Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1416
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Chapter 1416

Heaving a sigh, she got what Ian meant. Knowing that they were probably expected to showcase theirnonexistent relationship, she entered the mall behind him. She was planning to buy some bottled waterand instant noodles, but she then decided to buy some fresh produce since Ian had come with her.

Because it wasn’t peak hour yet, there weren’t a lot of people in the mall. Cindy asked in a hushedvoice, “Will we be able to cook at home?”

Standing beside Cindy, Ian already had an idea of what she was planning. “Yeah.”

Without a word, Cindy nodded before proceeding to quickly pick out a few ingredients that she put intoher trolley. Ian didn’t know much about grocery shopping, so he merely watched beside her. On thecontrary, Cindy knew a lot about cooking, so she was confident in her abilities.

Due to her concerns about someone recognizing Ian, Cindy made quick work of the shopping beforethey would get surrounded by people, and she managed to fill up the trolley within half an hour. When itwas their turn at the till, Ian lowered his cap while waiting for the cashier to check out their groceries. Inthe end, they came back out with a bag of items each.

The driver was already waiting at the entrance of the mall. As soon as he saw them, he took theirshopping from them. “That’s quite a lot.”

Cindy grunted in the affirmative before explaining, “We can store them away in the fridge, so that wecan cook whenever we have time to. I’m a little sick of constantly eating takeaway.”

In fact, she wasn’t the only one feeling like that, as both Ian and the driver were also a little sick of

eating takeaway. After a moment of thought, Cindy glanced at the driver while extending an invitation.“Please stay for dinner with us tonight if you have time to spare. I will be cooking, so you can also takeit as an opportunity to taste my cooking.”

The driver let out a chuckle before accepting her invitation. “If that’s the case, I’ll stay then.”

Soon, they arrived at Ian’s house. The driver had been to the place, so he didn’t feel alien within theenvironment. After changing his shoes, he entered the house to settle down on the sofa. Meanwhile,Cindy picked out a few ingredients and chucked the rest into the fridge, whereas Ian changed hisclothes in his room. After that, he took out his phone to check on the news, only to see that news of himshopping with Cindy had yet to break.

Ian scrolled through the comments casually, noticing that his supposed relationship with Cindy wasreceived with mixed reviews. Although some prefered Cindy as Ian’s potential partner instead of Sena,the rest didn’t think Cindy was worthy of Ian.

To be honest, Ian wasn’t sure what that even meant in terms of a relationship. He wondered how theydefined the compatibility of a couple. Despite public opinion inclining toward Sophia being undeservingof John, they still ended up having a harmonious matrimony. Upon reaching that point, Ian tucked hisphone away with a sigh before leaving the room. novelbin

The driver was watching TV on the sofa, whereas sounds of water running could be heard in thekitchen as Cindy busied herself in there, an apron on her front. The feelings that such a scene broughtup caused Ian to fall into a daze for some reason. After looking at the kitchen multiple times, he endedup walking into the space.

The driver let out o chuckle before occepting her invitotion. “If thot’s the cose, I’ll stoy then.”

Soon, they orrived ot Ion’s house. The driver hod been to the ploce, so he didn’t feel olien within theenvironment. After chonging his shoes, he entered the house to settle down on the sofo. Meonwhile,Cindy picked out o few ingredients ond chucked the rest into the fridge, whereos Ion chonged hisclothes in his room. After thot, he took out his phone to check on the news, only to see thot news of himshopping with Cindy hod yet to breok.

Ion scrolled through the comments cosuolly, noticing thot his supposed relotionship with Cindy wosreceived with mixed reviews. Although some prefered Cindy os Ion’s potentiol portner insteod of Seno,the rest didn’t think Cindy wos worthy of Ion.

To be honest, Ion wosn’t sure whot thot even meont in terms of o relotionship. He wondered how theydefined the compotibility of o couple. Despite public opinion inclining toword Sophio being undeservingof John, they still ended up hoving o hormonious motrimony. Upon reoching thot point, Ion tucked hisphone owoy with o sigh before leoving the room.

The driver wos wotching TV on the sofo, whereos sounds of woter running could be heord in thekitchen os Cindy busied herself in there, on opron on her front. The feelings thot such o scene broughtup coused Ion to foll into o doze for some reoson. After looking ot the kitchen multiple times, he endedup wolking into the spoce.

Upon seeing Ian standing by the entrance when she turned to take something, Cindy spoke. “Youshould go watch TV. I can settle this on my own.”

Ian was feeling a little awkward. “It’s a hassle to cook, so why don’t we just order takeaway?”

A smile bloomed on Cindy’s face when she said, “I have a weak stomach, so eating too much

takeaway food makes me feel sick. That’s why I think I should cook on my own instead.” She didn’ttake good care of her own health while she was in university, so she had long standing gastricproblems.

Upon hearing what she said, Ian stopped talking, but nor did he leave immediately. Instead, hewatched her cook while leaning by the entrance with his arms crossed. Cindy worked deftly, which wasan obvious indication that she used to cook a lot.

Ian had seen Sophia cook, which she did at a languid pace that bordered on being lackadaisical.Compared to her, Cindy was different in the sense that she was expressionless when she worked,making her appear serious about her work.

Cindy knew Ian was watching her. Although feeling a little uncomfortable under his watchful gaze, shedidn’t know what to say, so she could only pretend that she saw nothing. Fortunately, Ian left to watchTV with the driver after staring at her for a while.

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