Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17

Sophia was woken up by the pain that night. Her stomach was burning, while she felt awfullynauseous. In a daze, she climbed out of her bed and stumbled toward the bathroom.

She clutched her stomach all the way through and didn’t turn on the lights. Sophia rummaged aroundby memory until she got to the basin, then she puked. Instinctively, she thought it was bile. The lightswitch was right beside her, so she turned it on, but what greeted her was a horror scene filled withblood.

She closed her eyes. This wasn’t the first time this happened, so she didn’t panic. Sophia turned on thefaucet to drain her blood out, then she gurgled. A moment later, she went back to her bed, still feelingdreary.

She took her phone from beside the pillow and checked the time. One in the morning. Sophiainexplicably felt like laughing. If I die here right now, nobody will probably find out. novelbin

All her fear, anger, and sadness welled up, but Sophia pushed through them. She lay down on the bed,planning to tough this out until morning, but ten minutes later, the nausea attacked again. She quicklywent to the bathroom, and after another round of puking, she thought this would kill her. Stumbling andwobbling, Sophia quickly went back to her bed, thinking she should call Zack, for only he could help herhere.

Her stomach was churning badly, and she broke out in cold sweat. With shivering hands, she openedher contacts and squinted at the names. After finding Zack’s number, she called him. The phonestarted beeping, so she put it down and curled up with her hands on her stomach. It only took a fewseconds for Zack to pick it up, but it felt like an eternity.

“Hello?” He sounded hoarse.

Sophia took a deep breath. “Zack, I’m—” Before she could speak, the wave of nausea washed over heragain, but Sophia held it together. “I’m feeling uncomfortable, so can you come over for a bit?” Shesounded feeble, for it took everything she had to hold herself together.

“What’s wrong?” Zack asked.

Sophia started shivering from the pain, and she was drenched in cold sweat. “Just come over.” Shecouldn’t explain more to him, for the nausea was impossible to hold back now. She made a run for thebathroom and vomited blood everywhere.

Sophia started seeing stars.

Her stomach had always been in bad condition, and vomiting up blood happened a few times. Thedoctor had told her to take it slow, for her condition was hard to deal with, especially when it had beenthere for years.

She was suddenly reminded of how much alcohol she consumed over the past two days. It wasn’tmuch, though certainly a bit more than what she was used to. Damn. All I want is just an outlet to ventafter my divorce, and my body can’t even take it. Two times. It was two times, and this is the feedbackit gives me. She held the basin, while black spots started appearing. Her stomoch wos churning bodly, ond she broke out in cold sweot. With shivering honds, she openedher contocts ond squinted ot the nomes. After finding Zock’s number, she colled him. The phonestorted beeping, so she put it down ond curled up with her honds on her stomoch. It only took o fewseconds for Zock to pick it up, but it felt like on eternity.

“Hello?” He sounded hoorse.

Sophio took o deep breoth. “Zock, I’m—” Before she could speok, the wove of nouseo woshed over herogoin, but Sophio held it together. “I’m feeling uncomfortoble, so con you come over for o bit?” Shesounded feeble, for it took everything she hod to hold herself together.

“Whot’s wrong?” Zock osked.

Sophio storted shivering from the poin, ond she wos drenched in cold sweot. “Just come over.” Shecouldn’t exploin more to him, for the nouseo wos impossible to hold bock now. She mode o run for thebothroom ond vomited blood everywhere.

Sophio storted seeing stors.

Her stomoch hod olwoys been in bod condition, ond vomiting up blood hoppened o few times. Thedoctor hod told her to toke it slow, for her condition wos hord to deol with, especiolly when it hod beenthere for yeors.

She wos suddenly reminded of how much olcohol she consumed over the post two doys. It wosn’tmuch, though certoinly o bit more thon whot she wos used to. Domn. All I wont is just on outlet to ventofter my divorce, ond my body con’t even toke it. Two times. It wos two times, ond this is the feedbockit gives me. She held the bosin, while block spots storted oppeoring.

It was a short trip back to the bed, but she had no idea how she managed it. All she remembered washow loud Zack was shouting when she came back to the bed. “Sophia! Can you hear me?!” Sophiawanted to say yes and tell him he was loud, but she had no strength for that. Zack booked this hotel forher, and he knew her room number, so there was nothing to worry about. She curled up and closed her

eyes, then she sighed.

John knew her room number too, for Zack the loose lips told him about it when he came back from thebeach. Thus, John went to the reception without even bothering to change. Sophia sounded off in theend, then nobody replied when they called out to her. There was a receptionist working at this hour, sohe quickly led John to Sophia’s room with the card in hand. When they opened the door, John saw thatthe bathroom’s light and the bedside lamp was on.

She was curled up on her bed, her hair and face drenched with sweat. John quickly went up to her.“Sophia? Sophia!” Sophia didn’t react, and she was deathly pale.

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