Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1839
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Chapter 1839

Yulia had repeatedly called and texted her, but Cindy didn’t even check before clearing her phone logand unread messages.

Frankly speaking, she was a little surprised to see how desperate Yulia was. Looks like she really doescare about Ian. Knowing how high and mighty Yulia usually was, she would have stopped calling andtexting the moment Cindy ignored her.

Cindy sighed. Some people were just incredibly hard to read; Yulia had come across plenty of men inthe entertainment industry, and among those were A-list celebrities who had worked with her time andtime again. Sparks and chemistry aside, she even attended a few awards ceremonies together withthem. But I don’t see her pining after them like she does Ian.

Ian, on the other hand, was a new star on the rise and it didn’t make sense that Yulia had taken aninstant liking to him right after their first collaboration.

On that point, Cindy wasn’t sure whether Ian was devilishly charismatic or if Yulia simply had uniquetastes.

While Cindy thought about this, she slid against the headboard and lay on the bed, seeminglybeleaguered. At this moment, Ian entered the bedroom.

Earlier on, he had wanted to see whether she would like to go for a stroll with Aurora, but she hadseemed down since their meal at the restaurant. As such, he figured he should stay home and keepher company instead. novelbin

Presently, he sauntered over to the bed and lay next to her before he reached to pull her into his arms.As he caressed her back with one hand, he asked in a soft murmur, “What is it? You look likesomething’s on your mind.”

After a moment of hesitation, Cindy answered, “Yulia called me earlier and texted me, too. I didn’tanswer any of her calls nor replied to any of her texts and deleted them right away.”

Ian stiffened before he frowned. “Why did she call you?”

As if I would know. She let out a humorless chuckle. “I have no idea, which was why I ignored her in thefirst place.”

While he pondered on this, he suddenly sat up and grabbed his phone.

Cindy immediately placed her hand on his arm to stop him. “What are you doing?”

“Asking her why she called you,” Ian explained forthrightly.

She shook her head. “Forget it. Besides, I didn’t answer her calls or check any of her messages; I don’tknow what’s going on with her, but calling her right now doesn’t seem like the best option. Moreimportantly, we shouldn’t try to start anything with her. We can’t afford to.”

Ian tightly clutched his phone, looking grim as he muttered, “She called you right after I turned downher good graces. Tell me she isn’t up to something here. I don’t know what kind of games she thinksshe’s playing.”

At the sight of his hostile reaction, Cindy immediately sensed that there had been more to the phone

conversation he had with Yulia earlier. She must have said something else. However, she pursed herlips and did not prompt any further.

On the other hand, he looked rather incensed. “Does she think she can push our limits just becauseshe has capital now?”

Cindy eyed him steadily before nodding. “It’s precisely because she has capital that she has the nerveto do all these. We can’t be too surprised by this, seeing as how a lot of people would behave the sameway in her shoes.”

Indeed, the entertainment industry was rife with characters who thought that a bit of capital could makethem king and allow them to do whatever they wished.

It wasn’t as if Ian was foreign to such a concept. He had been on enough variety shows to experiencethis first-hand. Anyone with eyes could tell that the veterans of the industry would never give up-and-coming celebrities the chance to showcase their talents and anecdotes.

The veterans would try to snatch more screen time and interject when their opinions weren’t needed.

There were even shows where the crew received last-minute notices from publicists and agents thatthese veterans refused to be on the same set as the young, new stars. Most of the time, such noticeswould come right before the cameras rolled.

The crew usually gave plenty of notice in advance on the list of participants and everyone involved infilming a particular set knew who would be joining them. To bail on the show and the crew at the verylast minute and demand to have a certain young star removed was pure blackmail, putting the crew ina hard dilemma.

Having thought about this for a moment, Cindy rose from the bed and wrapped her arms around Ianfrom behind. “I don’t think she had any ulterior motives when she called me. Let’s just not dive into anywild theories for now.”

Ian was more than clear on whether or not he was diving into wild theories. Yulia had been in theindustry for long enough to build a name for herself and she certainly knew how to maneuver her wayto get what she wanted.

In particular, during the phone call earlier, she had already accused Cindy of being the reason why Ianhad rejected her offer and he found himself thinking, How self-centered can a person be?

As if worried that Ian would act impulsively, Cindy hurried to say, “Hey, don’t think about looking for her.She’ll eventually get the message if we just keep on ignoring her.”

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