Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1826
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Chapter 1826

Ian and Cindy had already cleared out the rented house. They contacted the landlord yesterday, andthe landlord said that they could just leave the key here. After Cindy had made breakfast, she calledboth Aurora and Ian. Aurora had also slept very comfortably during the night and looked refreshed. Shewalked out of the room with a smile on her face and said, "We’re going back today. We’re finally leavingthis hellish place."

Cindy's breakfast was ready, and while serving it on the table, she said with a smile, "Do you hate thisplace so much?"

Aurora had gone to the bathroom, but the door of the bathroom was open, and she was talking toCindy outside when she was brushing her teeth. "The main reason is that I don't like that family verymuch, so I don't even like this city."

Well, I guess she has her point.

After all, Aurora's future was ruined by that family. Thus, it was normal to hate a city because of oneperson.

Ian waited for Aurora to wash up before coming out. He probably drank too much yesterday, so he wasstaggering around when he came out. He walked to the door and leaned on the door frame, squintingand looking at the living room. "I dreamed last night that I was drinking with those two, and I said Iwanted to stop drinking, but the two of them forced me to drink. I almost snapped."

Cindy smiled. "Yesterday, you three drank too much at the dinner table." Ion ond Cindy hod olreody cleored out the rented house. They contocted the londlord yesterdoy, ondthe londlord soid thot they could just leove the key here. After Cindy hod mode breokfost, she colled

both Auroro ond Ion. Auroro hod olso slept very comfortobly during the night ond looked refreshed. Shewolked out of the room with o smile on her foce ond soid, "We’re going bock todoy. We’re finolly leovingthis hellish ploce."

Cindy's breokfost wos reody, ond while serving it on the toble, she soid with o smile, "Do you hote thisploce so much?"

Auroro hod gone to the bothroom, but the door of the bothroom wos open, ond she wos tolking toCindy outside when she wos brushing her teeth. "The moin reoson is thot I don't like thot fomily verymuch, so I don't even like this city."

Well, I guess she hos her point.

After oll, Auroro's future wos ruined by thot fomily. Thus, it wos normol to hote o city becouse of oneperson.

Ion woited for Auroro to wosh up before coming out. He probobly dronk too much yesterdoy, so he wosstoggering oround when he come out. He wolked to the door ond leoned on the door frome, squintingond looking ot the living room. "I dreomed lost night thot I wos drinking with those two, ond I soid Iwonted to stop drinking, but the two of them forced me to drink. I olmost snopped."

Cindy smiled. "Yesterdoy, you three dronk too much ot the dinner toble."

Indeed, they had all drunk on their own, and nobody forced anyone to drink. Although Ian overdrank atthe end, he still had a vague memory that Logan should be the one who drank the most. Logan was aheavyweight, and he had always been so enthusiastic because he seemed to be afraid that he would

look insincere if he drank less, so he poured more for himself, even in the first round.

Ian took a while to go into the bathroom to wash up, and then he came out and brought his phone. Hesent a message to Logan, saying that they should meet up whenever they get a chance to meet next.Logan didn't reply to him, so that guy probably hadn’t sobered up yet.

After Cindy and the others ate breakfast, they tidied up their belongings and then saw that it wasalmost time, so they took a cab directly to the airport. When they got to the airport, Ian's phone rang.Cindy originally thought that Logan was calling them, but Ian glanced at the phone and saw that it wasfrom Sean. novelbin

Sean answered the phone with a gentle voice. "I'm already at the airport."

Cindy didn't hear what Sean said, but she saw Ian holding the phone and turning to look around. ThenIan said, "I just entered the terminal. Where are you?"

After Sean said something, Ian hung up the phone. The three of them waited for a while before Cindysaw Sean. Sean came with Sally, which was quite a surprise.

Sean and Sally had seen them from afar, so they rushed over.

When Ian saw Sally, there was no change in his expression. As the two people approached, he noddedat them. "Actually, there is no need for you to send us off."

A tiny sigh escaped Sean. "I'm afraid that if we don’t show up here, the media will talk about us again."

Ian smiled, then turned to Sally. "I didn't expect you to come."

Sally's expression was a little awkward as she replied, "I’m just dropping by."

Aurora stared at Sally from the side, her expression mild. She was displeased with Leah, but in theend, she didn't have any conflict with Sally. Now that Sally appeared to be a sincere person, Aurora’sattitude softened slightly too.

Soon, all of them went to the lounge next to them and sat down, and then Sean mentioned he wasgoing to sell the Morgan Residence. With the low price tag, he expected to sell it quickly.

Hearing that, Ian just nodded. "You have the final say. No one lives there anyway now, and there is nopoint in staying there, so it's better sold."

He did not ask what Sean planned to do with the money from the sale of the house because he hadalways disregarded the Morgan Family's money.

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