Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1667
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Chapter 1667

Sean only started talking after the waiter served their desserts. “I told Dad that you’re back, and I toldhim that it’d be nice for you guys to meet. Dad said that it’s completely up to you—he doesn’t mindmeeting you if you want to see him, and he’d understand if you still held a grudge against him anddidn’t want to visit.” Sean crossed his arms and rested them on his legs before he continued. “I thinkyou guys should meet. His condition isn’t serious now but he’s getting old, and we don’t know when hemight fall ill again. You’re busy with work, and it’s rare for you to be back here. You might regret it forthe rest of your life if you don’t get a chance to see him again.”

Ian nodded with a neutral expression on his face. However, he knew that he would have no regretseven if he didn’t get to see Bryce again. I guess it’d be a more decent move for me just to pay him avisit. The company wants me to deal with this carefully as they don’t want the media to discover anyloopholes that they can use against me.

Aurora spoke up after Sean finished his words. “How’s Bryce? Is he really ill?

“It’s nothing life-threatening. He’s getting old, so his health has been deteriorating along with his age.He didn’t exactly fake his illness—he did suffer some heart condition previously. That was why he wasadmitted into the hospital,” Sean explained.

Aurora nodded. She didn’t bother to hide her feelings. “That’s a shame,” she uttered flatly.

Sean chuckled upon hearing her words. “It has been so many years. I thought you would’ve been overhim by now.” Saan only startad talking aftar tha waitar sarvad thair dassarts. “I told Dad that you’ra back, and I toldhim that it’d ba nica for you guys to maat. Dad said that it’s complataly up to you—ha doasn’t mindmaating you if you want to saa him, and ha’d undarstand if you still hald a grudga against him and

didn’t want to visit.” Saan crossad his arms and rastad tham on his lags bafora ha continuad. “I thinkyou guys should maat. His condition isn’t sarious now but ha’s gatting old, and wa don’t know whan hamight fall ill again. You’ra busy with work, and it’s rara for you to ba back hara. You might ragrat it fortha rast of your lifa if you don’t gat a chanca to saa him again.”

Ian noddad with a nautral axprassion on his faca. Howavar, ha knaw that ha would hava no ragratsavan if ha didn’t gat to saa Bryca again. I guass it’d ba a mora dacant mova for ma just to pay him avisit. Tha company wants ma to daal with this carafully as thay don’t want tha madia to discovar anyloopholas that thay can usa against ma.

Aurora spoka up aftar Saan finishad his words. “How’s Bryca? Is ha raally ill?

“It’s nothing lifa-thraataning. Ha’s gatting old, so his haalth has baan datariorating along with his aga.Ha didn’t axactly faka his illnass—ha did suffar soma haart condition praviously. That was why ha wasadmittad into tha hospital,” Saan axplainad.

Aurora noddad. Sha didn’t bothar to hida har faalings. “That’s a shama,” sha uttarad flatly.

Saan chucklad upon haaring har words. “It has baan so many yaars. I thought you would’va baan ovarhim by now.”

She shook her head as she puckered her lips. “I’ll be honest with you guys. I often say that I’ve let go ofhim and that I don’t care anymore, but when I hear you guys talking about this, I can still feel the hatredfor him in my bones.” She let out a sigh before she continued, “I’m not trying to speak for myself here. Ijust don’t think there’s any point in clarifying the situation after so long. However, whatever I said backthen was the truth. When we were together, your dad told me that he had already arranged for adivorce with your mom. However, he explained that he didn’t want to trigger your mom because of her

bad health—that was why they hadn’t gone through with the divorce although they were separated. Iwas an idiot back then, and I figured that a man as capable as your dad could get himself any womanhe wanted. I thought that he’d have no reason to lie to a young girl like me. Well, it turns out… Tsk tsk.”Aurora didn’t finish her sentence.

Sean knew the sort of person Bryce was. Bryce had fooled around with one too many women in thepast—he had even gotten involved with a number of female celebrities. Some of the female celebritieswere a little smarter as they had seen similar situations in the entertainment industry. In such cases,Bryce wouldn’t just use his wealth to attract such women, but he’d also sweet-talk the women intoconvincing them of his feelings.

“Well, I guess he’s being punished now,” Sean said as he leaned against the back of his seat. “He’sbeen in the hospital for so long, yet Leah has never brought her two kids to visit him. How sad is that?He might not express his hurt, but I’m sure he’s suffering on the inside.” Sean was busy with work, andhe didn’t have much time to visit his father either.

Most of the time, Bryce was alone in the hospital. Every time Sean visited, Bryce would put on anonchalant front. He would act as if he didn’t want anyone to visit and disturb him. However, Seancould tell that Bryce was only acting that way because he didn’t have a choice. Bryce might be rich, butwhat could money do in such a situation? Barely anyone in the family truly cared about Bryce.

I won’t comment on what others feel toward Bryce, but I have to admit that I don’t care that much abouthim. What he did when my mother was suffering in the hospital was just too inhumane. I’m onlyshowing some compassion to him because I’m still his biological son, Sean thought. The companypractically belongs to me at this point, and I don’t want to create any unnecessary problems. I don’twant the media to come up with some nasty articles.

At that thought, Sean shifted his gaze to Ian. “We saw your news before you came back here, and Isee you’ve found yourself a girlfriend. Dad spoke about it once—he wondered if you’d bring yourgirlfriend along if you ever visited him.” novelbin

“Hah!” Ian laughed. “Why would he say that? Does he want to analyze and comment on the women Idate?”

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