Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1946
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Chapter 1946

But Cindy continued talking. “Miss Warhol takes really good care of me. When we had lunch togetherearlier, she told me that I could go to her if I had any problems.” Ian knew of Serena—she was one ofthe designers who had received awards. Although she seemed more easy-going than Yulia, she alsoappeared to be rather haughty.

Ian sighed silently. I’m already surprised to hear that Cindy is working with Serena, but if she’s sayingthat Serena’s taking especially good care of her, then… This is concerning. However, Ian couldn’t betoo direct with Cindy, so all he did was nod before pulling her into his arms and giving her a pat on theback.

They hadn’t had their dinner, so Cindy went to prepare a meal in the kitchen while Ian returned to hisroom. He hesitated for a moment as he held his phone. The door wasn’t shut tight, so he could hearcooking sounds from the kitchen. After waiting for a while more, Ian decided to make the call. He wascalling Gary.

Gary had just gotten off work, and he picked his phone up after it rang a few times. Since they hadn’tcontacted one another before, Gary didn’t have Ian’s phone number saved in his contacts. “Hello.Who’s this?” Gary’s voice sounded rather stern.

“Hello, Mr. Frye. It’s me, Ian.”

The man on the other end of the line paused for a moment before greeting Ian. “Is anything the matter,Mr. Morgan?” he asked.

Ian pressed his lips together tightly and glanced at his bedroom door for a moment. Cindy was still

busy cooking. “I’d like to thank you for something, Mr. Frye.” Ian took a deep breath. “It seems likeyou’ve put in a good word for Cindy’s job. Thank you so much.” novelbin

Gary wasn’t surprised that Ian found out about this matter. He had no intention of hiding it in the firstplace. “It’s no big deal,” he uttered with a laugh. This might’ve been no big deal to Gary, but it hadcertainly helped Cindy a lot.

“Do let us buy you a meal when you’re free, Mr. Frye. It may be a small matter to you, but we’regenuinely thankful for this,” Ian replied.

“You don’t need to do that. It’s really nothing.” Gary sounded amused. No matter how much Garyclaimed it was a small matter, Ian simply couldn’t agree with him. “When will you be free for a meal?We have to do something for you in return.”

Gary hesitated for a moment. “You might have to wait for a while more. I’m rather busy nowadays as Ihave a lot of things to deal with.”

Ian’s schedule was packed too. He had an ongoing film project, and he didn’t know what time he wouldget off work on most days. “Okay. Let me know when you’re free, and I’ll book the restaurant, Mr. Frye.”Both men no longer continued the conversation after that. They weren’t very well-acquainted with oneanother, so they didn’t have much to say.

After Ian ended the call, he walked out of the room. Cindy had finished cooking one of the dishes, andshe was placing it on the dining table. When she saw Ian walking out of the room, she greeted him witha smile. “Who were you talking to? You were being so secretive.”

Ian waved his phone in front of Cindy’s face. “I called one of the pretty ladies in the production team.

Why? Are you jealous?”

Cindy let out a laugh as she didn’t believe him at all. “I would’ve believed you if you said you weretalking to Yulia.”

Ian took a seat at the dining table while Cindy went into the kitchen to continue cooking. As he leanedback in his seat, he recalled his conversation with Hannah earlier today. Hannah said that she hadalready spoken to Yulia and that Yulia claimed it was all a misunderstanding. Yulia explained that shehad never been against Ian’s career and that she hadn’t intended to do anything sneaky.

Furthermore, Yulia said that she would keep her distance away from Ian so that Hannah would nolonger have to worry about her. Hannah had delivered this news in a flat tone, but Ian could tell thatHannah was rather disappointed by what Yulia did.

He didn’t know if Yulia would stick to her words, but he felt better just hearing them. He didn’t careabout what Yulia said about affecting his career—all he cared about was Yulia’s claim that she wouldstay away from him.

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