Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1766
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Chapter 1766

Ian replied to his text message, telling him to update Ian once he found any information regarding thematter. Logan was more of a busybody than Ian was, so Logan would definitely contact him to nag andgossip about the matter once he got more news about it. Ian turned to look at Cindy once he finishedsending his text. “What else do you want to know?” he asked as he pinched her cheek.

She shook her head. “That’s all. I’m not that much of a busybody; I was just curious about this.” Ianresponded with a half-hearted nod. “Sure, sure, sure. You always mind your own business, and younever stick your nose into other people’s matters,” he uttered in a sarcastic tone.

Cindy could tell that he was teasing her, so she raised her hand to give him a punch on the shoulder.“Stop fooling around! I’m going to start lecturing you if you keep annoying me,” she grumbled.

He recalled something at that moment, and he hastily nodded. “Okay, okay. It’s all my fault,” he replied.He had to admit his wrongdoing sometimes—otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to get the right things inother aspects of his life.

A while later, Logan rang Ian’s phone to tell Ian that he had received information regarding Leah.Apparently, Bryce had locked Leah up in the basement, and he even gave her a harsh beating with hiscane before he sent her in. Although Bryce was getting old and weak, he was still fierce when he gotviolent. It was said that Leah had sustained a number of injuries after the beating and that she wasbleeding by the time she was sent to the basement. No treatment was given to her wounds after that. novelbin

Ian merely nodded when he heard the news. It looks like Bryce is really mad at her. I guess it’sunderstandable. After all, Bryce has been sticking to the rules in recent years, and he hasn’t been thecenter of any scandals or rumors for a while. He was trying to polish his reputation as he grew older,

but he hadn’t expected his woman to go against his wishes. Bryce has never been a good-temperedman, so I’m sure he started to lose it when things began to surface in public. It’s no surprise that he’sfurious now since his matters are all over the news. Leah’s lucky that she only received one beating. Ibet Bryce would’ve done worse if he was physically capable of it.

After that, Logan told Ian that Bryce had already gotten a lawyer to change the contents of his will a fewdays ago. However, there were rumors that Bryce had called the lawyer over to his place once more.No one knew what Bryce was up to.

Ian didn’t care about such matters, so he merely sighed and uttered an offhand comment. “I wonderhow much his wealth is—it must be huge if he’s looking for a lawyer almost every day.”

The most valuable thing that Bryce owned was Morgan Group, and that was definitely going to behanded to Sean. There wasn’t much else that Ian could long for. Since Leah had been with Bryce for solong, she had definitely pocketed some of his money. If she wasn’t a big-spender, then whatevermoney she had was probably enough to keep her well-dressed and fed for the rest of her life. Yet,humans were never satisfied—they would always let greed get the better of them.

Logan paused for a moment before he continued speaking. “I think the old man might leave you quite ahuge sum of money. You shouldn’t look down on whatever you get. You deserve the inheritance, andyou have to hold on to it to piss the family of three off.”

Ian chuckled. “How many people do you think would be pissed off if I donated the money?”

Logan froze as he hadn’t expected Ian to say such a thing. Logan knew that Ian didn’t need the money.Bryce may leave him a fortune, but Ian’s job in the entertainment industry paid well enough for him toearn the same amount within a few years’ time. Ian was one of the most famous celebrities at that

moment, so it made sense that he wasn’t interested in Bryce’s money.

Once again, Logan contemplated Ian’s words for a moment before he spoke. “You can make yourdecision after the old man leaves. You shouldn’t bring up anything about your distant relationship withthe old man now. If they find out about it, they will take it seriously, and the old man might die fromhaving too much anger in him. I bet he’s already weak after dealing with Leah’s actions. You mightreally piss him to his death if he finds out.”

Ian let out a laugh. “You do have a point.”

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