Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1456
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Chapter 1456

This friend of hers used to lend her money.

Cindy immediately picked up the call. “Naomi?”

Naomi Rogers’ voice rang in her ear. “Hey, Cindy. I just saw some articles online—is that you with IanMorgan? Oh my goodness! You never tell me anything, do you?”

Cindy responded briefly with a complicated look on her face. After all, the less people that knew aboutthis, the better.

She quickly sat up straight and shook her head to wake herself up. After a short pause, she said, “Ah,yes… It’s me.”

Her friend gasped at the other end of the line. “I knew it—I mean, how else did you suddenly manageto return me all that money? It’s because you’ve found such an amazing boyfriend!”

Cindy laughed awkwardly in reply, for she didn’t know what else she could say.

Naomi said after giving it a thought, “I might be going on a business trip in a few days, so I’ll probablyvisit your city. Why don’t we meet up then? It’s not every day that we get to see each other.”

Cindy was a little excited to hear that. “Really? Sure, sure. I’ll treat you to some good food when youcome.”

Naomi wouldn’t want Cindy to spend unnecessary money if it were the old days, but now that the latterhad found a boyfriend like Ian, she didn’t reject her friend’s offer out of courtesy. She simply said,

“Sure, I want to eat at your most expensive restaurant and take a photo with Ian too.”

Cindy smiled as she replied, “Yes, yes, of course.”

Naomi was still at work at the moment and had squeezed out some time to call Cindy, so she had toleave after the short conversation.

After hanging up, Cindy stood up and rolled her shoulders before going home.

She walked through the door and looked left and right, not knowing what to do. Thus, she went straightto her room to take a nap.

Little did she expect to practically pass out after falling asleep; in the end, she didn’t stir until around12.00PM.

Cindy was shocked to realize what time it was when she woke up.

She hurriedly got out of bed and ran to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

However, Ian never gave her a call or sent her a message even once; it seemed like his meeting withthe producer was going well.

Under usual circumstances, they’d only continue the discussion when they were interested in castinghim. On the contrary, the meeting would’ve probably ended after a few words if the producer wasn’t infavor of him.

Right then, Cindy was once again reminded of the romance TV show that Ian had accepted a role in.

The show seemed to be a typical office genre with him as the CEO. I wonder who’ll be assigned thefemale leading role.

From what she heard from Ian, the leading lady seemed to be a fairly popular actress who specializedin film and television, so her outstanding acting skills were on par with the recognition she received.

If Ian could have her as his co-star, it would open up a door for him in the film and television field aswell.

Cindy finished preparing the ingredients and sent Ian a text message, not expecting for him to give hera reply. After all, he was probably still busy at the moment.

To her surprise, he replied to her just seconds later, ‘I’m still busy.’

Cindy knew what it meant as soon as she read that. She took a look at the kitchen behind her andeventually decided to eat something simple on her own—a bowl of ramen.

The ingredients that she had prepared could be saved for dinner later, so she put them back in thefridge and started making her own lunch.

The house was quiet except for the subtle clings and clangs in the kitchen as she cooked.

However, Cindy couldn’t enjoy the silence more.

Her life was too stressful and tiring; she was constantly on edge and had too much to think about.

In fact, days where she could take a breather weren’t common for her.

Cindy boiled the noodles as she hummed mindlessly before she carried the bowl to the sofa. Then, shesat down cross-legged as she turned on the TV.

When she was halfway through an episode and her bowl of ramen was half-eaten, the door openedfrom the outside.

Ian walked in with a cap and a mask on. He was stunned the moment he noticed Cindy in the livingroom, for she looked too much like Sophia right now.

Meanwhile, Cindy stared at Ian with the bowl of noodles in her hand, a little lost for words.

She swallowed the bite of noodles in her mouth and said, “Didn’t you say you were still busy?”

Ian looked away after two seconds and started taking off his shoes as usual. “They initially invited meto have lunch together, but I didn’t really want to follow, so I made up a random excuse and left.”

Cindy gave him a glare. “You’re quite bold, aren’t you? How can you say no when the producer invitesyou to lunch?”

Ian went up to her with a chuckle and glanced at the contents in her bowl. “It wasn’t a sincere invitation,anyway—they were just being polite. I would have been inconsiderate if I really said yes.”novelbin

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