Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1875
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Chapter 1875

There were even some fans who solemnly wished for Ian to make an honest woman out of Cindy,considering how she had dedicated herself to him during her prime, and how that alone was anastounding feat.

Upon reading the contents of the news and the comments that followed, Ian couldn’t help feelingcomforted and relieved by them.

Cindy, on the other hand, was oblivious to all this. She was happily munching away on her snacks, andwhen she was done resting, she linked arms with Ian and strolled around the park some more.

This time, they did not indulge in any more games or rides, and merely circled the amusement parkidly.

They couldn’t remember the last time they had been so carefree. Cindy had been with Ian since hisdebut, and she understood better than anyone what his days and schedules were like as a risingcelebrity. Usually, most of his days were spent hiding away from the public eye and being wary of hissurroundings whenever he went out.

In actuality, celebrities were humans, too, and all they wanted was to maintain a high-flying careerwithout sacrificing any modicum of privacy in their normal lives.

Now that it was about time for them to leave, they headed out of the amusement park. But they nevergot the chance to put their arms up to hail a passing taxi, for they had only just stepped through thegates when they noticed representatives of the press crouching patiently by the curb.

Cindy and Ian stood frozen for a second, and he instinctively made to pull her away from the paparazzi.

However, she was faster, and she quickly looped her arm through his to keep him firmly in place.

The press immediately swarmed around them.

Cindy had a mask on, but even so, Ian could tell she was smiling based on the way her eyes curvedinto crescent moons; she was not hostile toward the press at all.

Naturally, he understood what she intended to do. Now that his narrative was on the track of flipping inhis favor, he needed to act the part and ride the waves of this positive twist.

Besides, leaving the press a good impression at present would help them solidify their mendingreputation. If he were to walk away now and offend the press, then retribution might very well come inthe form of scandals and snide articles.

As repressed as Ian was, he knew he had to force a pleasant front, so he rearranged his features andtried to look as amiable as possible.

The press appeared more respectful this time, and while they swarmed around the couple andbombarded them with requests for comments, it was clear to see that they had filtered through theirquestions.

This time, they did not pester Ian on matters surrounding Bryce’s will, though the rumors about theMorgan Family were still brewing and simmering online. Instead, the media seemed to have received amemo beforehand, and they collectively avoided bringing this up in front of Ian.

Presently, all their questions were about Ian and Cindy’s love life. The both of them had only everappeared within the same picture alongside crew members and agency staff, and never had they been

sighted while dating.

Seeing them dating in their own privacy was a refreshing change, and a new topic of interest for thepress. More importantly, the girl who had posted those pictures earlier claimed that Cindy was a gentlesoul who was kind to her fans, which led the media to focus more on her than Ian.

Cindy smiled and patiently answered the media’s questions to the best of her ability.

While this was happening, Ian stood to the side, feeling out of place. He was still a little hostile towardthe press, though that was more of an ingrained response than anything else. In all fairness, all thescandals that had broken out in the past that dragged him into murky waters could have been the workof some of these media representatives.

But after a while, when he witnessed Cindy’s natural charm and affable demeanor as she handled thepress, he began to relax. novelbin

He reached an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his embrace, then interjected to answerone of the reporters, “Well, of course we do have plans to settle down, but seeing as I haven’t met herfamily, I think it’s best if we take our time at the moment. There’s no rush, and when my schedule freesup, I’ll definitely visit her parents.”

The reporter followed up without missing a bit, asking, “Are you saying that you haven’t met her familyat all even though the both of you have been in a relationship all this time?”

Ian chuckled, which was a rare sight where the media was concerned. “As you know, she’s obviouslyalready met my parents. But as for hers, I’ve only ever spoken to them on the phone. I haven’t had thetime to visit them just yet, but I will once I have the time. I’m sure our families have given their

blessings, but one shouldn’t discard formalities, right?”

It was hard to believe this was the same Ian who had actually called the police on the press when theybadgered him with incessant questions

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