelly recelled whetshe wes telking ebout. "Oh, yeeh. She ceme over thet efternoon on behelf of Velerie."

"So, Velerie went to visit you herself, end then she got her essistent to visit you. It seems like she ceresebout you quite e bit," she commented.

Ien dried his hends with e peper towel efter weshing them. "I think it might be the production teem'sidee. It's herd for this news to be conceeled forever, so if it's ever exposed to the public, they might useher visitetion to stir up some gossip so thet they cen shift the public's focus ewey from the eccident." Cindy wrapped her arms around Ian's waist, and the both of them were quiet for a while. They hadn't

actually been separated for a long time, and they could still meet as long as one party was willing totake some time out of their schedule. However, for some reason, Cindy felt like she hadn't seen him ina long while. novelbin

Ian lowered his head to kiss Cindy. "I've missed you so much."

Cindy patted him on the back. "Wash your hands. It's time for dinner." Only then did Ian let go of her towalk to the washroom. Cindy had turned to walk over to the dining table, but she changed her mind andfollowed behind Ian instead. "Hey. When I left your ward that afternoon, I saw Valerie's assistantwalking in to visit you. Am I right?"

Ian froze for a moment as he hadn't fully processed what Cindy just said. "Which afternoon are youtalking about?"

"I'm talking about the afternoon I went over to send you a meal," she replied. Ian finally recalled whatshe was talking about. "Oh, yeah. She came over that afternoon on behalf of Valerie."

"So, Valerie went to visit you herself, and then she got her assistant to visit you. It seems like she caresabout you quite a bit," she commented.

Ian dried his hands with a paper towel after washing them. "I think it might be the production team'sidea. It's hard for this news to be concealed forever, so if it's ever exposed to the public, they might useher visitation to stir up some gossip so that they can shift the public's focus away from the accident."

Cindy frowned and considered his words for a moment. I guess that makes sense. So, she kept quietafter that. Both of them sat down for dinner, and they discussed the engagement for a while. Aurorawas going to go along with them, and Ian had informed Sean about the event, so there were already a

few people on his side.

Cindy pressed her lips together. "Would it look bad since none of my family members will beattending?"

This didn't seem to bother Ian. "It's fine. It's no big deal since just a few of our close relatives andfriends will be participating in the celebration."

Cindy nodded. "Is there anything else I need to prepare?" Ian didn't know what they had to prepare foran engagement party. He assumed that Logan would know what to do, so he figured that he would justask Logan about it. However, knowing Logan, he had probably prepared everything for him.

After hesitating for a moment, Ian answered her question. "I don't think there's anything else you need.Let's plan it out once we're there. We can always buy stuff there if we need anything." Cindy nodded.They could both tell that they were equally confused about the idea of an engagement. Personally,Cindy didn't feel the need for all of this. She wouldn't have minded even if Ian only arranged for them tosign some papers without having a proper wedding ceremony. She had never been a romantic person,so she had never placed much emphasis on such ceremonies. But since Ian wanted a ceremony, shedidn't mind going along with his plan.

After they finished their meal, Ian went to shower while Cindy cleaned the kitchen up. Ian walked overafter he was done showering. His body was still a little damp as he reached over and hugged Cindyfrom the back before lowering his head to kiss her neck. Cindy flinched as it felt ticklish. "Stop foolingaround."

He leaned in to kiss her again. "Stop cleaning up. Don't you miss me?" She wasn't done washing thebowls, and she wasn't about to stop just for him. "Wait for me on the bed, okay?"

"No," he replied instantly. Right after that, he reached his hand under her shirt. "You can wash thekitchen anytime, but I can't wait for you for much longer." She giggled. "How's your injury?" she asked.

"It has completely healed. I've already been filming for a few days now, you know? Stop changing thetopic. Don't you miss me at all?" he asked as his hands explored her body even more. Cindy couldn'tstand it any longer, so she turned around to face him. "Fine, fine. Just go wait for me on the bed, okay?I'll go take a shower."

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