Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1424
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Chapter 1424

Cindy did this every single time, informing Ian of all the possible problems so that he could bracehimself.

Ian murmured in acknowledgment. “It’s okay. I’m not easily offended. If I’m truly admonished, you don’tneed to say anything at the side. You don’t have to go over and apologize to them, for some peoplemerely want to put on airs.”

Surprise gripped Cindy. After all, when she talked to him about all this in the past, he mostly listenedand seldom responded, even wearing a slightly impatient look on his face sometimes. Today, however,he picked up where she left off and even consoled her instead. This was an unprecedented situationthat had never happened before. She nodded. “Okay, got it.”

After lunch, Ian went to take a shower. Sitting in the living room, Cindy felt slightly ill at ease. Thishouse had a bedroom and a living room, so even while she was watching television here, she could stillhear the sound of running water from the bathroom. Although she tried her best to corral herself,images uncontrollably flashed across her mind. This is just a torture!

The driver reclined at the side with his eyes closed now that he’d filled his stomach, not at all botheredabout everything else happening around him.

Having no other recourse, she got up and went to the balcony. The weather outside was very good.She then took out her cell phone and surfed the internet, only to discover that her photos with Ian werealready posted, ones that were taken when they left in the morning. This time, many people gave theirblessings, while those who disdained her and mocked Ian had diminished significantly. A little over 20minutes later, she heard the door of the bathroom open.

Ian was actually fully dressed when he came out. He knew that he couldn’t be too casual since therewas now a woman in the house.

Upon seeing that there was still some time to spare, Cindy returned to the sofa and leaned back to restfor a while.

After getting ready in the room, Ian came out. As he stood by the door, he looked up and instantly sawCindy with her eyes closed. She must be really tired to fall asleep while sitting on the sofa. I might nothave it easy, but it’s actually even more exhausting for her. He tarried for a while before going over andwaking the driver first. “We should make a move.”

At the side, Cindy’s eyes abruptly snapped open, her gaze still dazed with grogginess. “We’re leaving?Oh yes, it’s time!” Springing to her feet, she smoothed her hair before walking over and gatheringeverything Ian had to bring. novelbin

The three of them left together. Cindy was probably still half-asleep as she stood in the elevator.Leaning against the elevator wall, she yawned several times.

Ian didn’t look at her, merely reaching out and taking the cosmetic box from her hand. “I’ll carry itmyself.”

This action had Cindy snapping to attention. “No, no, I can manage,” she hastily insisted. After all, thecosmetic box was actually quite heavy.

Ian said nothing, yet he didn’t release his hold on it either. “Never mind, it’s just a few steps.”

Ion wos octuolly fully dressed when he come out. He knew thot he couldn’t be too cosuol since therewos now o womon in the house.

Upon seeing thot there wos still some time to spore, Cindy returned to the sofo ond leoned bock to restfor o while.

After getting reody in the room, Ion come out. As he stood by the door, he looked up ond instontly sowCindy with her eyes closed. She must be reolly tired to foll osleep while sitting on the sofo. I might nothove it eosy, but it’s octuolly even more exhousting for her. He torried for o while before going over ondwoking the driver first. “We should moke o move.”

At the side, Cindy’s eyes obruptly snopped open, her goze still dozed with grogginess. “We’re leoving?Oh yes, it’s time!” Springing to her feet, she smoothed her hoir before wolking over ond gotheringeverything Ion hod to bring.

The three of them left together. Cindy wos probobly still holf-osleep os she stood in the elevotor.Leoning ogoinst the elevotor woll, she yowned severol times.

Ion didn’t look ot her, merely reoching out ond toking the cosmetic box from her hond. “I’ll corry itmyself.”

This oction hod Cindy snopping to ottention. “No, no, I con monoge,” she hostily insisted. After oll, thecosmetic box wos octuolly quite heovy.

Ion soid nothing, yet he didn’t releose his hold on it either. “Never mind, it’s just o few steps.”

Cindy stared at him. In the end, she pursed her lips and stood at the side with her hands hanging by

her sides. The driver’s gaze shifted between them, an amused expression on his face. Cindy knewwhat he was thinking, so she strove to maintain a solemn expression in order to keep herembarrassment from him.

She then sat in the back seat with Ian. “You can nap for a while,” Ian suggested.

Cindy was already wide awake at this time. “No, I’m fine. I’m feeling better after dozing for a bit earlier.”

Ian didn’t say anything further though he scrutinized her out of the corner of his eye. For the first time,he felt that she was stretching herself too thin. He’d never had an assistant, nor had he noticed howother people’s assistants were, but Hannah had once lauded Cindy before him. She said that it was herfirst time seeing a newbie who was so competent in handling the position of an assistant. Theassistants she arranged for other artists in the past all made various blunders, so she was trulysurprised by Cindy.

Retracting his gaze, he turned and gazed out the window. Could she possibly be bad at her work whenshe stretches herself so thin? But she’s probably very tired.

The car drove all the way to the photo shoot location provided by the magazine publisher. When theyalighted from the car, Cindy went over to take the cosmetic box, but Ian was a step ahead of her,carrying it himself.

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