Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1583
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Chapter 1583

At last, Ian simply decided to change his clothes and leave the house to hang around the entrance ofthe residential area. He wanted to see just how long Cindy and Gary would stay outside together. In theend, he ended up waiting for a long while.

Ian hadn’t expected for a man and woman to take such a long time to eat dinner. He couldn’t reinhimself in. When he reached home, he trashed the place. At first, Ian thought that he and Cindy wouldget along again after giving each other the cold shoulder for a bit. This time, however, he hadn’texpected her to be so bullheaded. While Ian was taken aback, he naturally assumed that Gary was thereason behind Cindy’s actions today. If Gary hadn’t given her that courage, she wouldn’t be acting likethis.

Ian pressed down hard with his hand, forcing Cindy’s leg back down. As he did so, he pressed himselfagainst her. With the door pressing against her back, Cindy had no place to hide. All she could do wasbeat at Ian’s chest and whimper.

Ian no longer had any reason or control to speak of. He lowered his voice, a warning underlying it. “Youwant to look for Gary? Keep dreaming.”

Right now, everyone out there thought that Cindy was his girlfriend. She clearly was trying to openlycuckold Ian when she wanted to go to Gary at such a late hour.

With that, Ian gradually leaned over, pinning Cindy against the door with his body. Their breaths slowlyintermingled with each other, making Cindy widen her eyes in fright. She shoved Ian with all her might.For some reason, she suddenly felt scared.

Ian eyed Cindy, and after staring at her for a while, he suddenly spoke up. “Does Gary have a thing for

others’ property?”

Cindy continued to whimper. Although she could no longer speak, she had a clear accusatory look inher eyes.

The more she looked at him like that, the more displeased Ian became. In what way was he inferior toGary for her to treat him like this?

Ian released her jaw and placed his hand against the door, right next to Cindy’s head. His voice wasscratchy. “Do you like Gary?”

Cindy looked at Ian. She could speak now, but she didn’t dare to answer him. Of course she didn’thave a crush on Gary, but she definitely wouldn’t say that. And yet, she also didn’t want to say that sheliked him.

Ian turned his head, unconsciously looking at some other spot. All of a sudden, he laughed.

Before Cindy could figure out why Ian suddenly laughed, she saw him abruptly whipping his head back.Then, his face was right before her eyes, and she could feel his lips against hers. W-What…?!

Cindy’s mind was abuzz for a moment. She had never experienced such a situation. Instantly, her mindwent blank, and even her vision swirled. All of her senses were suddenly haywire, making thesensation from her lips even more evident.

That’s right. Cindy’s heart skipped a beat. She was being kissed, and Ian was the one kissing her.Never in her wildest dreams had she expected such a thing to happen. Her hands that were heldagainst his chest slowly slipped down and fell back to her sides.

In truth, she wasn’t the only one bewildered by this; Ian himself was also baffled by his own actions. Hejust couldn’t control himself. When he was angry, his mind wasn’t as sharp as it usually was. It wasn’tuntil he kissed Cindy that he gradually realized what he had just done.

Ian had never kissed anyone before. Besides feeling surprised, he also felt strange. I didn’t know that awoman’s lips could be so soft.

The two of them were stiff, unsure how to proceed with this turn of events. Cindy was the first one towrench herself out of it, and she hastily pushed Ian away. This time, she succeeded. He stumbled afew steps back, looking like he, too, was at a loss.

Cindy didn’t dare to look at him at all. She immediately turned to face her door, pressing her foreheadagainst it. She didn’t know what to say, because she had never experienced something like this before,nor did she know how to resolve it. Should she scold him, or should she give him a slap? novelbin

Ian parted his lips, intending to explain himself. No matter what he said though, he would end upputting his foot in his mouth. After racking his brains for what felt like forever, all he ended up sayingwas, “Is Gary already waiting for you downstairs?”

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