Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1959
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Chapter 1959

Now that Cindy had the whole bed to herself, she could roll around as much as she liked. She had toldIan about how she would like to visit him on set the coming Saturday.

It had been a while since they saw each other, and according to the agency’s requirement, they weresupposed to appear together every once in a while. Ian was more than willing to make thearrangements. Weekends were mythical when it came to those who worked on the set, and particularlyso for him, so Cindy had to be the one to make the visit.

In all fairness, a lot of time had passed since they last got together, so he was naturally elated to knowthat she was coming to visit him.

The day before her visit, Ian spent the night at a hotel near the set instead of going home. Cindy, on theother hand, woke up early the next morning so she could cook his favorite dishes and pack them intocontainers.

She even made cookies for the visit, and when she finished packing up the food, she texted Ian to tellhim that she was on her way.

At present, Ian was already on set, and he texted back, asking her to be safe on the way.

Cindy had been in a foul mood for the most part of the week, and it was only now that she was so closeto seeing Ian again that she started to cheer up a bit.

With the food containers in tow, she hailed a taxi to take her to where Ian’s filming set was. The car ridetook a while, what with the destination being slightly out of the way.

Upon her arrival, it was the driver who led her to the set, and he explained that Ian wasn’t here to greether personally because he was in the middle of filming. She did not complain about this and was ratherunderstanding of it as she followed the driver to the set while carrying her belongings.

The driver pointed out ruefully, “I’m not going to lie, but it’s been weird without you. I was so used toseeing the both of you joined at the hip that I can’t wrap my head around Ian filming couple scenes withsome other girl. You don’t know how conflicted I felt!”

Cindy laughed. “I don’t know how I’d feel seeing him in the same frame as some other girl, too, but justthinking about it makes me a little upset.” Then, she let out a small chuckle. “But my hands are as tiedas yours, I guess.”

The driver mused in agreement, “Indeed, you and I can’t do much about that.”

She followed him over to where Ian was filming, and they were still a bit ways from the actual set whenshe caught sight of him.

The cameras were still rolling, and Ian happened to be in a scene with the female lead, who was arising star in the industry. She had the looks and the acting skills to make it big in her career, not tomention a pretty solid reputation.

From an outsider’s standpoint, Ian and the girl looked really compatible in terms of appearance as theystood together in frame.

At the sight of this, Cindy would be lying if she said she didn’t feel a pang of jealousy. Regardless ofhow much she trusted Ian, she still felt a little unnerved to see him standing in such close proximity to

someone prettier and more capable than her.

After all, the actress wasn’t anything like Yulia. She had a good reputation, and while Cindy knew littleabout her, she didn’t seem like she would look down her nose at everybody the way Yulia would. novelbin

In other words, the actress was likable, which only prodded Cindy’s brewing emotional bruise.

While the crew members were busy wrapping things up, Cindy and the driver staked out seats forthemselves. She produced the container filled with her homemade cookies and offered them to thedriver.

Chuckling, he did not shy away from the offer and graciously took a cookie.

Cindy did not have a prowess for anything in particular, but she was a good enough cook. When thedriver had finished his cookie, he praised earnestly, “It tastes just as good as store-bought ones! Mygoodness, Cindy, why would you bother looking for a job when you could run a dessert shop instead?”

She only laughed at this, clearly delighted at the compliment. “Well, maybe you have a point there. Icould go back to my hometown and set up a dessert shop if I fail in all other job prospects.”

“As if you could ever fail.” The driver snorted good-naturedly, then jerked his chin in Ian’s direction.“With Ian backing you up, all you’ll have to do is count money bills.”

She glanced over in the same direction, and after a while, she hummed distractedly. “I guess I havethat to look forward to.”

After several shots, Ian was finally done with his scene. He hurriedly looked around and spotted Cindysitting next to the driver, then jogged over to them

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