Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1917
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Chapter 1917

Cindy was worried at the same time, however. Yulia is tripping Ian up. I wonder how she’ll treat Aurora,and if she’ll give Aurora the resources she promised. She might trip Aurora up as well. Cindy neverbrought up what was happening between Ian and Yulia, so Aurora only thought Hannah was looking forIan because she wanted to talk about his next shoot.

The lunch went on for a long time. Since Ian didn’t call her, Cindy wasn’t in a hurry to go home. Theladies took almost an hour to finish their meal, and Cindy went to pay the bill. They were already tipsywhen they came out, but they were largely sober, though they did smell of alcohol.

The ladies looked at each other, then Aurora said, “I don’t want to go home just yet. Let’s walk around.”

Cindy didn’t want to go home either. Being at home without Ian was boring, so she went shopping withAurora in a nearby mall.

Women had one universal hobby—shopping when they were upset. They wanted to cheer themselvesup by spending money, and the ladies let themselves go. Cindy used to be strict on spending, but shedidn’t care about that this time, and she bought every shirt she thought was nice.

Every time she tried on a new shirt, she was reminded of Yulia and how beautiful she dressed herselfup. She had this powerful aura wherever she went, and that was thanks to both her capability andoutfit. Cindy was jealous, so she bought a lot of new clothes for herself. She knew she could look onpar with Yulia if she tried.

Aurora was happy to see Cindy letting herself go. She’s always so careful, but a young woman like herdoesn’t need to do that. She needs to be fearless. Aurora picked a few clothes for Cindy, and they hada good time shopping. In the end, they stopped after they couldn’t hold any more shopping bags, and

they called a ride home.

Surprisingly, Ian was already back at home. Aurora didn’t come over, since she needed to unload herstuff at her own place. Cindy stood at the foyer, staring at Ian, who was in the living room. “When didyou come back?”

Ian was drinking from a glass. “I just came home, and I’m parched. I was going to call you after I hadsome water.” He looked at what Cindy was holding, and he smiled. “You went shopping with mymother, I see.”

Cindy nodded and put her stuff on the couch, then she asked, “So, what did Hannah say?”

Ian was looking fine, and Cindy could guess that the talk went well. Hannah was someone who caredmore about the big picture, so Cindy knew Hannah would stand on Ian’s side no matter what.

Ian nodded. “She wants us to ignore it. The company will settle it.” He chuckled. “I heard her callingYulia when I left, though I didn’t stay to listen.” novelbin

Cindy huddled closer to him. “Do you think they’ll fight? Did Hannah get mad after you told hereverything?”

Ian hugged her. Instead of answering her question, he took a whiff of her scent. “You drank.”

Cindy nodded. “We ordered some fruit wine at the restaurant. It’s low on the alcohol part. The fruitinessoverpowered the alcohol.” She huddled even closer to him.

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