Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1979
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Chapter 1979

It was raining when she woke up the next morning. Cindy looked out the window and wondered if Ian'swork would be affected, since the shoot was done outdoors. It's not early now. I think he's alreadyworking. So, she didn't call him. Instead, she made a simple breakfast and went to work.

There were still a few employees who were on their way to work, so the others huddled together andcomplained about the weather. They said they were drenched.

I wonder if they came to work at the same time. They look so tight knit. Then, she thought, Maybethat's because they have a common enemy—me.

Hm, aren't they worried that I might trip them up if they talk about me behind my back? Do they thinkthat I can't do anything because they outnumber me? She sighed. Maybe. At this thought, Cindy feltlike laughing, but she cleared her desk before she went to Serena's office and placed a draft on thetable.

Serena would be absent for a couple of days, seemingly because she had to take part in a show.However, she had told her assistant to assign tasks to the apprentices, and all of them had their ownwork to do. Cindy didn't get any tasks, so she picked another topic from the list Serena gave her andstarted working on it.

Some of the interns were talking about going to the award ceremony someday with Serena, but Cindywasn't interested. She had never thought about attending any events, since she didn't have that kind ofambition. She just wanted to do her job. A designer's job was to design, and she only wanted to do thatwell. Fame? Um, well, it's a double-edged sword. Ian's a good example. I'm fine with not being famous.

As Serena wasn't around, the apprentices started to slack off, but Cindy felt even more motivated. Shenovelbin

wanted to prove herself to them with her own skills, so now that they were slacking, it was time for herto work doubly hard if she wanted to reach her goal sooner.

Cindy focused on her work the whole morning and finished one draft down to its details. Yep. Focusingdoes increase my efficiency. When she snapped out of her focus mode, she realized that she wasalone, since it was lunch time already.

She packed her things and was planning to have lunch in the cafeteria, but the moment she came outof the office, her phone rang. She went to the staircase and took her phone out. Gary again? She tooka deep breath and hesitated for a moment, then she took the call.

Gary said he was nearby and wanted to have lunch with her.

Cindy didn't want to go. During the last meal, Gary had said something that made her feeluncomfortable. She wanted to refuse him, so she said she already had an appointment with hercolleague.

Gary knew she would say that, so he asked, "Are you going to have lunch with your colleague? Thatmeans you guys haven't eaten yet, right?"

Cindy paused for a moment. She was worried that Gary might ask her to bring her colleague along.That'll be a disaster. She said, "Yes, but I don't see her anywhere. I should call her. Maybe she hassomething else to settle and is busy."

Gary didn't mind. He grunted. "Sure, go ahead. I'll be waiting outside."

She hung up and heaved a sigh. It's just lunch. What can go wrong, right?

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