Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1862
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Chapter 1862

Ian pursed his lips and hesitated for a while, then asked, “Did she mention anyone to you? Was the girlyou met yesterday the only one to meet you?”

Cindy nodded. “Yes, it's the same girl from yesterday. She immediately decided that I can work there. Ialso told her that I haven't finished the handover of things at my previous job, and it may take a whilebefore I can work there. She also agreed to give me time.” novelbin

After speaking, she laughed and added, “Do you think they previously set the requirements way toohigh before and no one applied, but they really needed someone and lowered it, which was how Ibecame really lucky?”

Ian stared at her for a while and determined that she really didn't think too much about this. So, henodded. “It's possible.”

It was the only possibility she could come up with. “Then, I'm really lucky.”

He didn't speak again. Soon, the two went to have a bath, then lay on the bed and fell asleep. Just asshe was dozing off, she felt the phone vibrating and reached out for the phone before completelywaking up. The light of the phone showed that there was indeed a notification. She checked the phoneand squinted to see that Gary had sent a message.

Looking at the time, she realized that it was already very late into the night. However, he should havebeen extremely busy earlier in the day and had probably only just gotten off work, so it was not exactlyincomprehensible for him to send her a message at this time.

Cindy clicked on the message and after reading it for a long time, she finally understood Gary’squestion. He was asking how her job search was going.

Pursing her lips, she suddenly recollected that she had mentioned this during their dinner before, butshe didn’t expect for him to remember it. She quickly replied to the message, saying that she hadgotten the job as the company decided to hire her.

After a while, Gary replied with one word: ‘Congratulations.’

Putting down the phone, Cindy turned over and coincidentally lay in Ian's arms. Ian was already asleepat this point and didn't know that she had sent a message. Soon, she also closed her eyes and fellasleep after a while.

The time for the filming wasn’t extremely early the next day, so they stayed in bed for a while beforewaking up. There was nothing in the refrigerator at home; thus, the two went out to have breakfast andwaited for the driver afterward to bring them to the filming location.

Cindy had followed Ian in this time, but he still carried the makeup case by himself. She would havebeen a little embarrassed in the past, but she didn’t feel that way at all now. Maybe her role had reallychanged where she now dominated him and could do so confidently.

They went to the dressing room first where there were already several people in it. Ian opened the doorand entered to greet some seniors first. Cindy didn't know what the situation was like yesterday, butthese seniors were especially enthusiastic when they saw Ian today. It was like when he had justdebuted and became popular almost instantaneously.

Moreover, the same people even harbored a positive attitude toward Cindy when they previously only

cared about him. However, there were people who took the initiative to talk to her today as well. It wassomething that she didn’t expect. Indeed, she had become more popular thanks to her relationship withIan.

While Cindy's demeanor was proper, she was not reserved. Ian soon sat down for the makeup and shesat on the chair next to him. The atmosphere in the dressing room was excellent and some peopleeven joked about his online haters, commenting that those people were probably scared off by himbecause they learned that he hadn’t lost his reputation no matter how they tried to smear him.

Since everyone was talking and laughing, it was obvious that they didn't seem to take this matterseriously. Since some had finished their makeup first, they went out of the dressing room while othersremained in their original positions to continue the chat after being done with makeup.

In short, out of all the times she had visited the dressing room since being with Ian, Cindy realized thattoday’s atmosphere was the best.

After a while, someone from the program team came to inform them about the filming order of theirscenes later.

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