Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1599
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Chapter 1599

It seems like the discussion between Ian and Cindy didn’t go too well, Aurora thought. Well, I believethat something good will eventually come out of this. They’ve known each other for years. I don’t thinkthey’ll cut ties with each other just because they didn’t have a good talk after this fight. Maybe they’rejust throwing tantrums because neither one of them wants to be the loser. That’s normal—they’re ayoung couple, after all.

Eventually, Aurora drafted a text message and sent it to Cindy to ask what had happened during theirtalk. Aurora even exaggerated the situation—she claimed that Ian hadn’t spoken, eaten, or drankanything ever since he returned home. She added that he looked like he was deeply affected.

However, Aurora didn’t receive any response after she sent the text. She felt a little frustrated as shesat by the edge of the bed. Things haven’t been going well recently. New issues are surfacing beforemy old problems are resolved!

Ian didn’t leave his room that night. Aurora couldn’t sleep well as she felt rather uneasy, and she wokeup a few times throughout the night to check her phone for Cindy’s text. But Aurora didn’t receive anynotification at all.

The next morning, she woke up during sunrise. She could hear noises coming from outside her room,so she hastily put on a robe before she walked to the door. She didn’t go out immediately, but openedthe door a little to take a peek outside instead. From the spot where she was standing, she had aperfect view of the kitchen entrance.

She saw Ian walking toward the refrigerator before opening it. The refrigerator door covered half hisbody, and she couldn’t tell what he was doing. She guessed that he came out to get a drink because he

was thirsty. novelbin

Ian stood in front of the refrigerator for a long while before he finally shut it and walked out of thekitchen. Aurora immediately closed her door. She knew that he wasn’t happy, so she didn’t want tobother him right then. She simply stood next to her door for a while more until she heard him goingback to his room. She then let out a long sigh before she returned to her bed.

Ian is pretty similar to me. Both of our love lives haven’t been smooth at all. He should be gettingmarried and preparing to be a father now. Even though he debuted a little later than the usual celebrity,his role as a celebrity isn’t the reason that he’s still single. He just faced a lot of obstacles in his lovelife, like his mother did. The more Aurora thought about this, the more uneasy she felt. She tossed andturned, unable to sleep.

She thought about Bryce and how she hadn’t seen him for nearly 20 years. She hadn’t paid anyattention to Bryce’s news, either. He was a rather flamboyant man during his earlier days, but his fameeventually died down once his reputation was ruined. Aurora turned to the other side of the bed beforeshe hesitatingly pulled her phone out to read up the news about the Morgan Family.

Thanks to Ian, the Morgan Family’s matters were covered in the news more often than it was in thepast. Aurora tapped into one of the articles that spoke of Bryce being hospitalized. However, the articleitself seemed rather manipulative because it was written as if Bryce’s hospitalization was Ian’s fault. Itsounded as if Bryce was hospitalized after he lost his temper at Ian.

There were a few pictures in the article—some were shots taken in the hospital, while others werepictures of Morgan Residence. There were only two pictures with faces in them—both were shots ofSean heading to the hospital. Aurora hadn’t seen Sean in a long while, and she felt a surge of emotionswithin her as she saw his picture. I didn’t realize how fast time flew by.

Eventually, Aurora left the article’s website and looked around for another article. However, none of thearticles showed any pictures of Bryce. I wonder how that old man is doing. He’s older than me, and I’malready pretty old myself. His health should be deteriorating.

Aurora finally gave up after searching around for a while more. She lay on the bed and tried to sleep,but she eventually gave up and left her room to make breakfast instead. Ian walked out of the roomright when Aurora opened her door. He looked like he was prepared to head out.

“What is it? Is something the matter?” Aurora froze.

Ian pulled his cap down as he strode toward the door. “I’m going to the company.”

“That’s early,” Aurora uttered as she instinctively followed him to the door. He simply nodded withoutcommenting any further.

She heaved another sigh after watching him leave the house. Ian had never been a lively and outgoingchild, but he seemed even more depressed after the recent incident. What should I do about this?Aurora thought.

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