Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1504
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Chapter 1504

Young women were pure-minded and always thought things to be simpler than they actually were.

The next morning, Cindy woke up early and washed up, thereafter going downstairs to buy breakfast.

It wasn’t until she returned that Naomi woke up.

Picking up her phone to look at the time, Cindy commented, “It’s pumpkin porridge—your favorite. Getup and have it while it’s still hot.”

Suddenly, she halted in her tracks, for she was looking at the call log from the previous night.

It indicated a call to Ian that lasted a little over half an hour.

The thing was, Cindy hadn’t gotten blackout drunk the previous night but she had simply forgottenabout the incident, perhaps because she slept a little too deeply.

Now that she was looking down at the call log, she could remember all of it.

She had indeed called Ian last night and spoken to him for quite a long amount of time.

Slowly, she started frowning, recalling the previous evening bit by bit.

With that, she lifted her hand and slapped her forehead. What the hell was I thinking? she chastisedherself.

Even though she hadn’t said anything out of bounds, she was still a little vexed.

After all, when she thought about it now, her tipsy behavior from the previous night had been a littleoverexcited.

Perhaps having a better memory than her, Naomi reminded her, “By the way, we’re having dinner withIan tonight. Don’t forget about it.”

Slowly, Cindy raised her eyes and glanced at Naomi. “Don’t worry; I won’t forget. I won’t get in the wayof your meeting with him.”

Grinning, Naomi got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. “Listen to you talk. It’s almost like heand I are the actual pair.”

After breakfast, they parted ways, with Naomi going to work.

For Cindy’s part, she went for a short walk before finally heading to the address that Gary gave her.

Since she wasn’t sure if he would be busy with his own business so early in the morning, she waitedoutside for a bit.

When the hour got later in the morning, she finally texted Gary to ask him if he was busy.

Immediately, he called her. “Are you here? I’ll send my assistant to go meet you.”

Somewhat embarrassed, she answered, “It’s okay; I can go up by myself.”

Nonetheless, he simply said that it was fine before hanging up on her.

Thus, she waited at the entrance for a moment before a slightly older gentleman came running out.

The man seemed slightly startled to see her, as if he wasn’t expecting someone so young.

However, he quickly recovered and asked politely, “Ms. Selby, I presume? Please follow me.”

And so, Cindy timidly followed the assistant into the elevator.

Cautiously, she asked, “Is Mr. Frye busy?”

With a smile, the assistant answered, “Not very. He doesn’t have much to do right now and is waitingfor you.”

Upon hearing that, Cindy nodded politely and offered a courteous smile before falling silent.

Just like that, they made their way to Gary’s office. It was large and simple with no excessive decor.

Gary, who was wearing leather shoes and a suit, was seated behind the office desk, analyzingsomething on his computer with a slight frown.

Taking small steps forward, Cindy murmured, “Good morning.”

Glancing up at her, Gary offered her a seat before returning his gaze to the computer. Only after staringat it for a while more did he finally look away from it. novelbin

Currently, Cindy was seated stiffly with her hands clasped in her lap, looking at him like she was ascared pupil.

Amused, he asked, “Am I so scary that you have to be so nervous?”

“I’ve never been to such an upscale place before,” she answered, seemingly somewhat embarrassed.

Crossing his hands on the desk, Gary said, “Let’s talk business. Tell me your thoughts on investment.”

Well, she didn’t have any thoughts apart from earning money.

As long as she could earn money, everything would be fine.

Of course, Cindy couldn’t say it so bluntly, as that would sound too shallow and ugly.

Thus, she rubbed her hands over her thighs for a moment before answering, “I don’t know much aboutinvestment; it’s simply that I don’t have much means and am looking for a job that will earn me a stablewage.”

Now, Gary had met many boastful people in his lifetime, but he truly hadn’t met many who were assincere as her.

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