Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1511
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Chapter 1511

Cindy refuted in a low voice, “When did we ever behave affectionately in front of you? That’s notpossible. When did it happen? We’re just having a normal conversation.”

The two of them weren’t actually in a relationship; furthermore, this was a private interaction so therewas no need to put on an act. Therefore, Cindy was adamant that they were not being affectionate.

Meanwhile, Naomi snorted lightly. “It’s because you’re doing it so naturally that you guys don’t evenrealize it. Well, it’s not your fault because all couples behave as such, I guess.”

Just then, she heaved a sigh and muttered to herself, “You didn't even realize how sweetly the two ofyou spoke to each other earlier.”

On the other hand, Cindy couldn’t seem to curb the red flush that was expanding on her face. “Couldyou please stop all of this nonsense? We were just having a normal conversation! How can that beconsidered as sweet?!”

On the other end, Ian heard their entire conversation clearly.

He leaned against the headboard and coincidentally, the game had just ended so he placed down hisphone. However, he couldn’t help but frown slightly. After the game, he decided not to continue playingand mentioned that he wanted to have a rest.

Meanwhile, Cindy didn’t say anything further and she started another game with Naomi.

Now that Ian was gone, Naomi spoke in a louder voice. “Look at how he’s left out of shyness afterbeing teased by me.”

Was that out of shyness? Cindy, however, reckoned that he seemed to be unhappy.

That being said, she couldn’t quite ask Naomi to stop cracking such jokes about her and Ian. After all, ifshe insisted on this too often then it would definitely seem suspicious to the other party.

It was imperative that her and Ian’s deal remained a secret to everyone. Otherwise, it might affect hisprospects.

It was imperative that her and Ian’s deal remained a secret to everyone. Otherwise, it might affect hisprospects.

On the other hand, since Cindy had already received the money, she had to maintain herprofessionalism as well.

The duo played a few more rounds and started to feel bored, so Cindy got up to roll her shoulders.“Let’s go for a walk nearby. It’s such a waste to be cooped up in the hotel during your free time.”

Naomi shared the same sentiments, so she flung her phone onto the couch and got up to walk to thebathroom. “I do feel that we’re too idle and we’re wasting precious time playing games in the room.We’re letting our life go to waste.”

With that, she freshened up and changed her clothes before heading out of the hotel with Cindy. novelbin

Though Cindy had no specific place she wanted to go, she didn’t want to remain at the hotel either.

As such, she brought Naomi to the shopping mall nearby that had a square, which was currentlybustling with people.

There were some elderly men and women having fun with kids in tow, and there were some peopledancing and singing too. Not only that, some kids were also running around the place with heliumballoons in their hands.

Meanwhile, Cindy and Naomi bought an ice cream each and they enjoyed the treat while strollingaround the place. It was quite relaxing for them.

However, they hadn’t even walked far before they noticed that there were two girls pointing at them andwhispering to each other.

Initially, Cindy didn’t quite catch what was going on so she turned to Naomi to ask, “Is there somethingon my face?”

Naomi carefully scrutinized her face and responded, “No, you look fine.”

Just then, Cindy glanced at the two girls. The duo was looking at her and they continued to pointblatantly.

At that point, Naomi noticed that too, so she took a quick look at the two girls. Then, she turned aroundto look at Cindy before asking hesitantly, “Do you think that perhaps they’ve recognized you?”

Cindy grimaced in response. “That would be quite impossible, right? I’m not that easily identifiable withmy ordinary looks. Even if I go up to them and admit that I’m the woman who’s attached to Ian, I don’t

think that they’ll believe me.”

Just then, Naomi was tickled by her words. “You have to be confident in yourself. You’ve managed toget Ian so besotted with you that he misses you badly only after being away for two days. Why are youso lacking in confidence anyway?”

Gosh, she’s at it again! Cindy decided right then to shut her mouth. No matter what she said, it waslikely that Naomi was going to relate it to Ian again.

Subsequently, Cindy and Naomi continued to walk for a distance. However, the two girls trailed afterthem and took out their phones to take photos of Cindy.

Suddenly, Cindy stood still and turned around to look at the duo. She didn’t look angry but herexpression wasn’t too happy either.

Meanwhile, the two girls realized that their actions had been noticed but they didn’t put away theirphones. Furthermore, they moved even more closer to Cindy and pointed their phones at her. “Youmust be Cindy, Ian’s personal assistant, right?”

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