Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1454
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Chapter 1454

Besides that, she even mentioned that the overwhelming articles bashing Ian and Cindy were merelythe work of ghostwriters hired by Linda. In fact, she had all the evidence to prove that, but she simplydidn’t wish to release them since she wasn’t ready to go down the route of no return. However, ifpeople continued to threaten her as well as spread false information online, she would then publiclyexpose everything she knew on the internet. The assistant's final words were a reminder to everyonethat justice would prevail sooner or later, and that facts would never be lost in a sea of lies.

Cindy read through the entire statement written by the assistant and got a little emotional toward theend. She’d never thought that the assistant would step up and speak up for her. After all, she wasLinda’s assistant—her entire career was in the woman’s hands.

Cindy immediately asked Ian after she was done reading, “Is she going to lose her job after saying allthis?”

Ian shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’ve contacted Hannah, and she told me that she’ll just assign theassistant to someone else and not fire her.”

Cindy jolted as she responded, “Since when has Hannah become so reasonable? This is great,though. I assumed the company would just dismiss her since she’s said all of that without permission,greatly affecting Linda’s reputation.”

Ian chuckled at her words. “You haven’t seen the comments, have you? Many people are on theassistant’s side—they all sympathize with her for having to endure so much for working under Linda.There’s no way the company is unaware of this, but they never took the initiative to address it or standup for her. Since it has raised such a commotion among netizens, the company can’t possibly fire herat a critical time like this.”

Once Ian put it that way, Cindy felt that it made sense too. Anyhow, that made Cindy quite happy;whatever the reason, she was relieved as long as this person stayed without losing her job because ofLinda.

Ian had a negotiation meeting with the production team of an upcoming show that morning. He toldCindy that she didn’t need to follow this time around; the meeting was more of a private matter and hedidn’t have to put on makeup or any specific outfit, so there wasn’t a need for her to tag along.

Cindy didn’t insist out of courtesy either. She said, “Sure, I’ll be at home.”

Ian nodded and replied, “I want to have fried eggplant when I come back in the afternoon.” novelbin

“Sure, sure, you can eat whatever you want. Even if you request for the liver of a dragon, I’ll make it foryou.” Cindy headed toward the kitchen to prepare breakfast as she spoke.

Ian stood up as well and leaned against the sliding door of the kitchen to watch her. Then, his nextwords were those that he’d said before. “You’re so amazing. Whoever marries you will be so lucky.”

Cindy agreed offhandedly, “Absolutely. That’s exactly right.”

Ian was a little curious as he asked, “You must’ve been liked by many boys back in your school days,huh?”

Cindy chuckled in reply. “What makes you think that? I was nobody back in school; those people inclass probably didn’t even look at me. Besides, there were so many pretty girls in my class that I

couldn’t even compare to them.”

Ian stared at Cindy. She wasn’t the type to make people exclaim at the sight of her, but she definitelygot more beautiful the more one looked at her—she had a clean appearance which was soothing to theeyes.

At that moment, Ian couldn’t help but think of Sophia again—the woman had a clean appearance aswell. Despite that, her beauty wasn’t downright alluring while her temperament couldn’t be further froman elegant or gentle lady. Nevertheless, she had a genuine personality and one couldn’t help but feelcomfortable in her presence.

Those thoughts flooded Ian’s mind, and his eyes clouded over as they stayed fixed on Cindy. Thewoman finally turned around after being preoccupied in the kitchen for a while, only to find Ian staringsteadily at her. She couldn’t pinpoint the meaning behind the look in his eyes; it somehow looked a littleemotional, but it could also be nothing at all.

After working together with him for some time, Cindy could now remain calm under Ian’s gaze. Herheart fluttered slightly at the sight of that, but it immediately calmed down in just a moment. She lookedat Ian and said, “What? Do you want to come in and help me?”

Ian instantly snapped out of his reverie and scoffed unhesitantly. “In your dreams. I’ll only ever beinterested in the outcome, not the process.” Then, he quickly turned and left.

Cindy was quite amused; this fella would always talk to her politely in the past, but he was nowcomfortable enough to pull a long face at her.

Meanwhile, Ian returned to his seat on the sofa and continued to read the news on the internet.

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