Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1780
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Chapter 1780

Ian understood what Cindy meant, and he nodded in agreement. After they had their breakfast, Ianbrought Cindy and Aurora to the hospital once more. By the time they arrived, Sean had already left forthe office, and the only person in the ward was one of the nurses. The nurse recognized Ian, and shehastily greeted them when they arrived.

Ian took a glance at Bryce in the bed, only to see that he still looked the same as he did the day before.There wasn’t much of a difference in Bryce’s condition judging by his external appearance. The nursewas the first to speak up. “Mr. Morgan’s condition is much more stable now. The doctor came to visitearlier, and he only mentioned to be more attentive toward any sudden changes.”

“Okay. I got it,” Ian uttered with a nod. Then, he led Cindy and Aurora over to sit on the couch. Therewasn’t much that they could do while Bryce was unconscious, so they simply sat around and waited.The nurse would walk over to note down the numbers on the devices that stood beside Bryce’s bed.She was recording his vital signs.

Things got rather boring at the ward as they couldn’t do much. After a while, Ian decided to step out fora cigarette. However, he had barely left the ward when he spotted Simon outside. Simon no longer hadthe look of a rich man’s son—his hair was a total mess, and he seemed rather drained and weak.Simon’s footsteps halted when he saw Ian, but he eventually walked over to him. “How’s Dad? Is heokay?” Simon asked. novelbin

Ian didn’t have much of a desire to speak to Simon. Simon was the one person in the Morgan Familywho had caused Ian the most trouble. Furthermore, Simon was the type of person who acted withoutthinking—he didn’t even bother to maintain appearances with Ian. Ultimately, Simon was a combinationof a dumb and bad person.

When Ian halted his footsteps, Simon no longer continued walking toward the ward. Instead, Simonstopped a few feet in front of Ian. “Where’s Sean? Why isn’t he here?” Simon asked.

“Why don’t you call him if you want to know where he is? How am I supposed to know where he is?”Ian uttered in a straightforward manner. One sentence was all it took to trigger Simon. However, Simonmerely kept his mouth shut—he no longer shouted and made a fuss like he usually did.

Instead, Simon glared at Ian for a while before he spoke. “You must be really pleased with yourselfnow, huh? I can’t believe you managed to make a comeback at this point,” he said. Ian didn’tunderstand what Simon meant. Why should I be pleased with myself for that?

“You can go and take a look if you’re here to see the old man. However, if you’re here to pick a fight,then I’d advise you not to do it here. The family reputation is bad enough, and you guys might end up ina worse situation if someone attempts to tarnish the family name. You don’t want to do that, especiallynot when the old man’s still alive. Think about it,” Ian uttered before he walked toward the elevator.

Simon pressed his lips together, and he turned sideways to look at Ian’s back after Ian had walked off.Simon didn’t know what to say at all. Ian was right—the family’s name had been tarnished. Many ofSimon’s friends were keeping their distance away from him, and none of them offered any help eversince he had gotten into this tough spot. Even the Morgan Family treated Simon differently at that point.He was going through a complete transformation in his life.

After getting out of the elevator, Ian walked over to some bushes before pulling his cigarette box out ofhis pocket. He had just pulled a cigarette out to light when he saw another familiar figure. Sally wasstanding under a tree some distance away from him, and she was on a call with someone. Ian couldn’thear the content of her conversation, but her body language told him that she was extremely anxiousand frustrated.

Based on her expression and movements, it seemed like she was arguing with someone. Eventually,Ian sighed and looked away. Fate is a peculiar thing, Ian thought. Who would have expected Leah andher children to end up in this current situation?

Sally wasn’t on the call for long—she put her phone away and straightened her posture before turningto look at the main doors of the hospital wards. She was waiting for Simon to show up. However, asshe was turning toward the hospital wards, she shifted her gaze and noticed Ian standing near the tree.

She saw him smoking a cigarette alone, and she froze at the sight of him. She knew why Ian was here—it was clear that he was here to take care of Bryce.

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