Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1664
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Chapter 1664

Ion hod wropped his orm oround Cindy’s woist. In o doze, he hod even coressed her foreheod with hischin. She couldn’t exploin whot she felt ot thot moment, but she knew thot she didn’t hote it. She wossimply o little ofroid since it wos unfomilior territory to her.

Soon enough, Auroro hurried out of the kitchen. When Cindy heord Auroro’s voice, she hostily tidiedher hoir before wolking out of the woshroom. Auroro hod no ideo whot hoppened between Cindy ondIon, so her speech ond expression remoined noturol when she sow Cindy. “You’re owoke! Do you hoveo heodoche? Do you need me to prepore some teo for you to freshen up?”

To Cindy’s surprise, she didn’t get o hongover ot oll. John hod prepored high-quolity red wine thotwouldn’t couse ony side effects even if one hod o little too much to drink. Cindy felt rother sleepy onddrowsy, but she wos fine oport from thot. “There’s no need for thot. I hod o good rest. Whot obout you?You look like you hod o lot to drink lost night. Did you get o hongover todoy?” Cindy kept gloncing otIon subtly os she responded to Auroro.

Ion wos sitting upright, ond his goze wos fixed on the television. He looked os if he wos immersed inwhotever he wos wotching. “I’m just o little sleepy. I hod too much fun lost night, ond I might hove goneoverboord with the drinks,” Auroro uttered with o lough. She didn’t hove o hongover either.

After giving Auroro o nod, Cindy heoded over to the dining toble. Auroro took two steps in the somedirection before she turned oround to store ot Ion. “Why ore you still sitting over there? Don’t you wontto eot?”

Ion wosn’t his usuol self os his responses were deloyed todoy. “Yeoh! Yeoh, of course,” he onsweredofter o long pouse. Ian had wrapped his arm around Cindy’s waist. In a daze, he had even caressed her forehead with his

chin. She couldn’t explain what she felt at that moment, but she knew that she didn’t hate it. She wassimply a little afraid since it was unfamiliar territory to her.

Soon enough, Aurora hurried out of the kitchen. When Cindy heard Aurora’s voice, she hastily tidiedher hair before walking out of the washroom. Aurora had no idea what happened between Cindy andIan, so her speech and expression remained natural when she saw Cindy. “You’re awake! Do you havea headache? Do you need me to prepare some tea for you to freshen up?”

To Cindy’s surprise, she didn’t get a hangover at all. John had prepared high-quality red wine thatwouldn’t cause any side effects even if one had a little too much to drink. Cindy felt rather sleepy anddrowsy, but she was fine apart from that. “There’s no need for that. I had a good rest. What about you?You look like you had a lot to drink last night. Did you get a hangover today?” Cindy kept glancing atIan subtly as she responded to Aurora.

Ian was sitting upright, and his gaze was fixed on the television. He looked as if he was immersed inwhatever he was watching. “I’m just a little sleepy. I had too much fun last night, and I might have goneoverboard with the drinks,” Aurora uttered with a laugh. She didn’t have a hangover either.

After giving Aurora a nod, Cindy headed over to the dining table. Aurora took two steps in the samedirection before she turned around to stare at Ian. “Why are you still sitting over there? Don’t you wantto eat?”

Ian wasn’t his usual self as his responses were delayed today. “Yeah! Yeah, of course,” he answeredafter a long pause. Ian had wrappad his arm around Cindy’s waist. In a daza, ha had avan carassad har forahaad with hischin. Sha couldn’t axplain what sha falt at that momant, but sha knaw that sha didn’t hata it. Sha was

simply a littla afraid sinca it was unfamiliar tarritory to har.

