Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1624
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Chapter 1624

Furthermore, with Hazel taking such a vague stance, the tension back home would be unbearable forCindy.

However, Cindy felt blood rush to her head at the thought of heading to Ian’s place. As she tried tocalm herself, she walked around the streets for 30 more minutes before finally going home.

She was hungry now and upon arriving home, she headed straight for the kitchen and heated up theleftovers from lunch. Then, she sat in the dining room all by herself.

If she had to be honest, eating on her own was a complete bore.

Perhaps she had grown used to Ian’s constant presence around her, and they would do everythingtogether. Now that she was on her own here, she suddenly felt out of place, like she had lost a limb orsomething.

As she chewed on her food, she took out her phone and clicked into the latest gossip articles online.Hannah had said that they were going to release bombastic news to distract the media, but it seemedlike that had yet to happen. Maybe she’s waiting for me to reunite with Ian before she sets her plan intoaction, she thought.

At this moment, she began to grow a little uneasy and she wasn’t sure why the thought of seeing Ianagain would make her feel this way.

Their last meeting had ended on a sour note. Now that they were forced to put on an act for the benefitof Hannah’s plan and behave like a couple in love, Cindy couldn’t help but feel a strange tingling under

her rib cage that bordered on panic. novelbin

Presently, she finished her meal and did the dishes before she sought the comforting four walls of herown bedroom. Now that she was left with nothing to do, she decided to take a nap.

Cindy drew the curtains close and lay down on her bed, but after tossing and turning, she found herselfconsumed by the thought of Ian. He seemed to be the only thing that was taking up her headspace,and even after she drifted into sleep, he showed up in her dreams.

She dreamed about the other day when Ian pinned her to the door and kissed her ravenously. Therehad been plenty of times when that scene was replayed in her mind, which made her frustrated withherself each time.

Meanwhile, Ian was just as torn, if not more than Cindy was after he answered Hannah’s call earlier.

As things stood, the only sensible solution was for Cindy to come over to his place. If he were to showup at her doorstep, surely it would affect her more drastically than him, and if they ever separated, shewould have a much harder time returning to the dating scene without people whispering behind herback.

On the other hand, if he wanted her to come by his place, he would have to personally give her a call.Can I just call her out of the blue like this? What should I say? How do I introduce her to those aroundme when she gets here? How am I going to act all lovey-dovey with her?

The questions nagged at Ian and he rubbed his head in frustration as he dwelled on them withoutcoming up with an acceptable solution.

Aurora was oblivious to her son’s troubles as she tagged along with him that evening to the apartmenthe rented.

The apartment was intricately furnished with everything one could possibly need in a home, so all thatthey needed to do was to move in with their belongings.

She headed straight for the bedroom as soon as she stepped past the threshold. The bedroom doorwas left open as she asked loudly, “How long are you renting this place for? Will we be staying here forlong?”

He, on the other hand, was sitting on the bed in the other room and did not utter a response to hismother’s questions.

Although he had rented this place a while ago, it was only after their visit today that he realizedsomething was off. If Cindy comes over in the next two days, where will she sleep?

Letting her share a room with Aurora didn’t seem feasible, but letting her bunk in with him seemed likethe worst option.

Now that he was on the verge of breaking down, Ian wanted to cry out in frustration. How did things getso ridiculous and so out of hand before any of us even realized it? However, he couldn’t very well sayhe wanted to find someplace else to rent. Aurora would know something was off immediately, givenhow sharp her instincts were.

As such, he heaved a long sigh and helplessly stared at the ceiling as he lay unmoving on the bed,feeling as if the world was against him.

After having been ignored, she called out for him before turning to walk into his bedroom, only to seehim lying on the bed with a faraway gaze. She clicked her tongue and said pointedly, “Looks like youhave yet to sober up. Get some sleep. You know you can’t hold your drinks that well, so why would youdrink as much as you did last night?”

Ian turned and looked in the direction of the doorway where his mother was standing. Then, he askedabruptly, “Did I say anything stupid after I got drunk last night?”

Aurora laughed. “A little late for you to be asking that, don’t you think? Are you just remembering thisnow after nearly a whole day has passed?”

He retracted his gaze and continued to stare at the ceiling. “I don’t think I’m that much of a lightweight,so I probably didn’t say anything I shouldn’t have.”

“Well, you really didn’t say much, so don’t worry about it,” she reassured as she leaned against thedoor frame. “Besides, even if you did, no one would make fun of you for it. It’s not a big deal if you missyour girlfriend, you know.”

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