Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 189
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Chapter 189

I should quit drinking, as all it ever does is put me into a compromising situation. That totally sucks.After spending some time just sitting on the bed, she got off it deftly to check on her body in a mirror inthe bathroom, and much to her delight, she noticed there were less marks on her body this time. Shethen saw the cold water in the tub from last night, so she drained it while wearing a frown before filling itup with water again.

While the tub was filling up, she retrieved her phone from the nightstand to give John a call, whichconnected after a moment. His voice came through as being calm while he asked, “Are you up?”

“You’re the one I had sex with last night, am I right?” She drew a deep breath before questioning him ina tone which he could hardly decipher, and he wondered if she was disappointed.

“Who else then?” His reply was brusque.

“Alright, got it.” The call was hung up after she nodded. She then went into the bathroom after mullingover the situation. As she lay in the tub, she went on trying her hardest to recall what happened lastnight, but her memory failed her, as she couldn’t recall anything aside from a few details when she washaving sex.

A soft wail escaped her while she covered her face, as the fact that she had sex with John againweighed on her heavily. It didn’t make sense as she wanted to wipe the slate clean between them.After spending a long while soaking in the tub, she had a change of clothes before taking the soiledbed sheets off to be washed, all the while averting her gaze from the sheet.

She cooked herself a meal after cleaning the bathtub. Then, there was a message in her phone fromIan which asked if she was up. While it came early in the morning, Sophia never replied to it. Although

she wanted to ask him what happened last night—especially how she got home—that led up to herhaving sex with John, it was an impossible task no matter how shameless she was.

After boiling herself some noodles, she sat down for a meal while staring at her phone as shewondered from whom she should ask for answers regarding what happened last night. The noodleswere finished before she went back up to lie down on bed. She figured that John didn’t get down toohard on her, as her body wasn’t sore despite her fatigue. While staring at the lights on the ceiling due toher having a hard time falling asleep, Sophia decided she would quit drinking, which would hopefullyhelp her to abstain from sex.

In the meantime, John was sitting in his office with his phone on the table, all the while spacing out ashe leaned back in his seat. He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice Zack’s arrivalwith a stack of documents in hand. When he saw the state his boss was in, he was in turn surprised.“Boss, we managed to suppress further online discussion regarding the matter, and the scandalconcerning Infinity Group would soon break. You can consider the matter settled.”

“Alright.” John returned to his senses before looking at Zack. The latter blinked in confusion, as heassumed John was pondering about the matter which he had just reported on, but that didn’t seem tobe the case. novelbin

The documents were handed to John while Zack explained, “These are drafts of the contract preparedby the Baileys which you should look over before the public relations team releases the news regardingour collaboration with the Baileys.”

The Baileys owned a big company, so their collaboration could very much help to redeem theConstance’s image that was affected by the scandal. Upon taking the documents from Zack, John wentthrough it roughly before replying, “I understand. I’ll inform you after I’ve confirmed that everything is


“Is something bothering you, Boss? Why do you look a little distracted?” Zack stared at John even afterhis report ended.

“It’s nothing... Nothing happened at all...” There was a few moments’ pause before John replied, towhich Zack grunted in response as he glanced at John. Then, he turned to leave. Meanwhile, Johnonly managed to go through two pages of the document before he closed it back, as he had a hardtime taking in what was written on it with his addled state of mind.

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