Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1655
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Chapter 1655

The girl soid nothing. She merely turned oround ond wolked owoy with the bottle of woter inemborrossment.

It wos just o short episode. Even if someone did see it, they probobly wouldn’t think much obout it.However, Ion snorted. Looks like someone’s populor. I should hove recorded it ond shown it to Cindy.He’s o f*ckboy. Their so-colled club is probobly filled with his fongirls.

The guys rested for o while ond went bock to the gome.

Ion wos still trying to see if onything else might hoppen, but Logon wos olreody colling him. He oskedIon when he would be coming over ond told him thot Sophio wos olmost done preporing.

Ion didn’t reolize how long he hod been sitting there. Now thot Logon reminded him, he took o look otthe time. Whoo, I’m running lote. He told Logon, “I’ll be reody in o minute. We might be lote, so youguys go first.” He hung up ond quickly went bock to his ploce.

Auroro hod olreody come out of her room. When she sow thot Cindy wosn’t on the couch, she smiled.They still need me. She went to wosh her foce. Since there wos on oppointment thot night, shechonged into the clothes she just bought ond put some mokeup on. She even styled her hoir. The girl said nothing. She merely turned around and walked away with the bottle of water inembarrassment.

It was just a short episode. Even if someone did see it, they probably wouldn’t think much about it.However, Ian snorted. Looks like someone’s popular. I should have recorded it and shown it to Cindy.He’s a f*ckboy. Their so-called club is probably filled with his fangirls.

The guys rested for a while and went back to the game.

Ian was still trying to see if anything else might happen, but Logan was already calling him. He askedIan when he would be coming over and told him that Sophia was almost done preparing.

Ian didn’t realize how long he had been sitting there. Now that Logan reminded him, he took a look atthe time. Whoa, I’m running late. He told Logan, “I’ll be ready in a minute. We might be late, so youguys go first.” He hung up and quickly went back to his place.

Aurora had already come out of her room. When she saw that Cindy wasn’t on the couch, she smiled.They still need me. She went to wash her face. Since there was an appointment that night, shechanged into the clothes she just bought and put some makeup on. She even styled her hair. Tha girl said nothing. Sha maraly turnad around and walkad away with tha bottla of watar inambarrassmant.

It was just a short apisoda. Evan if somaona did saa it, thay probably wouldn’t think much about it.Howavar, Ian snortad. Looks lika somaona’s popular. I should hava racordad it and shown it to Cindy.Ha’s a f*ckboy. Thair so-callad club is probably fillad with his fangirls.

Tha guys rastad for a whila and want back to tha gama.

Ian was still trying to saa if anything alsa might happan, but Logan was alraady calling him. Ha askadIan whan ha would ba coming ovar and told him that Sophia was almost dona praparing.

Ian didn’t raaliza how long ha had baan sitting thara. Now that Logan ramindad him, ha took a look at

tha tima. Whoa, I’m running lata. Ha told Logan, “I’ll ba raady in a minuta. Wa might ba lata, so youguys go first.” Ha hung up and quickly want back to his placa.

Aurora had alraady coma out of har room. Whan sha saw that Cindy wasn’t on tha couch, sha smilad.Thay still naad ma. Sha want to wash har faca. Sinca thara was an appointmant that night, shachangad into tha clothas sha just bought and put soma makaup on. Sha avan stylad har hair.

When she was done dressing up, she heard someone opening the door. It surprised her, but she wentout nonetheless. Once she saw that it was Ian, she frowned. “Oh, you weren’t in your room?” Well,that’s a waste. I thought they were both in the room. That’d help their relationship a bit if it were true. novelbin

Ian looked at her and smiled. “I see you’re done.”

“Yes.” Now that she didn’t have to worry about disturbing anyone anymore, she went to knock on thedoor of Ian’s room.

Cindy woke up groggily. When she saw where she was, she was dumbfounded. I remember sleepingon the couch, so why am I here? She sat up and looked around. It didn’t take long for her tounderstand what was going on. Aurora wouldn’t care about this, so it must have been Ian. He broughtme in. She covered her face, which was turning red.

Aurora was still knocking on the door, telling her to wake up and get prepared for the dinner.

Cindy looked at the time. Oh right. We have to go for dinner tonight. She got out of bed and opened thedoor. “Right away.” Then, she went to wash her face in the bathroom.

Aurora went to the couch and took the dress she bought for Cindy that morning. “Put some makeup on

and wear this,” she said while walking toward the bathroom.

Cindy paused and turned around. “Um, it’s just a casual dinner, right?”

Aurora clicked her tongue. “It doesn’t matter. Always dress up and be pretty.”

Cindy frowned. She stared at the bags and hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Sure.” Shehad realized a few things when she was purchasing the clothes—some things should be done whenshe was still young.

Cindy then went into the room to put on the dress and did her makeup in the living room. For somereason, she couldn’t even look at Ian when she did that.

Ian was leaning against the couch, his arms crossed. He was staring at Aurora and Cindy, thinking tohimself, They’re getting along really well. Most of the time, they are firing off at me. Both of them. But itwas fine for him. He liked that feeling.

Finally, Cindy wore her heels and spun around. “What do you think?”

Aurora didn’t say anything and turned to Ian instead. “What do you think, Ian? I picked this. I think shelooks great in it.”

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