Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1630
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Chapter 1630

Ian narrowed his eyes as he glared at Cindy for a few seconds. He thought she must’ve had a goodtime at home. He wasn’t quite sure, but he could somehow see that she had gotten a little plumper.

Ian was even more irritated at that thought. After all that ordeal, she left him and went on her jolly waylike no one’s business. He was upset inside, so he couldn’t hide the emotion completely from view. Asa result, he stood next to Aurora with a stiff expression on his face.

In contrast, Aurora looked like she was welcoming her own daughter as she went forward. “You’refinally here! We’ve been waiting for you! Come, I’ll take your luggage for you. You must be so tired! Allthat traveling must’ve taken a toll on you!”

Cindy stood where she was and tried to focus her attention on Aurora. A corner of her lips went up.“Ah! It’s alright, so please don’t worry. It’s not that heavy.”

Still, Aurora managed to wrestle the luggage from Cindy. “Don’t be shy! Come, let’s go home.”

Ian didn’t say a word as he turned and led the way.

It was only then that Cindy dared to steal a glance at Ian. Even though their gazes never met, shecould still see that Ian wasn’t too glad. She knew him too well, and she could read every single gestureof his.

Cindy was a little uneasy before, but now that she saw Ian’s behavior, she instantly became calm. Thethree left the airport and got into Ian’s car.

Cindy didn’t even ask where he got the car from. After getting into the car, she simply sat thereobediently.

Aurora sat next to Cindy in the backseat. She held Cindy’s hand and started talking about how boringthe days were, and she could finally have someone to talk to now that Cindy was back.

Aurora was truly elated, and in her joy, she didn’t notice the awkwardness hiding in Cindy’s calmexpression. On the other hand, Ian was driving, and he remained silent throughout the whole journey.He pursed his lips, and his mood didn’t seem to be too bad, but it wasn’t too good either.

Only Aurora chattered on and on during the journey, and even when the car pulled up near the house,she showed no signs of stopping. After getting out of the car, she was still saying, “Rest up well tonight,and we’ll go shopping tomorrow. There’s not much work now, and the paparazzi are not a concerneither. What a wonderful time to be out and about!”

Cindy simply smiled and nodded, but Ian’s expression remained cold. Still, he was still quitegentlemanly as he helped Cindy retrieve her luggage from the trunk. Then, he lugged it all the wayhome.

After Cindy entered, her first reaction was to count the rooms available. When she found out that therewere two rooms, she stiffened. She had thought of that problem during their journey, for she didn’tnotify beforehand that she was coming.

If Ian were to rent a house by himself, he wouldn’t consider her part of the equation. Since there wereonly him and Aurora, he would definitely get a house with only two rooms. Now that Cindy was here,how would the accommodation work?

Ian also seemed to be slightly awkward as he stood in the living room. He didn’t know where to placethe luggage case. It couldn’t just lie there in the living room.

Of course, Aurora didn’t have much care for that. She took Cindy by the hand and led her to Ian’sroom. “You must be tired out from the journey. You can rest for a while, and I’ll get some food for you.I’ll call you when it’s ready, okay? Now just go ahead and rest.”

Cindy stood in the room, suddenly at a loss. She didn’t know what to say or what to do. As for Ian, hewas still in the living room, and his hand was still on the handle of the luggage case.

He had heard what Aurora told Cindy, of course. Aurora had asked Cindy to rest in his room, so thatmeant she would have to stay there for the night as well. Ugh… Why didn’t I take this issue intoconsideration? He really didn’t know how to resolve the situation at hand. novelbin

Of course, Aurora wasn’t aware of the awkwardness. She simply let Cindy settle in and even helpedhang her bag up on the clothes rack. Then, she turned around and left the room, meticulously closingthe door behind her.

As she turned, she noticed Ian who was still standing in the same spot. “What are you doing, juststanding there? I’m going to cook some ramen for her. You can just go in and keep her company or siton the couch. Why are you just standing there like some statue?”

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