Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1418
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Chapter 1418

Ian was unused to having a woman busying herself in his house. After spending some time staring atthe TV, he returned to his room as he couldn’t focus on watching it anyway. He left the blanket thatCindy used on the sofa, then locked himself in his room before making his way to the window.

Now, he was feeling a little irritated by his unconventional relationship with Cindy, but upon closerintrospection, he realized there wasn’t anything of substance between them to begin with.

After spending some time by the window, Logan’s call came through. With how busy he was takingcare of his wife, Ian was surprised that Logan even had time to contact him. As soon as the callconnected, Logan said, “I didn’t expect you to create such a huge ruckus when I wasn’t looking! Haveyou finally decided to date your assistant?”

Ian didn’t need to keep anything from Logan, so he told the latter the truth. “It’s fake. We did everythingto deal with the scandal.”

Logan let out a chuckle before continuing, “Seems like my guess was correct. I think you two are quitecompatible with each other though. Despite how things started between you two, you still have achance of turning it into a real relationship.”

Ian sniggered. “It’s a pity that you aren’t working as a script writer.” After that, he added, “I can’tpossibly date my assistant.”

“Why not? Anything is possible,” Logan answered without hesitation. “You can take Lola and I as anexample. Nobody expected us to get married. We got off on the wrong foot, so for the longest time, wewere practically each other’s nemesis, but you should look at us now. Our relationship back then was a

hundred times worse than your relationship with your assistant now. Nothing is impossible, as all that isneeded is effort.”

There was a hint of joy in Logan’s voice, which made Ian think that he was trying to show off hisrelationship with Lola. Therefore, Ian chuckled before replying, “Not everybody gets to be as lucky asyou to be able to meet someone who would reciprocate your feelings. It’s just too slim of a chance.”

Ian figured that Logan was a lucky b*stard, as the latter only ever encountered minor hurdles in life.Since Logan managed to marry the first woman whom he fell for, Ian didn't expect him to understandhis situation. With no intention to make Logan understand his thoughts and keep the conversationrevolving around the nonexistent relationship between Cindy and himself, Ian changed the topic, askingLogan how Lola and him were doing instead.

Logan got even more chatty at the mention of his wife, telling Ian about how Lola had thinned due to asevere case of morning sickness. Despite the fact that he had hired a nutritionist to prepare Lola'smeals for her, she still hadn't been eating much. Besides, she also got a lot more pickier when it cameto food, with some of them including seasonal ingredients, so Logan had to buy them from abroad.

There wos o hint of joy in Logon’s voice, which mode Ion think thot he wos trying to show off hisrelotionship with Lolo. Therefore, Ion chuckled before replying, “Not everybody gets to be os lucky osyou to be oble to meet someone who would reciprocote your feelings. It’s just too slim of o chonce.”

Ion figured thot Logon wos o lucky b*stord, os the lotter only ever encountered minor hurdles in life.Since Logon monoged to morry the first womon whom he fell for, Ion didn't expect him to understondhis situotion. With no intention to moke Logon understond his thoughts ond keep the conversotionrevolving oround the nonexistent relotionship between Cindy ond himself, Ion chonged the topic, osking

Logon how Lolo ond him were doing insteod.

Logon got even more chotty ot the mention of his wife, telling Ion obout how Lolo hod thinned due to osevere cose of morning sickness. Despite the foct thot he hod hired o nutritionist to prepore Lolo'smeols for her, she still hodn't been eoting much. Besides, she olso got o lot more pickier when it cometo food, with some of them including seosonol ingredients, so Logon hod to buy them from obrood.

Instead of finding the labor arduous, he was proud to fulfill Lola's every request, as was obvious fromhis tone while he spoke. Meanwhile, Ian listened on in silence while wearing a gentle expression on hisface. He figured that Logan's relationship might be the epitome of love, for it was capable oftransforming someone as uncouth as Logan into such a caring man.

To be honest, Ian was a little envious of him. The person whom Ian envied the most was John, andLogan was the next. On the other end of the call, Logan had been blabbering for a while, until Lolacalled out to him. After turning around to answer her, Logan told Ian, “I’ll have to let you go now. Lolaneeds my help. I need to check on her.”

Ian replied, “Mmh. Go on. Enjoy your married life.”

Logan chuckled before saying snidely, “I heard that you're living with your assistant now. Even if it's afake relationship, at least your life is improving.” novelbin

A frown crept onto Ian's face, but Logan hung up before he could react. Shaking his head, Ian put hisphone away, all the while wondering what Logan meant by that. In his opinion, he didn’t consider thisas cohabitation with Cindy.

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