Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1782
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Chapter 1782

“No one could’ve expected this,” Sally uttered with a helpless look on her face. She wasn’t wrong—noone could have expected their little commotion to have such an impact on Bryce. When they came overwith Leah previously, their intention had just been to stop Bryce from altering the contents of his will. Inthe end, they didn’t just fail to salvage the situation; they had also lost more than before.

Since they no longer had any business being there, Sally and Simon walked off while talking to eachother. Ian only returned to the wards after he saw them leaving. Aurora and Cindy were no longer inBryce’s ward when he got back—they were standing at the end of the corridor with their backs restingagainst the windowsill.

Aurora spoke in a rather wistful tone. “Now that he’s in such a situation, I think Leah might be releasedsoon.” Cindy nodded. “I think so. Leah isn’t on her own, after all—she has her two kids. I bet they’ll gether out by these two days.”

Aurora pursed her lips as she felt her initial anger fading off. “What a shame. That woman deserves tosuffer more.”

Cindy was a little more forgiving. “Perhaps she has already suffered enough.”

Upon hearing Cindy’s words, Aurora recalled how Leah looked in the video call. The camera hadn’tbeen wide enough to show the entire space, but Aurora could tell that Leah was a complete mess.There were bruises and dried blood on her face, and her hair was unkempt. Aurora hadn’t managed tosee Leah’s body, but it was clear that she was injured. Perhaps it’s enough since she got so severelyinjured. Aurora felt better after realizing that.

Ian walked over to the two women. “What are you guys doing here? Why aren’t you guys sittinginside?”

Aurora turned to look at Ian. “There was an annoying guy who came into the room just now, and I didn’twant to see his face.” Ian immediately knew who she was referring to. “That annoying guy has beenhaving a tough time recently, so you shouldn’t feel too bothered by him,” he said with a laugh.

His words were met with a scoff. “I ignored him precisely because I wasn’t bothered by him. If I reallywanted to get petty with him, I would’ve just gone up to slap him on the face,” Aurora replied. She wascertain that Simon had bullied Ian in the past, and she felt like hitting Simon whenever she thoughtabout it.

All three of them stayed in the hospital until Sean arrived in the afternoon. Sean had rushed over fromthe company without having his lunch. Ian felt rather exasperated when he saw Sean. “You’re going tocollapse if you continue doing this. You should get more rest since the nurses are here to keep watch.”

After considering Ian’s words for a while, Sean responded quietly, “I got some sleep in the company asthere wasn’t much work to do this morning.” He fell silent for a while as a complicated expressionappeared on his face. “It was just a short nap, but I had a dream that Dad might be leaving soon,” heuttered after a few seconds. His tone sounded rather glum as he spoke. novelbin

Ian was quiet for a while after that. Sean’s situation was different from Ian’s—Bryce had always beennicer to Sean, and they certainly had some sort of father-and-son relationship that Ian didn’t have withBryce. If anything happened to Bryce, Ian was sure that Sean would feel sad. Sean was more lovingthan Ian was.

In the end, Ian didn’t comment on what Sean said. They simply chit-chatted for a while longer before

Ian, Aurora, and Cindy left.

Before they left, Sean turned to look at Ian. “He has always wanted to hear you say that you forgivehim.”

Ian froze in his spot for a long while before he turned to look at Sean. “I don’t think there’s any point intalking about forgiveness at this juncture,” Ian said in the most genuine and direct tone possible. If I tellhim that I forgive him, it might allow him to leave a little more peacefully, but I’d also be lying as I don’tthink I’ve forgiven him. If I forgave him, it would be unfair to Mom and the old me.

How many people in the world were actually generous and forgiving enough to let go of all the past hurtthat they had received? At most, they would just utter words of forgiveness to ease the situation. Ifthese individuals were to recall the hurt that they had been through, they would certainly still feel somerage over it.

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