Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1506
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Chapter 1506

Cindy smiled all of a sudden. “Well, it’s just that I wasn’t too sure of your food preferences, so I’ll leaveit to you to choose the restaurant.”

Gary glanced at his watch for the time. “Sure thing. Let’s make a move then.”

Subsequently, Cindy stood up and followed him out of the office. Meanwhile, the people outside theoffice were shooting furtive looks at the pair. It seemed as if they were trying to be discreet with theirstares, but then their gestures were too evident and it was quite obvious to Cindy. As a result, her facesomehow flushed bright red.

This was an uncomfortable feeling for her. It was as if she had somehow suddenly barged into anentirely foreign world and everyone was crowding around her to size her up. Although the people triedto be discreet about their stares, it was evident that they were staring not because of her position butbecause of Gary. Everyone remained quite curious about her.

And so, Gary and Cindy walked side-by-side and he occasionally turned to her direction as theychatted. They seemed to be quite at ease and familiar with each other. The two of them then walkedout of his office and got into his car.

Cindy didn’t even ask Gary where they were headed and she merely waited patiently for him to decide.

Meanwhile, Gary noticed that she didn’t seem to have any questions so he didn’t bother to offer anyinformation either. He ended up starting the ignition of the car right away.

They drove off for quite a distance before Gary finally mentioned Ian. In fact, the former wasn’t used togleaning information about others, and he merely asked whether the latter had a full schedule lately.

Just then, Cindy leaned against her seat and her tone of voice turned quite mellow. “He’s not that busylately. He’s not been involved in too many shooting sessions and he’s only got one per day, so there’sbeen less work for me too.”

Cindy chuckled after saying that. “Don’t you have any shooting sessions lately?”

Just then, Gary stopped the car at a traffic light intersection. “I’ve got nothing on recently. I had a fewjobs lined up previously to promote some investment projects, but most of the promotions have beencompleted so I don’t have much to do these days.”

At that, Cindy nodded in response. “Actually, each shooting session is quite tiring. I reckon workingnormal hours would be less taxing.”

Indeed, Gary shared the same sentiment. “I dislike putting on makeup the most. Can you imagine aman having foundation layered on his face? The smell of it puts me off instantly!”

Upon hearing that, Cindy couldn’t help but guffaw. “It’s fine to have some light makeup that looksnatural, but it would be quite horrifying to have full on heavy makeup.”

Meanwhile, Gary waited for the traffic lights to turn green before driving. At the same time, helamented, “Perhaps I’m just a typical male; I don’t like makeup and I think that I’m perfectly fine thisway.”

As soon as he said that, Cindy was seemingly at a loss for words because Ian usually had makeup

applied on for each program shooting session he was involved in.

Fortunately, this was just a passing remark from Gary and he didn’t press on this topic any further. Hedrove on for quite a distance before finally coming to a halt in front of a private dining restaurant.Judging by the furnishings of the entrance, the price range of this place should be quite affordable.

As such, Cindy heaved a sigh of relief and she followed suit and got out of the car together with Gary.

At that moment, the waiter of the restaurant clearly recognized Gary and he greeted enthusiastically assoon as they walked in. “Mr. Frye, is it just the two of you today?”

Gary nodded his head. “Yeah, it’s just us two.”

And so, the waiter escorted them into a private dining room. The room was just right in size, and thefurnishings were quite minimalistic and classy.

Gary took a seat upon entering. Then, he took the menu and handed it to Cindy. “Have a look at it andlet me know what you’d like to have.”

Cindy, however, hurriedly waved her hand. “You can decide. It’ll be my treat today so just orderwhatever you want.”

Gary kept his eyes on her for a moment before finally nodding his head and he went along with herwords. “That’s great! I won’t hold back then.”

Gary took the menu and casually flicked through it. Then, he ordered three dishes and a side. Turnedout that he didn’t end up ordering too much. Meanwhile, Cindy considered it for a moment before

reaching out for the menu, subsequently adding two more dishes to their order.

Gary didn’t stop her upon seeing that. As soon as the waiter left the room, he voiced out, “Is Ian awarethat you’ve come to see me?” novelbin

Upon hearing that, she nodded. “I told him about this, so he knows.”

Gary nodded his head in response, and Cindy continued, “Well, he doesn’t really care about what I doand he doesn’t usually interfere in my affairs.”

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