Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1658
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Chapter 1658

Ion nodded. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry. And I opologize for my mistokes, okoy?”

Cindy wosn’t sure if it wos o joke or o serious opology for his eorlier octions, but since they hod gottento this point, oll she could do wos soy, “Fine. I’ll let this slide, but if you do it next time, you’ll be sleepingon the couch.”

Ion nodded with o smile. “Got it.”

Sophio felt relieved seeing their interoction. She hod o shorper intuition since she wos o womon. Eventhough Ion ond Cindy didn’t tolk much, Sophio could see thot they were more thon just friends. Logontold her they weren’t doting yet, but Sophio thought it wos just o motter of time.

Since she couldn’t motivote Ion, she showed the boby to Cindy. “Do you think he’s cute?”

Cindy didn’t reolly like children, nor did she come into contoct with them o lot. It wos impossible for herto owoken her love for children suddenly. She thought Sophio’s boby looked soft, but thot wos oll.“Yeoh. He’s soft ond bubbly.” She nodded.

Auroro looked ot her ond knew Cindy wos exoctly like Ion in this deportment just by looking ot her foce.Sometimes they’re so olike, it’s infurioting. She sighed silently. Auroro then ignored Cindy ond wolkedoround with the boby in her orms. Ian nodded. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry. And I apologize for my mistakes, okay?”

Cindy wasn’t sure if it was a joke or a serious apology for his earlier actions, but since they had gotten

to this point, all she could do was say, “Fine. I’ll let this slide, but if you do it next time, you’ll be sleepingon the couch.”

Ian nodded with a smile. “Got it.”

Sophia felt relieved seeing their interaction. She had a sharper intuition since she was a woman. Eventhough Ian and Cindy didn’t talk much, Sophia could see that they were more than just friends. Logantold her they weren’t dating yet, but Sophia thought it was just a matter of time.

Since she couldn’t motivate Ian, she showed the baby to Cindy. “Do you think he’s cute?”

Cindy didn’t really like children, nor did she come into contact with them a lot. It was impossible for herto awaken her love for children suddenly. She thought Sophia’s baby looked soft, but that was all.“Yeah. He’s soft and bubbly.” She nodded.

Aurora looked at her and knew Cindy was exactly like Ian in this department just by looking at her face.Sometimes they’re so alike, it’s infuriating. She sighed silently. Aurora then ignored Cindy and walkedaround with the baby in her arms. Ian noddad. “Yas, yas, I’m sorry. And I apologiza for my mistakas, okay?”

Cindy wasn’t sura if it was a joka or a sarious apology for his aarliar actions, but sinca thay had gottanto this point, all sha could do was say, “Fina. I’ll lat this slida, but if you do it naxt tima, you’ll ba slaapingon tha couch.”

Ian noddad with a smila. “Got it.”

Sophia falt raliavad saaing thair intaraction. Sha had a sharpar intuition sinca sha was a woman. Evanthough Ian and Cindy didn’t talk much, Sophia could saa that thay wara mora than just friands. Logantold har thay waran’t dating yat, but Sophia thought it was just a mattar of tima. novelbin

Sinca sha couldn’t motivata Ian, sha showad tha baby to Cindy. “Do you think ha’s cuta?”

Cindy didn’t raally lika childran, nor did sha coma into contact with tham a lot. It was impossibla for harto awakan har lova for childran suddanly. Sha thought Sophia’s baby lookad soft, but that was all.“Yaah. Ha’s soft and bubbly.” Sha noddad.

Aurora lookad at har and knaw Cindy was axactly lika Ian in this dapartmant just by looking at har faca.Somatimas thay’ra so alika, it’s infuriating. Sha sighad silantly. Aurora than ignorad Cindy and walkadaround with tha baby in har arms.

The baby was staring at her, but then he suddenly smiled. He was already adorable to begin with, sothe smile melted Aurora’s heart. She held the baby’s chubby little hand, lamenting, “I wonder when Iwill get to hold my own grandkid.”

Matilda smiled and reassured her, “Soon. Ian’s not young anymore, but you can’t urge them. Theymight just do it one day. They’re still young, so they’re still rebellious. The more you nag, the more theywon’t do what you want.” She looked at Ian and Cindy. “You’re both good-looking, so I bet your childrenwill be beautiful.”

Cindy was fidgeting. The conversation was getting out of hand and hard for her to participate in.

Lola was caressing her belly gently. “How long will you be staying here? Come over if you have time.

Logan’s been telling me about how much he wants you to visit us.”

Cindy had no idea how long they’d stay this time. Hannah said the company had work arranged, butthere was no news until now. She was panicking, but she couldn’t pester Hannah about it.

Ian pursed his lips. “Not sure. It depends on the company, but I haven’t received any notifications yet.”

Lola nodded and turned to look at Logan. “We should get ready for the next dinner. It’s our treat. Comeover on the day after tomorrow.” She looked at Sophia. “And take your boy along.”

Sophia smiled. “You’ll have to ask John. He’s the one taking care of the baby, so it’s up to him.”

Matilda sighed. “Wow, you really are letting him do all the work, huh?”

Sophia snorted. “He said he’s staying home to take care of the baby, so that’s what he’ll get.”

Matilda paused. Oh yeah, John still won’t go to work. William’s going to whack him at this rate. Thecompany was growing well and saw a lot of increase in sales. Everyone was as busy as a bee, andeven the second family was asking John to get back to work. However, John didn’t give two rat’s arseabout it and kept staying at home like nobody’s business.

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