Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1627
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Chapter 1627

Ian was still reading the news about him on the Internet. As there weren’t any new scoops for the timebeing, it was all rehashed material.

Sometimes, whenever the news was rehashed for the first time, people wouldn’t like it, but theycouldn’t stop reading about it now that it had been going on for a while.

Hence, there were quite a number of people who supported him in the comments.

He read the comments in passing and felt that it was rather boring. Those netizens were so hateful intheir insults that no one really knew what they were like in reality.

Aurora had some spare time in between preparing breakfast, so she turned and looked toward thecouch while asking, “You don’t look too well. Did you get a good rest last night?”

The dark circles under Ian’s eyes were too obvious to ignore.

Upon hearing his mother’s words, he thought for a while before replying, “I can’t sleep properly on thenew bed.”

She smiled and joked, “Is it because of the bed, or because your girlfriend isn’t here?”

Ian didn’t want to hear any jokes about Cindy, so when he heard Aurora’s words, he clamped his mouthshut.

Aurora didn’t know that Cindy was coming back, so she continued softly, “I wonder how long she isgoing to stay in her hometown. I didn’t really mind it before, but now that she’s away, I miss her


He knew that Aurora was speaking partly for himself, so he bit on his lip and hesitated for a whilebefore he replied, “She should be coming back soon.”

She paused in her actions and whipped around to look at her son. “What? What did you just say?Who’s coming?”

Ian let out a long breath. “Cindy is coming back. She didn’t have much else to do at home, so shecalled and told me she’s coming back.”

Aurora frowned. She had called Cindy once before to convince her to return, but Cindy had stubbornlyrefused to do so at that time. T-T-Then... Why did she change her mind and tell Ian that she’s comingback?

It was something that confused Aurora.

She quickly wiped her hands and shouted at Ian, “Come to the kitchen and watch the stove for me. I’llcall her to ask what had happened.”

He rose to his feet and walked toward the kitchen. “What’s wrong? You don’t look too happy to knowthat she’s returning.”

“Of course I am happy,” Aurora explained. “I just wanted to ask her something. I had invited her tocome back before, but that girl kept declining my invitation. Now, she has changed her mind aftertalking to you. What does that mean? Am I not important to her?”

With that, she went back to her room to grab her phone. She had remained in her room when shecalled Cindy, so Ian didn’t hear a word that they said.

After a while, Aurora emerged from her room with a pleasant smile; it was a stark contrast to herserious expression before.

She walked toward the kitchen and told him, “Get ready to pick her up at noon.”

Ian was a little surprised. He knew that women’s moods rapidly changed, but his mother was lightningfast in that regard.

He almost couldn’t wrap his head around the whole situation as he asked, “How did the conversationgo? What made you so happy?”

Aurora had a skip in her step as she returned to the kitchen. “Nothing much. I just asked her whenshe’s coming back and she sent me a screenshot of her flight. It was pretty fast and she’d be back atnoon.”

She sent the screenshot to Mom, but not to me, he thought.

Ian went silent for a while before he realized that his mother wasn’t going to show him the screenshot.As a result, he had to ask, “Can I see the screenshot? I want to see the exact time to make sure I won’tbe late.”

Aurora fished her phone out of her pocket and passed it to Ian before she continued cooking.

He turned the screen on and saw her message history with Cindy.

Greeting him was a picture that Cindy had sent over.

It was a screenshot of her flight information. Judging from the time of arrival, Ian should be rushingtoward the airport at this very second.

The plane would land at around noon, which was actually pretty quick and he would be able to meether in a few hours.

At first, he was still sulking. However, when he saw the flight information, every bit of anger thatremained quickly dissipated.

He guessed that she wouldn’t have eaten if she were arriving at noon, so he started to think of possibleplaces to take her on a lunch date.novelbin

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