Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 184
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Chapter 184

Ian sang another love song after spending some time with Sophia. The volume of the music was sosoft that he was almost singing a cappella. Silence befell the bar all of a sudden, and all of the noisehad died down.

The lights were dimmed while Ian was almost shining as he sat under the spotlight. Sophia rested herchin on her hands that were in turn rested on the table as she observed Ian intently. When he reachedthe middle of his song, he cast a glance at her, and the both of them exchanged a smile while holdingtheir gazes.

Sophia opened the beer after ordering some side dishes, which, in her opinion, would go well with thebeer. While it was her intention to only drink a little, the beer was so weak that she felt nothing butbloated after a bottle of it, thus proceeded to open the second bottle.

Some bold audience had the waiter buy some flowers to be given to Ian on stage, throughout whichSophia watched while smiling like a fool. Such a sight had to be commonplace for Ian as he thankedthat person after stopping the song. He then left the flower on the ground beside him before continuingwith his song.

However, Sophia’s gaze was fixated on the bunch of flowers when she realized she never received asingle bunch of it despite her age. Not only did she never receive flowers, but she also never got topursue a romantic relationship, thus never knew of the embarrassment while holding a boy’s hand.

Instead, she stepped into a marriage with John without even getting the chance to hold his hand. Whileshe used to be shy around him in the beginning, her love was unknown to him, or rather, he knew ofher love but never cared enough to recognize it.

Despite the smile on her face, her heart was feeling numb, but she figured her situation was for thebest now that she was divorced. Although her heart was cold, she had the opportunity then to findsomeone who would warm it up again, while John could have fun with Isabelle for all she cared.

Even after the second bottle of beer, her mind was still very much intact. She had the waiter bring twomore bottles, only to have him respond, “Since you’re here with a friend, two bottles might not beenough, so why don’t I bring you a dozen more? You can ask for a refund for any unfinished beer.”

After checking the items she had on the table, Sophia nodded in agreement. “Sure, why not.” Shewasn’t in dire need of money, so it didn’t matter to her. novelbin

The waiter left before coming back deftly with a dozen bottles of beer, then opening two of them for her.There was a seductiveness in her gaze as she thanked the waiter, to which the latter responded with aprofessional smile as he replied, “My pleasure.”

Sophia filled her own glass while listening to the rest of Ian’s song, but a woman approached himbefore he was able to leave the stage. It was apparent from her wobbly steps that she was drunk whileshe stood before Ian to tell him something. The smile on Ian’s face never faltered throughout theprocess.

On the other hand, Sophia nearly lost her cool as she sat crossed-legged on the chair while leaningagainst it. Upon closer observation, she figured that a lot of women would like Ian for his handsomefeatures and nice voice. His identity wouldn’t have mattered if it was true love, especially when it wasnever his fault to begin with. His father was the one who couldn’t restrain himself.

Upon the woman saying something, Sophia could see Ian giving her a smile before pointing at herself,which led the drunk woman to look toward her when he was talking. Sophia responded by putting up a

tough front, while the drunk woman turned to leave with a sullen expression after looking at her. It wasonly then that Ian came over with his guitar in hand.

“What’s up? Is she trying to flirt with you?” Sophia asked after he settled down, to which he gave a humin response while placing his guitar on the chair beside him. Curiosity ate at Sophia as she asked,“What did you tell her at the end? She seemed a little displeased.”

Ian lifted his gaze to look at Sophia as he spoke, “I told her my girlfriend is right over there.”

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