Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1933
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Chapter 1933

Eventually, they came to an area with all sorts of outdoor food stalls. Despite the blazing sun, many ofthe stalls ran their business as usual. Ian didn’t need to walk over to be able to smell the mouth-watering scent. He halted his footsteps as he took a deep breath. “This smells really good.”

Cindy smiled. Her hometown was known for its street food, and it was pretty famous even in othertownships. Although the couple had just finished their meal, Cindy found herself tempted by thedelicious scents that filled the air. “Let’s try them out,” she said as she dragged him over to the stalls.

Meanwhile, Hazel and the neighbors were still sitting around in her house. The neighbors werebusybodies who didn’t know their limits. “I can’t believe she found a boyfriend so soon. Previously, Irecall that your daughter rejected others when they tried to introduce her to someone. I thought shedidn’t want to focus on her love life since she had just graduated. Yet, she brought him home!” oneneighbor stated.

“She wasn’t interested in dating previously, but this guy continued sticking around and treating her well.It’s hard for Cindy to live out there on her own, so I’m sure she also fell for him because of how muchhe cares for her,” Hazel replied hastily.

“Is he planning to stay here? What about his own family? You need to be clear about his background—you don’t want to walk into a trap blindly.” Another neighbor reminded Hazel. novelbin

“He seems to come from a pretty rich family, and he looks like he’s doing well. Of course, I don’t know ifhe’s just putting on a show. I’ll have to get Cindy to follow up on this matter,” Hazel replied.

“I guess it’s fine as long as he’s rich. Money rules the world nowadays; your life would be ten times

easier if you married a rich person,” someone else added.

Hazel nodded. “That’s right. It is an important factor to be considered. Anyway, I’m sure Ian was beinghonest when he told me about his background.” The few neighbors continued gossiping about Ian andCindy. Cindy was at the ideal age for marriage, so some of the neighbors urged Hazel to support themarriage if the man was from a wealthy family. If Cindy got married and gave birth to a child, bothCindy and Hazel would be set for the rest of their lives. They would no longer have to struggle tosupport Keith.

Hazel had considered all these factors, so she merely responded with a thoughtful nod. “Yeah. That’swhat I thought too, but he has just arrived, and I haven’t gotten a chance to observe him properly. Ineed more time.”

While the neighbors’ discussion went on, Cindy and Ian circled the food stalls and bought everythingthat caught their eye. Ian didn’t have to conceal his identity as there weren’t many who recognized him.The stall owners treated him like a regular individual, and they didn’t even look twice at him. Ian lovedliving a life like this, where he didn’t feel watched whenever he was out in public. He was free to dowhatever he wanted to.

Even Cindy felt oddly relaxed today. She felt like she and Ian were just another normal couple whocould hold hands as they walked on the streets. Cindy left a food stain on the corner of her lips, and Iancouldn’t help but plant a kiss on her lips after he wiped the stain off. Cindy didn’t feel any fear despitebeing in public—she merely exchanged glances with Ian before smiling. The people who walked pastthem didn’t realize anything at all. That was when Cindy understood the reason Ian liked living in thevillage.

Both of them strolled around for a long while before they finally went home. Their neighbors were gone

by then, and Hazel had stayed home to clean the place up instead of going out to play poker. Themoment Cindy and Ian entered the house, Hazel turned to look at them. “Have you guys eaten? Youguys were out for a really long time.”

Cindy sat down on the couch. “We ate out, but we bought you some food,” she uttered as she placedHazel’s lunch on the coffee table. Hazel lowered the cleaning tools in her hands before she sat downbeside Cindy. “How many days will you guys be staying?”

Ian had a total of three days to spare, but they couldn’t spend their entire time there, could they? Theyhad to return home to prepare for his shooting.

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