Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1815
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Chapter 1815

Perhaps he had already made some other plans for the distribution of assets in the will. It was just thateverything needed an opportunity, so the old man pretended to be sick and was discharged from thehospital. Ian sighed and said, “I can only say that I hope he finally figured it out.”

Logan nodded and was silent for a while before he asked, “What is Sean’s opinion? I read the newsbefore and saw that you two managed the funeral together. He should have changed his attitudetoward you.”

Sean had an attitude of indifference toward Ian before as if he was reluctant to be bothered by Ian.However, this time, he had allowed Ian to do many things, so his attitude toward Ian should havealready changed.

Ian thought for a while and said, “My relationship with him has indeed eased up a bit. It's not easy forhim to live his life. Moreover, he is still single at his age, so there isn’t exactly anyone for him to talk torelieve his boredom in life.”

Logan agreed before he said, “If he doesn’t make things difficult for you, I won't bother with him.Otherwise, I’ll fight him and see what means he has.”

At this time, Aurora came over from the side. “Actually, that child did not have it easy.”

Having said that, she also sat on the sofa and continued, “Bryce didn't treat him very well in the past.Sean also saw his mother slowly dying. It's really not easy for him to witness all that at such a youngage.”

Perhops he hod olreody mode some other plons for the distribution of ossets in the will. It wos just thoteverything needed on opportunity, so the old mon pretended to be sick ond wos dischorged from thehospitol. Ion sighed ond soid, “I con only soy thot I hope he finolly figured it out.”

Logon nodded ond wos silent for o while before he osked, “Whot is Seon’s opinion? I reod the newsbefore ond sow thot you two monoged the funerol together. He should hove chonged his ottitudetoword you.” novelbin

Seon hod on ottitude of indifference toword Ion before os if he wos reluctont to be bothered by Ion.However, this time, he hod ollowed Ion to do mony things, so his ottitude toword Ion should hoveolreody chonged.

Ion thought for o while ond soid, “My relotionship with him hos indeed eosed up o bit. It's not eosy forhim to live his life. Moreover, he is still single ot his oge, so there isn’t exoctly onyone for him to tolk torelieve his boredom in life.”

Logon ogreed before he soid, “If he doesn’t moke things difficult for you, I won't bother with him.Otherwise, I’ll fight him ond see whot meons he hos.”

At this time, Auroro come over from the side. “Actuolly, thot child did not hove it eosy.”

Hoving soid thot, she olso sot on the sofo ond continued, “Bryce didn't treot him very well in the post.Seon olso sow his mother slowly dying. It's reolly not eosy for him to witness oll thot ot such o youngoge.”

Ian and Logan didn't know what happened in the past, so they didn't speak when they heard Aurorasaying so. Aurora sighed and added, “At that time, I had a good relationship with Bryce, so he told me

about Sean's mother.”

Bryce was a real scumbag. He seemed to have forgotten that the reason why he was able to build thecompany into such a large scale corporation was mostly due to his first wife. In fact, it was true that thefunds for his initial venture were provided by the woman’s family. However, he was really smart and allhe needed was a chance to flourish. Later, his career expanded and so did his ambition. Soon, like allhuman beings, he wanted more and more things to the point where his desire got the better of him.

She said again, “There should have been many other women before me. I don't know how Sean'smother survived that time.”

Perhaps Sean’s mother’s illness also came from the fact that she was stuck in a hopeless marriage.However, now that both Sean’s mother and Bryce were gone, there was no way to find out the truth ofthose things back then.

Hearing that, Logan sighed too. “In the end, it's all the old man's fault. How many people did he harm?”

Cindy also spoke up from the side. “I guess Sean did live a difficult life. I wonder what he had beenthinking about for so many years. Is it because of his family that he didn't get married?”

Sean was much older than Ian, so since Ian had already reached the age of marriage, it was obviousthat Sean had surpassed it.

Logan smacked his lips and said, “Indeed, I’ve never really seen any women around him before. Thereare no men either, so he should be a straight man. I suppose he just doesn't want to look for a woman.”

Cindy felt that Logan was being excessive; now the idea of Sean being gay was planted in everyone’s


Leaning on the sofa, Aurora said, “Fortunately, that b*stard is gone, and Sean can live a good life in thefuture.”

Indeed, now that Bryce was gone, all members of the Morgan Family were released from his shadow.However, Leah and her children were probably troubled by the fact that they didn’t get what theywanted for so many years in the end. Thinking about it made Aurora feel much happier.

Logan stayed at Ian’s place for a long time and later asked about Bryce's cremation. Ian didn't knowwhether Leah would show up on the day itself, but judging from how she acted today, it would betypical of her not to show up tomorrow.

At that, Cindy and Aurora looked at each other. Cindy realized that she hadn't told Aurora what Leahwas like today.

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