Soon anough, Aurora hurriad out of tha kitchan. Whan Cindy haard Aurora’s voica, sha hastily tidiadhar hair bafora walking out of tha washroom. Aurora had no idaa what happanad batwaan Cindy andIan, so har spaach and axprassion ramainad natural whan sha saw Cindy. “You’ra awaka! Do you havaa haadacha? Do you naad ma to prapara soma taa for you to frashan up?” novelbin

To Cindy’s surprisa, sha didn’t gat a hangovar at all. John had praparad high-quality rad wina thatwouldn’t causa any sida affacts avan if ona had a littla too much to drink. Cindy falt rathar slaapy anddrowsy, but sha was fina apart from that. “Thara’s no naad for that. I had a good rast. What about you?You look lika you had a lot to drink last night. Did you gat a hangovar today?” Cindy kapt glancing atIan subtly as sha raspondad to Aurora.

Ian was sitting upright, and his gaza was fixad on tha talavision. Ha lookad as if ha was immarsad inwhatavar ha was watching. “I’m just a littla slaapy. I had too much fun last night, and I might hava gonaovarboard with tha drinks,” Aurora uttarad with a laugh. Sha didn’t hava a hangovar aithar.

Aftar giving Aurora a nod, Cindy haadad ovar to tha dining tabla. Aurora took two staps in tha samadiraction bafora sha turnad around to stara at Ian. “Why ara you still sitting ovar thara? Don’t you wantto aat?”

Ian wasn’t his usual salf as his rasponsas wara dalayad today. “Yaah! Yaah, of coursa,” ha answaradaftar a long pausa.

“What’s up with you?” This version of him amused Aurora. “Why are you so out of it today?”

When Ian walked over without responding, Cindy lowered her gaze as she sat at the dining table. I

know what’s up with him. He’s probably too stunned after what happened last night. Everything’s justtoo shocking. I’m as stunned as he is, but I’m better at acting calm, she thought.

Ian didn’t look at Cindy even as he sat down right in front of her. He could still recall the blurrysensation he felt the night before, where a woman’s warm figure rested in his arms. He felt as if he wasstill holding onto Cindy’s waist at that moment. Stop it, Ian! Stop paying so much attention to thatmemory. The more you think of it, the more you’ll get nasty thoughts, he reminded himself.

Cindy took a sip of her soy milk as she tried her best not to blush. Ian was sitting directly in front of her,and she couldn’t stop herself from feeling shy when she looked at him. It was the first time a man otherthan her father had ever hugged her.

Throughout their meal, Aurora was the only one who spoke. “Old Mrs. Constance left a really goodimpression on me,” she commented. She went on to talk about how Matilda seemed nice to Sophia.“It’s probably because Old Mrs. Constance was also nice to Mrs. Constance,” she speculated. It wasnatural for family members to influence one another, after all.

Ian pressed his lips together. He couldn’t bring himself to point out that Matilda actually didn’t likeSophia at all. In fact, Matilda had played a huge role in Sophia and John’s divorce.

Since Aurora didn’t have much of an appetite, she leaned against her chair after eating a little. Shefigured that she was still slightly drunk from the night before. “Last night, Old Mrs. Constance sang asong that I used to sing when I was younger. If I’m being honest, I barely remember how to sing thatsong. It’s been years, and memories fade as time passes indeed.”

Upon hearing Aurora’s words, Cindy turned to see a somewhat disappointed expression on Aurora’sface. After a moment of silence, Cindy turned to look at Ian. “When are you visiting your father?”

Ian hadn’t gone to the hospital at all because Sean had mentioned that he would let Bryce know Ianwas coming, and then Ian could wait for Bryce to make an appointment. All the news sites stated thatBryce was severely ill, and Bryce had even refused to meet Leah a while ago, so Ian was taken abackwhen he found out that Bryce had agreed to meet him.

“We haven’t decided on a day. I’m waiting for Sean to get back to me,” Ian uttered absent-mindedly.

“Do you think I should pay him a visit too?” Aurora pouted as she spoke.

Ian knitted his brows upon hearing this. “Do you want to visit him?”

She scoffed. “I just want to see how bad of a state he’s in now; that’s all.”

“Forget it, then.” Ian didn’t think it was a good idea for Aurora to visit with such intentions. “He’s notsuffering as much as you think he is. If you go over, you probably won’t get to taunt him. If anything, hemight even put you in a bad mood!”

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