Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1711
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Chapter 1711

However, Sean had never expected that there would be a day when he could gain an apology fromBryce. This was beyond his wildest dreams. After all, that man in question was Bryce Morgan,someone who was well-reputed to be unreasonable and domineering.

It’s quite unexpected for Bryce to actually apologize to me and seek my forgiveness. Sean wasshocked to the core and he felt quite uncomfortable about this, so he had drank slightly more thanusual as he socialized with the clients.

In the text message to Ian, Sean had mentioned that he felt quite disorientated right now. After all, hewas quite sure that his hatred toward Bryce remained there but somehow, upon Bryce’s apology, hesuddenly pitied Bryce. Is he pitiful? Ian, however, disagreed. After all, even if Bryce went down on hisknees right now to apologize to Ian, the latter would not find the former pitiful at all.

If Bryce’s current life was much better than what he was going through right now, then he would neverhave realized his mistakes. He was repentant mainly because he was going through bad times at themoment, so the reason for all of this finally dawned upon him.

However, Ian couldn’t quite spell out all of these to Sean because everyone would have their ownconsiderations when handling different matters. Perhaps Bryce had treated Sean quite well all of theseyears, so that was sufficient to compensate for some of the mistreatment Sean had suffered. As such,Sean was willing to forgive Bryce. However, this was between the two of them and had nothing to dowith Ian at all.

Ian considered everything that happened between him and Bryce, and he was quite sure that therewould not be any reconciliation in this lifetime. The former didn’t have any regrets and he knew that it

was likely Bryce shared the same sentiments. After all, there was no love lost between them.

Presently, Ian heaved a sigh and tightened his arms around Cindy. Then, he gradually dozed off.

However, both of them didn’t have a good night’s sleep at all. Cindy had a dream. In her dreams, Ianand Yulia were in a relationship and the duo had participated in a reality show for couples, all the whilebehaving lovey-dovey in her dream. Meanwhile, Cindy trailed along behind them and carried theirtoiletry bag with her with an exhausted look on her face. Ian had his arms wrapped around Yulia’sshoulders and the duo had sweet smiles on their faces. As for Cindy, she was tempted to rush forwardand pummel the both of them but in the end, she restrained herself and stood by the side to wait onthem.

Cindy felt quite offended inside the dream the whole night, which resulted in her being quite moodyupon waking up the following day.

As for Ian, he looked far worse than her. He had also dreamed last night and Bryce was in his dream.In Ian’s dream, the older man kneeled in front of him as he apologized.

He had dreamed of Bryce expressing his regret sobbingly and the latter had apologized for notshouldering his responsibility as a father, which resulted in the former’s suffering in the past. Bryce hadalso mentioned that he regretted abandoning Ian’s mother and he even wanted to find a way to makeamends. Perhaps there were some things that were wishful to seek for in reality, so Ian could merelyindulge in his dreams.

Evidently, Ian and Cindy were not in a good state and Aurora seemed to be quite perplexed by them.She was quite cautious around the duo as she assumed that they had gotten into another fight thenight before. And so, she went to the extreme and fought to prepare lunch for them. Then, she strongly

encouraged Cindy to take a rest on the couch.

Cindy didn’t have a good night’s sleep and she felt a slight headache, so she didn’t behave overlycourteous. She did as told by Aurora and naturally went to take a rest. However, she didn’t chill on thecouch but went back into the bedroom to take a rest on the bed. In fact, she didn’t feel sleepy at all, buther headache was bothering her and she couldn’t seem to do anything else.

Meanwhile, Ian stood at the balcony to make a phone call. Then, he went back into the living room,only to find Cindy gone. Right away, he knew that she must be in the bedroom. novelbin

He wandered around in the living room before heading toward the kitchen. Then, he stood there andsaid, “I don’t have an appetite so let’s have something bland.”

Just then, Aurora chuckled. “I can tell. It’s quite obvious from her reaction and I’m not blind to all that. Iknow what to do. You don’t need to put on an act in front of me.”

Instantly, Ian shut his mouth. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. She’s quite perceptive, so of course shewould be able to tell that I’m voicing out on Cindy’s behalf.

Aurora’s hands were busy with the meal preparation but she chattered on, “You should go and getsome rest too. You look terrible. I’ll get you once lunch is ready.”

Ian nodded. “Sure.” Then, he turned around and went back into the bedroom.

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